.. Hi! Im puppy of course that isnt my real name but its my nick name. I love to just chill, im almost always watchin the clouds during the day and at night the stars. I might be the most random person you will know. I am a very loyal friend sooo no use me kk? Well anyway i am me i hate when people try to be someone else. I will change for no one or anything. I hate quiting and i wont give up! Beware of the fact that i might do the wrong thing at the wrong time so if u dont want to laugh or be happy dont come around me...cuz if ur upset i will try my best to make you laugh. ^^I love it when it rains becuz it is soo peaceful, and when it storms to me the lightning and thunder are like natures fireworks to me. I hate being coold though, if its cold i will cling to the nearest warm object lol....aaanyway I have moments where you would think I needed locked up because im so hyper and random ...I love laughing and makeing other people laugh... (i know this is a useless fact to you people but did you know just laughing can make you feel better when your sick or depressed, laughing releases special endorphins in your brain makeing your body relax and work smoother...and i herd it help burns caliories lol)anyway, I have recently became a book "fanatic" because of a book called "Twilight" and the rest of the series. I love to watch anime like Naruto, Bleach, Full Metal Alchemist, Inuyasha, Death Note and etc. I am a gamer girl and im not to good with loseing lol.I also draw a whole lot. If you want me to draw somethin i will draw it. My favorite things to draw are animals and some landscapes, im trying to learn how to draw people right now...-_- its harder than it looks.I also like to wright and or type up stories or fanfiction about anything really, its good to have an open imagination when you draw and type stories....it kinda makes it easier.I love music, my fav instruments is the piano and guitar. I may not know how to play them but i love how they sound^^. I am willing to learn how to play but i would need help ^^; . I like learning new things, at this time i am trying to learn Japanese. All i know is how to count to ten and how to introduce myself in Japanese. Im going to be joining the military when i turn 17 in 2 years. Im going to do an ROTC program. Im going to be an MP (military police) in the army and i cant wait! I have probblems sitting still so i run around alot..Oh and when im outside runnin around I kinda have a tendency to rescue lost animals and find them homes. If someone is looking for a free kitten or cat just ask i can find one there are tons of them, i can try to find a free dog but i dont think i would be able to... i could ask around but im not to sure if i could find one(but you have to live around my area just Pm me kk people). I love my pets i have one pit bull, lab, lab mix, and a rottie.I also have 5 cats and 5 birds. ^^ And for those of you people that think pit bulls and rotties are bad dogs im sorry but your stupid(not trying to offened just stateing my opinion), its how you train them. I love going for walks with my dogs and im always up for nappin with my cats and chillin with friends. Just a few things do not lie to me, or steal from me. But the one most important thing is to never underestimate me! I will give you 1 chance to mess up if u screw up once ok but if you do it again, im done with you.^^ ♥ Well I think that sums it up ^,..,^KAKASHI IS TO SEXY FOR HIS PANTS!LOL
plz people i really want this stuff for my avi, could someone plz help me with it? plzz?
Total Value: 580,411 Gold
After Exclusions: 524,296 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Morgana's Gloves
Natural Coral Pendant
Alanar Doll
Whip of Fire
Raptor Fire Horns
Elemental Wings
Padmavati's Lotus
Infernal Spirit 2nd Gen
Vampire Potion
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRcj6CAhe7s <-- jack sparrow- & ull LOL XD
like the avi to...
take care