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Tangrowth Report | 08/05/2008 8:01 pm
its ok

but i gotta go to bed now
Tangrowth Report | 08/05/2008 7:59 pm
i will play you but not for a long long time

work is hard User Image
Tangrowth Report | 08/05/2008 6:38 pm
*dances with wolves*
zupo Report | 08/04/2008 9:30 pm
    so wat!

zupo Report | 08/04/2008 8:18 pm
    its stuck in my head too ugh

zupo Report | 08/04/2008 8:14 pm
    luv dat song ahaha

ktza Report | 08/03/2008 11:13 am
hey whuts uppp

apoot Report | 08/01/2008 7:55 am
love u like a FRIEND. if i dont get dis bak, i understand lol. but i hve a game for u. once u read this letter, u must send it to 15 ppl that u really care about, includin the person that sent it to u. if u receive at least 7 bak, then u r loved. nobody knows wat they hve until they loose it. u never leave the person whom u love for the one u like, cuz that person who u like will leave u for the person whom they love. tonite rite at 1200am, ur true love is goin to realize that they LOVE u! then somethin is gonna happen to u between 100 and 200a.m. 2morrow, get ready for the greatest shock of your life. if u break this chai u r goin to hve bad luck in love for the next years of your life. send this to 15ppl in 15min.. do it to you wanna kno who your real love is p.s my friend told me to do dis!
venomista Report | 08/01/2008 6:49 am
addiction by kanye west~
iambounty Report | 07/31/2008 11:23 pm
Wow, the golden laurels looks great!