well nearly every religion I have ever heard of has things that say are bad or evil and will cause you to have consequences/bad karma. why, for the love of little green apples, would wicca be any different? most religions are devisions (not sure if that's the correct way to put it) of wicca. it is one of the oldest and most complete religions
thank you. and i couldn't agree with you more. in fact, nearly every religion in the world from christianity to juedism (sp?) is derived, in some part, from wiccan. it is one of the oldest, and in my opinion, most powerful religions or beliefs on Earth. i mean even the scientists of old like Newton thought that there are the four elements of fire, water, earth, and air. add spirit into the mix and you've got the ingredients of the points to a wiccan pentagram. and i have been able to succesfully ground myself and pull energy into me from the earth. i really shouldn't have though because i forgot to stop the flow after i was done using it and when i finally did the only thing i could do was stop the flow. so i ended up shaking for the next hour. it was good, but i need more training. maybe one day i'll be able to use the earth and other things around me, but for now i'm going to stick with praying to the Goddess and God and studying wicca. though i have tried one spell. so far it has worked. it was a protection spell for a friend who was being abused. the abuse has stopped and she seems happy. but i'm always looking out for possible consiquences.
well...im studdying it. im TECHNICALLY babtised as lutheran but i'v always questioned the whole jesus and god thing. i guess i jst need a little bit of proof. like maybe ONE prayer bing answered. but hey. wicca is actually a really cool religion. some ppl think that wicca is all about satan worshipping and s**t like that. but that's jst a cliche. wicca is about bing connected with the REAL things around you...like nature and emotion. im not a very emotional person so im more into the fact that i have proof that the things in the religion are real, even tho u have to have faith. some of the things u can do in wicca r very cool and everything can b positive if u use it the right way and for the right reasons. i can't call myself wiccan because i'v only been studdying it for real for the past couple months, but i'v always been intregued by it. i intend to do plenty of research about all types of religions, tho wicca is my number one right now, and find which one suits me best. r u wiccan? do u believe in magic and vampires and werewolves and things like that...supernatural type things?
I know it's been a while, but I FINALLY got 'Virtue' (remember? that one MCR thingy with the vampires and the demons and all that jazz?) updated - with three new chapters! If you wanna check 'em out, just click here.
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I know it's been a while, but I FINALLY got 'Virtue' (remember? that one MCR thingy with the vampires and the demons and all that jazz?) updated - with three new chapters! If you wanna check 'em out, just click here.
With love,