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The "Real M-chan"
Age: 22 32 (I last updated this 10 years ago, oh my god.
Birthday: April 29th

Blah blah blah. Don't have much to say here at the moment.

By the way, I hate people who post on other people's profiles with chain letters or "Post this on 10 profiles and hit F whatever to get some amount of gold." If you do that to my profile, I will hunt you down and do something unpleasant to you involving a butter knife, a freshly caught mackeral, a king size jar of mayonaise and a bag of turkey feathers. Do not doubt me.


Viewing 12 of 33 friends


Tales of a Chibi Ninja

This is basically my everyday thoughts, musings, etc...


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Kage Setsuna

Report | 07/18/2024 4:36 pm

Kage Setsuna

emotion_kiss Thanks for the purchase! emotion_kiss

Report | 07/12/2023 1:50 pm


Your avatar is lovely!
kids killing kids

Report | 05/21/2022 9:26 pm

kids killing kids

Long time not talk. biggrin
Ouja Akuma

Report | 01/27/2022 4:27 pm

Ouja Akuma

It has the original face up too. It might be too damaged so I might have to send it out for a new one but I'm so excited.
Idk what body to get, I'm new to the MSD line of sizing. So I gotta find a good match. I've also never done a hybrid before.

Oooooh he's beautiful!! Is that a dealer site?
Ouja Akuma

Report | 01/27/2022 1:37 am

Ouja Akuma

I just bought a head of my grail doll. crying
Dream of Doll Tender Too-A. Now I just need Bee and my twins are set
Ouja Akuma

Report | 11/17/2021 6:01 am

Ouja Akuma

Ooo how exciting! Especially for a Ring Doll. Those take FOREVER to get to people!!! You're so lucky. I hope he arrives perfectly.
Ouja Akuma

Report | 11/07/2021 11:05 am

Ouja Akuma

Ooo. I'll look into them! My issue with Taobao is searching in general. Chrome tries to auto translate all the time and it messes up my search. I also cant really search specific things, just generic names of a series and just shift through the pages endlessly....

Ooo transparent resin??? That's amazing! O:
Ouja Akuma

Report | 11/06/2021 7:44 pm

Ouja Akuma

Oo you buy from Taobao? Which seller/agent do you use? I want some cosplays from Taobao but I'm so confused how to do anything.

It's shoes, an outfit, and a wig. But my boy has 0 shoes that fit so he's just barefoot. :c He looks so raggedy.
Ouja Akuma

Report | 11/06/2021 1:32 am

Ouja Akuma

The woes of buying anything these days.
My BJD clothes are still in "processing" mode after 3 months from Alice Collections. crying
I just want my boy to have shoes.
Ouja Akuma

Report | 09/07/2021 6:03 pm

Ouja Akuma

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Here he is!!! I cant wait to get his new clothes in so he can look pretty and not nakey lol.

I gotta make one too with all the stuff that doesn't fit. But shipping small things like eyes solo is so expensive.


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