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YourFriendlyNeighbor7642 on 09/26/2021


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PKMN Diamond Report | 08/06/2012 8:47 pm
PKMN Diamond
This is my new Account.
It's Isacc.
Malcolm Merlyn Report | 06/20/2012 4:44 pm
Malcolm Merlyn
Hey Lyra, add my new account "Stalwart Red" heart
DarthDub v2 Report | 02/20/2012 8:08 pm
DarthDub v2
You're welcome.
DarthDub v2 Report | 02/06/2012 10:54 am
DarthDub v2
Happy birthday.
Your a Joke Report | 10/13/2011 3:58 pm
Your a Joke
Kind of, I guess.
Wanting me and Soka to be friends again.
Really bored. |:
Your a Joke Report | 10/12/2011 6:45 pm
Your a Joke
Nothing much, life is pretty boring. B|
You? o:
Your a Joke Report | 09/20/2011 4:12 pm
Your a Joke
Commmmeeee Onnn~
I know you can,
I trust you that you can. c:
Oh, and get on more often!
Your a Joke Report | 09/18/2011 12:47 pm
Your a Joke
No worries,
You can do all of them.
Your a Joke Report | 09/17/2011 7:46 pm
Your a Joke
Eh, Don't worry.
I really don't see the point in helping anymore when, clearly she doesn't want anything from a "liar".
You know what the strangest part is? She said she didn't care about age. She could've told me.
But, I really don't need a person like that to be around me. Everytime we talked on Skype, she would be up the same thing.
"You lied to me! You betrayed me! I hated being with you, anyway! I never considered you my best friend!"
Yeah, those words hurt. I still consider her my best friend. I might not be to her but, she is to me. So whatever, let her be her.
She can be with Yoshi and call him her best friend ALL THE TIME and even in FRONT OF ME. I really don't care.
I never broke promises and she did. So, I don't want to hear what's wrong with me when, she herself has problems too.
She thinks she's perfect because, I've told her that a million times and now she hates me. I still love her and she can come back
whenever and if ever she wants to. If She doesn't and says she doesn't come back to liars then, I won't come back to Promise Breakers.

Whatever, I shouldn't even be telling a life story. Everything's good with my life now. I really didn't see why I even wanted her.
Enough about me, are you doing ok? :c
Your a Joke Report | 09/16/2011 5:47 pm
Your a Joke
Well, it hasn't because, Soka's been depressed alot lately and she decided we shouldn't be friends at all.
I "lied" because, I'm only 13 and I didn't think anyone would ever like me at all (as friends) if I wasn't around their age.
But Yeah, hope it's going good for you too. I don't like to complain about this drama s**t so, I won't.
I can be happy without her and I know she can be happy without me too. I'm short a best friend.
. _ .


This is Brachi's first mule, iSoulSilver.

......:::::::Gaia's first Soul/Kotone cosplayer::::::::.......


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Kotone (formerly known in the fandom as Soul) is the female player character in the upcoming HeartGold and SoulSilver versions, the remakes of the classic Gold and Silver from Generation II. There is a lot of speculation about Soul, as many thought Crystal, the female playable character that was introduced to us in the third installment in the Johto Generation, would return as the playable character for the remakes.

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For now, most are considering the female trainer for HGSS to be her own new character, unlike the female trainer for FireRed and LeafGreen, who most consider to be Blue, the female trainer that missed the cut for the original Generation I games.

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Kotone made an appearance in the anime not too long ago in Japan, meeting up with Ash and Co. at a Johto festival. She keeps her name in the anime. With her new name and her own appearance in the anime (Crystal appeared in the spin-off series Pokemon Chronicles as Marina in the English version), she is, if not close enough, to being considered her own character.

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Are you a Pokemon cosplayer? Shoot me a friend request! =3

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A huge thanks to PKMN Trainer Fire Red for the submarine capsule!!! =3

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Image in background is by TheRierie on deviantart.

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Your a Joke
Malcolm Merlyn
Blasting off again