I can't believe it's still here. I should use this account again. Watch out baby, I think I'm in the mood for a little revenge.Your Famous Last Words Will Be:
"It's probably just a rash."
What Will Your Famous Last Words Be?
Your Power Element is Fire
Your power color: red
Your energy: hot
Your season: spring
Like a fire, you are full of power and light.
A born leader, you easily draw people toward you.
You are full of courage and usually up for anything dangerous.
You have a huge ego and love to be the center of attention.
What's Your Power Element?
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Haha what better place is there than a public page! Who honestly reads these anyhow.
We shall see about this computer thing though. I'll probably have to save up and buy it myself...unless my decides to chip in and help me out
I'll get around to it when you show me ;D
I can't believe you responded to this. I'm impressed. lol
Lmao I know you love those moments. (we're talking about sex in case you've forgotten. Which I'm sure you have lol)
Yeah this comp sucks majorly. I'll get a new one that's not so lame eventually. But for now I'm just going to try not to kill it and try to figure out how to work that stupid mic. Life can never be made easy could it.
I have picked up slightly on your love for this show. Maybe I should watch some episodes or something to fully understand your love of it. We'll see
There really should be more of those moments. Eventually there will be I'm sure. Well I hope so at least.
Yeah I just have to convince my parents I need a new one. And knowing my mother...that will be tricky. Since she didn't even want to buy a new dishwasher when it broke because it only lasts 4 years so whats the point
Haha that's just cause you love it so much
Oh how could someone not enjoy it. I mean seriuosly. Amazing stuff happens at those moments.
I think I will have to do that soon. Along with my phone. Mine is starting to die on me. ):
Nice new backround btw
I do like the second one a lot lol
Well...yeah...I'm sure it will soon enough. In which case I'll be sad. I need to take some stuff off it and I'm sure it would be much happier. Lol
hahaha with you it definitely would ^___~
Yeah that's another thing. So I might as well hold out as long as I can until I break down and buy a new one. Hopefully it'll last me long enough without getting a shitton of virus'
I've noticed that surprisingly enough. Men tend to like explosions and sex...for some strange reason...
Kinda does. I don't see why they can't make electronics that will last more than one year. Where do they expect people to pull this money from.
Only that blowing things up and se are one the forefront of your mind
Hey it's not like I set out to break it. It just happened...and it's not COMPLETELY broken. It still functions...barely... Dx
That's all you would get out of it.
I plan on it. Hopefully it'll be my graduation gift. Otherwise I'll buy myself one...