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Mettkatrel's avatar

Last Login: 12/13/2019 5:04 am

Gender: Male

Location: Sweden

Occupation: School

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Hi everybody!

About Mettkatrel

I'm from Sweden and I'm 13 years old. When I'm not on my computer I'm probably at school or sleeping. I like to read and play X-Box 360. Halo 3 is my best game, it's really good.

I really like animals too. That's why I have the Sandy Cat Outfitt. I think it's very cute. I had a cat before, but she died in about 1 year ago. She was 18 years old, so she was very old. Here name was Tips and she was the cutest cat in the world.

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A small picture of Tips (She's the cat, not the pumpkin or the other animal)

Computer Games


GaiaOnline is the game I don't play so much as the others. But I play it alot, and I like it. I like to TekTek dreamavatars and posting in the forums. ChatterBox is the only section I post in. I want to win lots of money, but I don't post there very much though. I'm really poor and I'm not begging for stuff. But it would be very nice if somebody would donate wink

Computer Games

I like playing computer games. Strategygames are my favourites right now. I'm playing GaiaOnline, TribalWars, Travian and WarCraft III


A really fun strategygame. You play it right in your webbrowser. It's recommanded for beginners. I'm a pro and I'm very good at the swedish server.
Play it here


It's kinda the same as TribalWars, but there are more building and you can choose between three different tribes. But I recommand you to try TribalWars first, because if you are a noob on strategygames you will get chrushed at Travian. I also recomand the speedservers, they're awesome and I'm also a pro there.
Play it here

WarCraft III Reign Of Chaos and Frozen Throne
These games are really fun. You can play campaign mode, Custom game against the Computer and online against other people. You need to buy the game, but is's very cheap. My name on is Mettkatrel. Add me as a friend and we can battle smile

Also, send a PM if you want some maps I've made. They're great!


I also enyoy the Stick Figure animation program Pivot. I make lots of animations and PM me if you want to see some.
You can download it here

PM me and I can send you some of my best animations.

That's all about me. I will update this text when something happens, but untill then, See ya


//Please comment biggrin


View All Comments

jackforce1288 Report | 12/09/2009 9:53 am
heehee random commennt
Wixa Report | 05/29/2008 3:54 am
YOU like WC3?! Me too!
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me Report | 12/10/2007 11:57 pm
hey (=

if u have halo 2 add me coz i only play that, i sold my copy of h3 coz it suz compared to H2

GT is

X7DASH Report | 10/24/2007 9:44 am
Är du svensk?
i_am_Jesuszilla_fear_me Report | 10/21/2007 6:07 am
*hrmm sits n ponders*

how do u kick the soccer ball?

just curious buddy...

thanks for accepting my fiends request too btw, it was nice for the chat u where very friendly and infomative(=
Joey- Just Joey Report | 10/15/2007 9:12 am
xD your avi makes me happy

User Image

Harry Potter and Ginny Weasly, and their monkey Ron


I like to TekTek wink

My lame is penguin...