
Hey! My names Molly and im 18. I am a complete dork... Oh and my fav thing to do is read, play video games, and watch anime! Im a spaz and sometimes like to get into fights...i know its weird but so fun xD. My Best friend is also on gaia her names Necromancer 47...if you dont like me then you wont like her either...NO OFFENCE lol!!!(you could say we share a brain, so we're both equally annoying ha). Anyway happy to have friends but youll come to find im very annoying ha. So if this post annoys you then dont talk to me cause it only gets worse ^-^ LOVE YA!!


Viewing 12 of 92 friends



ok, ok, so i was sitting in my room when my head EXPLODED!!! u know it kinda hurt XD


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 03/19/2011 12:00 pm


nothing much atm, (note that when i answered this nothing was up) im having a lot of internal problems though....just contraversial thoughts about my past and such nothing to worry over

Report | 03/15/2011 7:25 pm


oh nothing the usual school is putting me down man >m>

Report | 03/13/2011 8:59 pm


School ATM sucks sad it makes me sad
Necromancer 47

Report | 12/24/2010 12:21 pm

Necromancer 47

im just gald to be going back. i failed math which left me at 12 credits so i waited for like a week for my english and psych grade to show up so i would know if i passed the rest of my classes. otherwise i would have lost my scholarship and i would have had to drop out of college. but all's good. haha that is true i wish i had family to entertain me, although we convinced my little brother that no one was going to get santa presents this year because he wouldnt go see santa lol
Necromancer 47

Report | 12/23/2010 2:26 pm

Necromancer 47

haha yay i thought i was alone too lol. my break is okay, kind of boring lol i miss my friends from school too. how is yours?
Necromancer 47

Report | 12/20/2010 5:28 pm

Necromancer 47

haha yeah im on still

Report | 08/28/2010 9:41 am


haha yes it really has been such a long time, but my summer sucked so bad. i was grounded for half of it. lol. so i didn't do much, but i guess it was relaxing to just not do anything all summer, but oh damn! you already started!? that sucks, i start the 7th smile

Report | 08/25/2010 3:56 pm


Yeah i am hoping classes arent as bad an it was just an application i had to fill out with some other requirements i leave in like two more days but augh the anticipation kills and so does the fear of not doing well and wow one day with all the AP classes are any of them fun?

Report | 08/24/2010 11:50 pm


heyy smile remember me? we used to talk a lot in 09 & 08. i see you still come on gaia, i try to come on more, but that's not working out too well haha. how are you, how's your summer; well was. summer is almost over. haha.

Report | 08/21/2010 6:18 am


Don't say that it might actually take a turn and not suck and for me well Sophmore year will be different I wont be in school studying I will get to go to North Carolina and study there for three months then come back home and finish the school. And we have been busy, idk about my schedule yet I just hope it snot boring. =(