leave a scrawl ^-^

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reckless edge Report | 04/09/2009 4:08 pm
where have you been lady?
Rowhaan Report | 02/11/2009 8:41 pm
So that boyfriend you're staying with is a new one, right? Not the one you didn't marry?

And what caused the skipping of the wedding? Was it all because of the debt?

As for the Air Force, they'll only have my soul for four years, so it won't be that bad.
Rowhaan Report | 01/28/2009 3:29 pm
Well, it was more because of a lack of motivation, thus screwing up my grades in college. But the more I researched it, people who leave after serving the military for 4 years are better off in terms of getting a job than those who actually go to college.

Not to mention that the Air Force will pay for my housing, utilities, food, and health, as well as allow me to live overseas for periods of time. All I have to do is go to bootcamp for six weeks and work for them after that.

So how have you been? You and the hubby doing well?
Rowhaan Report | 01/27/2009 4:20 am
I hasn't talked to you in forever!

Well, not up to much over here. Just work, video games, anime, sleep, eat, friends, repeat. Oh, I'm joining the Air Force though as a Computer Programmer.
Lizifur Report | 11/17/2008 11:08 pm
b***h! I love you. ^_^
Lizifur Report | 12/08/2007 9:58 pm
Hey you!

No that's okay, call me when you have the time! Congrats on the job and the financing...what happened to your Sunfire?!? Where are you living nowadays? And that's okay, I've been busy too.

Love you!
Lizifur Report | 12/03/2007 3:45 pm
Love the new name dear! You must let me know how your life is going. I miss you!!
[Touchdown]~[Shakedown] Report | 11/30/2007 7:33 pm
Wow. Massive update, and name change. Geeze, Leia. I miss you. Like alot, which is weird.

*sighs* If you PM me i shall give you my number so you can hit mah cell.

Sean and I are at least on speaking terms. *shrugs* complicated and prolly nothing you need to worry about xD

So sears?

I work at menards rofl.

Love you!

Glad you're happy ^^
[Touchdown]~[Shakedown] Report | 08/31/2007 3:25 pm
Um, i guess it's been tolerable. lots of hospital visits for teh holly.

and i have to admit, i haven't been the most tolerable ex, either...(>< wink

But yeah...

school sucks. work sucks. the only thing not sucking is matt and me.

and even that has it's ups and downs.
[Touchdown]~[Shakedown] Report | 07/22/2007 7:34 am
happy birthday

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"I'm a b***h, I'm a lover, I'm a child I'm a mother.."
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i'm average by no means, spontanaity and adventure are just what the doc ordered. I love fiction; and reading about it doesn't help the skin settle. It's not that my own reality displeases me, with an abundance of friends inside the matrix and out, my loving boyfriend and my ever loyal four-legged companions Artemis (we just call him Arty) and Sano we make quite a team and for an ever-intriguing adventure; Just turn the page....
I love time to myself and helping friends unravel and put back together pieces of this crazy life. I love to travel and sail across the ocean or doing laundry and moving across state lines ((you get the picture)). I'm flirtaeous and a little flamboyant at times ((when the occasion calls for it)), but who's keeping score??? I feel very lucky in a jaded world, it helps to start with a good hand, but even so, without it i still came ontop ^-^

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