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tairfeng's avatar

Registered: 06/04/2007

Gender: Female

Location: In a Nutshell

Birthday: 02/06

Occupation: School Psycho

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Hey, this is me. No one more, no one less. I am totally into chocolate, shoes, books, caffiene, folklore, and psychology. Yes, I want to be a psychologist. Or a folklorist. Or a chocolate-taster. Yum.
Well, anyways, I am in high school. I am also a band geek. I play clarinet in marching and oboe in concert. I commonly write random stories, usually fantasy. Uhh... I also read constantly and am always on the lookout for good books. If you have any book suggestions, bring them on.

Also, I'm Kuno. Hehe.

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kittenlovera12 Report | 03/03/2009 4:14 pm
i want to climb a mountain
Linnea Flowers Report | 02/02/2009 5:34 pm
Linnea Flowers
ohhhh, I bet you
Linnea Flowers Report | 01/25/2009 9:37 am
Linnea Flowers
hi ya! so your Mom re-organized your room? I'm soooo sorry, honey....LOL
kittenlovera12 Report | 01/24/2009 4:48 pm
me 2
FaeryOfMoonlessNight Report | 01/24/2009 2:45 pm
*Faery is uneffected by holy water and the burning (?)*

*Fluffy is too big an immortal to eat.*

*Fluffy takes revenge for the attempt on his life by sentencing Fuzz to live in his dungeons...forever. The punishment is inescapeable.*
FaeryOfMoonlessNight Report | 01/22/2009 7:48 pm
Haven't I told you? Evil doesn't die.

*Faery's wearing tenet, protecting her from the dragon fire*

*Fluffy reincarnates as an immortal. A really powerful one. Let's go with basilisk.*

*Fluffy the basilisk turns Fuzz the dragon into stone. Then he eats him. Basilisks like stone. User Image *
FaeryOfMoonlessNight Report | 01/22/2009 6:26 pm
*Fluffy reincarnates into a horse. A really mean one.*

*Fuzz gets stuck between his hooves. Nuff said.*
FaeryOfMoonlessNight Report | 01/22/2009 1:28 pm
Sorry, but evil doesn't die.

*Fluffy tears Fuzz to shreds*
FaeryOfMoonlessNight Report | 01/21/2009 6:59 pm
*Faery exorcises spirit*

*Faery gets a rottweiler named Fluffy for protection*
FaeryOfMoonlessNight Report | 01/21/2009 6:47 pm
*Faery kills Fluffy's soul and body by consuming it in hellfire because he ate her car*

*Faery is thoroughly mad*

*Faery catches tairfeng, then commences her torture of her, beginning with breaking every bone in her hand before peeling off all finger- and toe-nail, after which Faery hangs her by her thumbs to a tall oak tree, cuts slits in her toes and lets the blood flow completely out, occasionally cutting fresh slits. After this, Faery leaves tairfeng to die of hypothermia in the night.*

You shouldn'ta messed with my car.


I know that I have stumbled, and I know I've not been sharp.
And when I'm leaving this world behind,
I won't bring another soul here to fall flat on their face,
or leave this world unkind.


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