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Jazman-2's avatar

Birthday: 05/06/1992

Things that get stuck in my head =)

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Something About Me

Everyone has a one true love. Some have already found them, others may have not. Love isn't something you can go out and buy, it's something you have to sit and wait for. Sadly, I'm still waiting here for you..

-Name is Jazman
-I live in a hot place called Arizona
-I’m 19
-I'm black and native american
-I act like I'm 4 a majority of the time
-I have 3 sisters
-I’m in between a tomboy and a girly girl
-I smile/laugh when things should be serious
-I’m very stubborn and try to purposely be different
-Easy to gain my trust, but easier to loose
-When I love I love with ALL my heart. I don’t believe in half-a** loving someone. It’s either love with your all or don’t even love.
-Prefer hanging out with guys and not girls cause girls
cause nothing but drama and guys are just chill
-Have a temper & attitude but most of the time pretty sweet (unless you piss me off)
-I’m shy, outgoing, and very reserved
-I’d rather stay home and watch movies with friends then go
out party and get drunk or smoke (drinking and smoking are stupid)
-I’m not afraid of dirt or afraid of getting dirty
-Can be very loud, very quiet, or in between
-Corey and Jenny are the only two people I
put all my trust in

Things I Like
-Writing and reading poetry
-Taking pictures of everything
-Having fun
-Finding new music
-Meeting new people
-Watching basketball
-Talking with friends
-Love to listening to
music (EVERY kind of music)
Things I Don't Like
-Fake friends
-People who think the world
revolves around them
-Guy’s who purposely break hearts
-People who think it’s hot/beautiful/sexy to see someone who’s so skinny their bones show
-People who consistently brag about themselves
-Stupid people
-Guys who think they’re hood when they had one bad thing happen to them in their life



"The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That's what I hope to give you forever."[/size:47f5fce379][/color:47f5fce379]


"Bum, bum bum, bum." "You're a terrible singer." "I know." "But I like this song."