Name: Kitsu [[Kitty]]
Age: 17
Eyes: Chocolate Brown
Hair: Crimson Red
Height: 5' 10"
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Status: Single heart
Orientation: Bisexual
Current Mood: Strangely Blissful
Favorite Color(s): Black, Crimson Red, Midnight/Electric Blue, and Neon
Personality: The non-ditzy blonde basically x3
Favorite Food: Bacon-covered hot dogs
I feel like I am finding myself again. Since the New Year, I have re-evaluated my life and everything I have gone through. I have realized that everything happens for a reason. I have seen that I am both my biggest critic and the worst hypocrite. I am brutally honest and my opinion is made whenever I feel like making it. I have a lot of people who hate me and I can not quite find myself to care. I have friends that I look through and am slowly distancing myself from those who will do nothing but become that wrong crowd. I have been hit with a revelation that came soon after my engagement. I am the most loving b***h anyone can know. I do have the tendency to be a hormonal b***h. On the flip side my maternal nature gives me the undying urge to want to take care of people, to help them, and to make sure that no one messes with the friends I consider my family. I love to write and draw but lately I have been writing over drawing. I get that compulsive drawing itch every now and again. My favorite movie is Watchmen. I love movies and novels that make me think and have a new outlook on life and society. I think a lot even though not many think I do. I am the ditzy un-blonde, remember? I trip often and stumble on my words. It does not mean I’m stupid though. That is about it for me lol
heart Loves: heart
Black--> A wonderful mixture of all colors
Those I hold close
Gothic Vampires
ADHD--> ((Warning: I have it))
Black roses
Sleepin--> in mah bed- or anywhere- i just love sleep
Preps ((Like OMG!!!))
The color pink
Most people
Those who refuse reality
"The hours I spent with you I look uon as sort of a perfumed garden, a dim twilight, a fountain singing to it... you and you alone make me feel that I am alive. Other men it is said have seen angels, but I have seen thee and thou art enough." -George Moore
Dream Avatars!!!!!!
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