This Is In Loving Memory
of the
Infamous George Carlin
5*12*1937 ~ 6*22*2008
(1)I don’t have pet peeves — I have major psychotic ******** hatreds!
(2)The very existence of flamethrowers proves that sometime, somewhere, someone said to themselves, “You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.”
(3)God bless the homicidal maniacs. They make life worthwhile.
(4)May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house.
(5)Just think, right now as you read this, some guy somewhere is gettin’ ready to hang himself.
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that's me!
I saved and saved and I finally got a godina! TT^TT .....hey baby cakes why not try solia? :O