Hi! My name's Jami. I get called Eternal a lot, mostly because of my Username.
I love Roleplaying, working the Rennaisance Faire Circut, and baking fondant covered cakes. I love fantasy books and have a slight anxiety disorder. That's not good when you're in a club that teaches you how to fight with medieval weaponry.
I'm in the Eastern Time Zone, I think that's like -5 GST, but what ever. I'll be on whenever I want, deal with it.
I love Disney movies, MARVEL Comics (Especially Thor), and I'm currently enrolled as a Mortuary Science Major in college.
Here's hopin' Life takes us places.
Why I Am What I Am.
My journal has no set premisis for entries. I could have poems, short stories, or random pictures if I wished it. So dont diss it. ^-^
"Everything I touch [b:cdc56d34dd][i:cdc56d34dd]DIES[/i:cdc56d34dd][/b:cdc56d34dd]...
Well, Technically it's already dead."[/align:cdc56d34dd]
-Jami: The Eternaly Damned,
Mortician in Training.[/align:cdc56d34dd][/size:cdc56d34dd][/color:cdc56d34dd]
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