I have a new profile Name is Nescero
Dear Gaians,
.My name is Johnathan but just call me John or Drex. I am a writer,future architect, and artist. I have fun writing in my spare time. I also build things no matter what it is. I draw some but not as much as i used to. My best friends are Keane, Jayson, Aaron, Philip, Steph, and my VERY BEST BUDDY, Justin. I like fire as my element but i took this test and found out that that IS my element ironically. I'm easy to make friends with. My enemies usually become my allies and friends. I have a temper but i CAN control it. I hate being turned down but it happens anyway. I love peoples that want to be there with me. Most of my friends are actually friends. I'm really easy to get along with but i do get hurt easly sometimes depending on what it was that happened.I'm no push over and i can finally say that things don't piss me off very much. I'm really easy going although i take some things way too serious Just ask my friends,hehe. Well i've had lots of trouble in my life that dramatize it but im very busy and when i want something i don't cry over it asking over and over again to get it. My oreintation is Straight, for those that are a bit slow or are just old and don't know what that means, it means i only like girls. Me and my friends have fun when we can.
Q that people have asked me recently & A i've gave them
Q:What color is your hair in real life?
A: Ok, this question is wierd but my answer is black
biggrin o you do anything to your hair?
A:No nothing at all i just wake up in the morning
Q:Is your hair smooth in real life?
A:My hair, with no exageration, is silk smooth without using conditioner or whatever girls use for there hair
Q:Are your muscles huge?
A:No, my muscles aren't huge but i am strong and you can see them
Q:What kind of girls do you like?
A:I like a girl that is there for me and wants to be with me. I don't just get a rondom girl and ask her if she wants to "get with me". I want a girl that wants to get to know me before we are together if if we decide to be together. Well put short sweet and simple, I like a girl with the following attributes
1.Is in church and Christian
2.Knows me as a friend first
3.Won't walk away
4.Is easy to get along with
5.Doesn't judge on looks
6.Is smart
7.If needs something or needs to talk will talk to me
8.Not rich
9.Wants a guy like me that will take care of them
10.Isn't a gold digger
NOTE: this is what i look for in a wife, some of these are standards for girlfriends
Q:What do you like for girls?
A: O.O I LIKE GIRLS THAT ARE ACTUALLY FULLY GIRL NOT A SHEMALE. Girls that are very girly i don't mind either.
Q: Do you think your standards ar a little to high for girls?
A:Honestly i don't because im not looking for a girl that meets all these standards just some of them and i DO NOT like gold diggers or girls that just want sex
Q:Are you black, white or something else?
A:I think this is racist but my answer is simple. I am both black and white.
John Strife
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