
Click here to view my avi art!

Thank you, Gaia, for featuring my avi here for the week of 9/4/12!

You can find me mainly on League of Legends as CBX Chen and Valoreth, and on Tumblr as resident-revenant.

Hello, and welcome to my profile~ I've been on Gaia since 2006 on various accounts and with countless usernames because I'm indecisive like that.

The person behind the avi:

• So, I'm a girl, but I often have a male avi, and I prefer getting male avi art~.

• I'm currently 24 years old.

• I'm Korean but very Americanized, as I was born in Korea yet raised in the U.S. If you try to speak to me in another language other than English, I probably won't understand you. OTL

Playing the piano and cello, singing, writing, reading books and fanfiction, drawing, watching anime, and playing video games.
Music (I really don't think I could live without my iPod!) - mainly Japanese and Korean music, rock and electronic, video game soundtracks, and Vocaloid songs.
Rice, noodles, tea, and anything sugary. I'm very lazy and I eat way too much, which always makes me wonder how I'm not extremely overweight by now.
I also love EXO's Chen... Like, way too much.

I dislike rudeness, arrogance, loneliness, cigarette smoke and fumes, work, and I have a weird aversion to armpit hair. There are also a ton of other things that I'm too lazy to type out.
Feel free to stop by and comment/PM me~ I do like actually talking to people before I add them, so no random friend requests, please.

Want to draw me? Just PM/comment me about it. I'm always looking for more nice avi art!

Many thanks to these kind donators:
• JokaNeko - 25k!
• w0nd3r_k - Biancamella!!
• I Cross l - Cerynitian's Blessing and SDPlus Pale Marionette Doll?! Thank you so, so, sooooo much!



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Gasai Shizuka

Report | 01/04/2017 6:49 pm

Gasai Shizuka

Thanks for buying yum_puddi

Report | 12/21/2016 6:02 pm


I remember evertone from the crew in the good old days of ZOMG heart
I've been going to college too, in English. Otherwise I've been home, working as a lifeguard. I got old and have to pay for things like my car now XP

Report | 12/19/2016 8:52 pm


Hey Ami! heart heart heart You can call me anya or yan, I don't care either way! How are you!?

Report | 11/09/2015 6:25 pm


What's new Ami?? I've came back to Canada and I'm trying to figure out my career. Lol. Do you have Skype or Facebook by any chance? I seriously miss the old times! And zOMG is gone too! ><;

Report | 11/03/2015 5:53 pm


Where are you? I miss you so. crying

Report | 10/12/2015 7:56 pm


Been so long~ Let's catch up. xd
Javier Cross

Report | 09/17/2015 2:30 pm

Javier Cross

Why are you missed? crying
Javier Cross

Report | 08/15/2015 4:00 pm

Javier Cross

Pleasure to meet you by all means.
Javier Cross

Report | 03/16/2015 7:12 pm

Javier Cross

You've been missed and I wanna see you on Skype, Tumblr or Recolor.me at some point. emo

Report | 02/15/2015 12:13 am


I miss you. D: Is there any way I could add you on Facebook? sad


[center:6ead5fdcc1][b:6ead5fdcc1][i:6ead5fdcc1]Draw for me~? (PM for details)[/i:6ead5fdcc1][/color:6ead5fdcc1][/size:6ead5fdcc1][/b:6ead5fdcc1]