Sir Mattthew

Sir Mattthew's avatar

Last Login: 10/08/2014 2:29 pm

Registered: 07/04/2007

Gender: Male

Location: England

Occupation: Student


Hello everyone and welcome to my profile! I am Matt, 17, I live in England and I goto College. I'm not on here very often, but I do pop online from time to time.

I have many interests and I don't care what people think of me, I enjoy my life and I enjoy my hobbies and interests. I'm love to talk and listen to people, I love to help anyone and everyone as best as I can, and when I can.

If you want to know a bit more about me send me a message and we could meet up sometime on gaia and have a chat. I never let a friend down and I am always here for people.

I love my Country, I hate Government and Poltics, and I love to meet new people. I love my friends and I wish I could spend more time to them, and I'd like to do stuff with my friends as well such as go shopping with them.

I guess that's enough for now, if anyone wants to bug me stop wasting your time, I do NOT Scare easily, I do NOT get angry easily and it is very hard to annoy me as well.

Talk to everyone later!

Bye bye for now!


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Teh Husky Boy Report | 07/21/2010 8:20 pm
Teh Husky Boy
Sir Matthew
You seem like a mighty spiffy person and so, I shall reward you with your spiffy-ness by saying this:
"I dub thee, spifee!"
Sorry for being so darn strange.
Just had to. You were on my recommended content.
xrainbowpearlx Report | 02/23/2010 4:04 am
Im also fine. biggrin
ladys man 646 Report | 02/22/2010 7:47 pm
ladys man 646
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
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copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
UnforgiveabIe Report | 02/22/2010 5:03 pm
heheh my cuzin hacked it lol heheheh funny XD and heheh funny
UnforgiveabIe Report | 02/22/2010 5:00 pm
not really eheheh the same heheh guess wat i got everything hacked back heheheh ^^ wbu?
UnforgiveabIe Report | 02/22/2010 4:52 pm
im good i guess still more sad i miss talking to u tats for sure
UnforgiveabIe Report | 02/22/2010 4:31 pm
xrainbowpearlx Report | 02/21/2010 8:28 pm
Hi! How are ya?
xXCandyAngelzXx Report | 02/21/2010 4:28 pm
hihi matt ^.^
XxlizziebeanxX Report | 02/21/2010 5:15 am
Heyy Matt, how are you doing?

My Special and close friend.