Well that vantage was on a cliff - can't go further down on that point. There is a beach about 700ft to the right of the rightest edge but you have to take a steep, skinny trail to get to it. Different time of day would be encased in fog which almost makes a complete greyscale and you wouldn't be able to see as far out...probably 20% of what you can see there.
I mean most of those effects are from filters/photoshop. I don't use either for mine. Sometimes I adjust exposure or contrast or use different lens for macro.
it's not supposed to be like farcry lol. no one has told me to make the 2 sync'd so it'll stay the way it is until I get another picture we both really like. sax codes very fancy, high-end stuff
Took literally 20 seconds to take that picture after getting out of my car
they aren't gifs they're css animations. and they're not supposed to sync cuz one is a giant panorama I took and one is a wave topography. and i didn't code it my gaia wife did
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Took literally 20 seconds to take that picture after getting out of my car
what gifs?