Viewing Aurella_Wildcat's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Hello there, name is Aurella_Wildcat. I decided the name for two reasons:

1. Aurella is a character that I use in one of my novels

2. Wildcat because I am graduate of a high school with the mascot of a wildcat.

Anyways, I am 20 year old female from central ohio. As of now I am now a sophmore at a community college hoping to transfer to.

Not only am I a college student, but I work night shift and so that means for all that I might be tired at times to talk or do really anything.

A forwarning to those who get to know me, once I open my mouth or I write I begin teaching, it is something that I do often xD, but anyways, to allow a lot of people to know I am very open-minded on certain issues, but I am Catholic so there are things I will argue on, but understand this I was taught to be open-minded for it is not I to judge someone.

I love anime, music, movies, and the outdoors (mainly hiking when I am in Kentucky) and I love history, mainly American history and paranormal history...also Scottish History too ^_^

I am just looking for friends and getting to socialize with my friends and family that are part of Gaia community.

Bis Denn!


Viewing 12 of 59 friends


Aurella_Wildcat's Little Journal

Welcome to My Journal....wait no one is here to read it...*sigh*

This is journal about my life outside Gaia, even though I know no one will read this journal.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Xion Seito

Report | 02/07/2011 12:57 am

Xion Seito

Hiya, hehe its been a while huh? How have you been?

Report | 01/16/2009 3:03 pm


I agree, that is the best way for it to happen, and I'm sure she is having a great time up there in doggy heaven.

Report | 01/16/2009 8:06 am


*hugs* Sorry to hear about your dog.
Eru Ryuzaki Roraito

Report | 01/01/2009 1:44 am

Eru Ryuzaki Roraito

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Report | 12/15/2008 11:21 pm


I'm extreamly happy to be out of my art class. I could never plz the guy with my work.

Report | 12/15/2008 3:54 am


Yeah I started mine as well. I havn't been this happy about a break in a long time.
Elanor- Elliot Darkling

Report | 12/12/2008 5:20 pm

Elanor- Elliot Darkling

Hey this is can add this new account because my other account will be use as a bank.

Thanks ,

Rosey/aka princess_swordsman

Report | 11/19/2008 7:40 pm


I do know how that feels. And it dosn't help that I have night classes.

Report | 11/19/2008 7:32 pm


That sounds like what I'm taking. If that is the case then I know how you feel, it's no fun.

Report | 11/19/2008 7:20 pm


What math are you taking?


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The RP Character I play.
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