Hmm...how should start this...well my name's Amanda and I love hanging out with friends and family. And love going to parties and such. Writing, dancing, drawing and singing are the hobbies I love doing. Music is my nature I listen to it most of the time. As for drawing I mainly focus around anime, its my specialty.
Also I'm hella gay so ayee message me if you'd like~
Kpop:..is amazing <33 I don't care if you understand it or not, look up the english lyrics but K freakin pop is where its at. Who knows why its so much better than the music we have here even though I do still love Ke$ha, Skillet and Rihanna. Favorite bands/artists are Teen Top, Shinee, BigBang, Super Junior and SNSD.
Anime: Is my love, god I wonder what it'd be like if I never watched Pokemon or Sailor Moon when I was younger. And really who could forget about the first season of pokemon? pfft its da best! I adore yuri animes and favorite ones would be El Cazador de la Bruja, Strawberry Panic and Kannazuki no miko. Now for other animes I love Negima, Shugo Chara, Axis powers hetalia(!!), Rurouni Kenshin, Kekkaishi, Fullmetal Alchemist and most likely more I can't think of at the moment~
Videogames: make it fun to waste time. I play Assassin's Creed, King of Fighters, Street fighter, Sonic the hedgehog games (Sonic Riders, Sonic Adventure Battle 2, etc.), Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon Blue, Soul Caliber, Capcom vs. Snes, Darkstalkers vs. Nightwarriors (? it was called something like that).

The Life and Times of Laosgirl101
At most times I mostly like to write stories and poems, etc.
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