♥ Creativity's Babies ♥
These are the links to the RP's that I was able to finish.
I would like to give super credits to my RP partners whom I was able to finish these with. It was an honor to have my creativity soar with theirs
smile -Aiden Luxor and Andy (Slave&Master RP) with Lancer Waynes- =>
http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=1&t=21410767#304094225 -Jason and Amythia (Slave&#xMa;ster RP)with DeathlyPhoenix- =>
Hi guys! I'm Andrea, but you can call me Drea or float (if you prefer calling me by my username)
I'm 18, from the Philippines (That would be in South East Asia, in case you didn't know and too lazy to check the map) and currently in college.
My childhood best friend got me hooked here on Gaia, and I absolutely adore RP-ing and I'm a literate player. Especially when it's fantasy-action-romance based. Those three are total must haves.
Anime. I LOVE ANIME. and Randomness! adskgfjarlhgasdjfngalksdjg 8D
My other hobbies include writing, reading and listening to music. I'm pretty simple, nothing too shabby and grand. I like things that way.
Random PM's and comments are very much welcomed
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why? where are you going? D: Goodbye Gaia...again? Awww.!
Unfortunately, alot has come up with work and so I won't be able to get online much. I feel it's better if I take some time off for a while untill things calm back down. Sorry. crying
And I'll tell you how I am when you add me razz
And you call me Danny razz
have fun. c: