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Registered: 08/18/2007


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eliza_bunnypooh Report | 08/19/2017 8:41 am
Wide angle lens work better for group shots - don't get the distortion
eliza_bunnypooh Report | 08/18/2017 11:42 pm
That's not awkward
eliza_bunnypooh Report | 08/18/2017 10:47 pm
Wouldn't be able to hold/aim it that low. you need a straight arc otherwise you get a chopped up image.
eliza_bunnypooh Report | 08/18/2017 10:25 pm
Can't get a panorama when you're holding the camera a foot from the ground razz
eliza_bunnypooh Report | 08/18/2017 9:53 pm
Well that vantage was on a cliff - can't go further down on that point. There is a beach about 700ft to the right of the rightest edge but you have to take a steep, skinny trail to get to it. Different time of day would be encased in fog which almost makes a complete greyscale and you wouldn't be able to see as far out...probably 20% of what you can see there.
eliza_bunnypooh Report | 08/18/2017 9:33 pm
I mean most of those effects are from filters/photoshop. I don't use either for mine. Sometimes I adjust exposure or contrast or use different lens for macro.
eliza_bunnypooh Report | 08/18/2017 9:23 pm
it's not supposed to be like farcry lol. no one has told me to make the 2 sync'd so it'll stay the way it is until I get another picture we both really like. sax codes very fancy, high-end stuff

Took literally 20 seconds to take that picture after getting out of my car
eliza_bunnypooh Report | 08/18/2017 9:00 pm
they aren't gifs they're css animations. and they're not supposed to sync cuz one is a giant panorama I took and one is a wave topography. and i didn't code it my gaia wife did
eliza_bunnypooh Report | 08/18/2017 8:52 pm
ehhh my crews usually go till we die in hive. But I'll keep you in mind when I'm getting one together??

what gifs?
eliza_bunnypooh Report | 08/18/2017 8:14 pm
if it's full then telling you wouldn't get you a spot dramallama