heeey. ♥ name`s steph. i`m a sophomore in high school and i`m really enjoying my year. i really don`t like being tied down i`ve found, unless i`m reaally into the person i`m with. i really like art, it`s my calling, i`m convinced. ♥ photography especially, or sketching. i like music, some of my favorite bands are: gregory and the hawk, good charlotte, nevershoutnever, the afters, and billions more i swear. i love my friends to death, they`re what keeps me going. (;
" coffee: $3, sled: $20, a day in the snow with friends? priceless. ♥ "
(/stalks Harvest Moon roleplay)
Hiya! I know this might be random, and it is, but I saw that you are making one.
I have never been in one of those..but I do love the games.
I also wasn't sure if I should comment you or send a pm. >w<
So..I chose a comment. XD
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