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Eternal Sunshine of the Quantum Physics
Such some things that rack my mind during the long days and extremely short nights
really a horse. It was at that moment that something dawned on our young Reimel, though the book had not specified what type of blood it would only make sense that in order to make a human he would need human blood to fuel her limps." Elijah raised an eyebrow but Edith sensing the question which was forming on the man's lips answered the question as she continued her story.

"There was also the issue of what do to with the body of the horse woman that he had created in his first failed experiment." she said with a slight shrug as she leaned in closer as if to whisper a secret to the man. "I need to make a point, Reimel in essence was a good man, a little deranged, yes but altogether a good person, he found that he couldn't end the life of the creature that he had just created and contemplated for a long time about just realising her into the forest, no one would really know where she had come from, right? She was completely incapable of human speech. But Reimel realized something as he sat there on the bloodied floor of his small cottage, in order to create a human life, he had to first end another. Everything had to balance out." Edith went quiet the shadows around her face grew longer and her eyes took on almost red glow, as though her eyes were brimming with the thoughts of blood, not unlike Reimel.

The hairs on the back of Elijah's neck stood up, as though charged by electricity, there was something not quite right about the way that she stared at him. Elijah shook his head, reminding himself that she was only telling a story, he was getting himself too involved in the story, not unlike a child that watches a horror film and can't get too sleep at night. Elijah smiled, his confidence restored. "If he wanted to learn how to kill, best practice first." he said with a wicked grin on his face.

"Exactly" Edith said as she snapped her fingers, "Reimel came to that very same conclusion. He realized that what he had been trying to do was steeping on the realm of God's grace, only God could make a life. His thoughts had already dammed him, why not his acts?"

"Reimel sliced her through open in the forest with a large and razor sharp butcher knife and found it so much more easier then he could have ever thought. Her skin sliced apart as though it were made out of butter and the blood came gushing fort in hot streaming mass like he had opened the floodgates of a river. Killing a human was much more interesting then killing a simple creature like a cow or a chicken. There was something almost beautiful about the way that the blood oozed and ran out of that pathetic creations now limp form, there was an unmistakable allure to the act of killing that Reimel had not expected. His new found admiration of death would only serve to further his plans." she took another sip of her coffee, which made Elijah realize that he had run out of coffee several minutes ago and had been so engrossed in her story telling that he had completely forgotten. "Give me a minute, I need to get some more coffee" he said as he made to stand. Edith stood before he could and took the empty cup. "Since you've been such a good sport about listening to me this long, my treat." she smiled as she walked off with his cup

She returned shortly after and placed a fresh steaming cup in front of him, he took a sip and noticed a strange almost metallic aftertaste, who ever had brewed this cup had done a lousy job at it, but not wanting to belittle Edith's kindness Elijah said nothing and merely thanked her for the cup. "Now, it took Reimel most of the rest of the early morning to burn and dispose of the body, Reimel was smart enough to realize that if he didn't dispose of the corpse created human or not his fate would be at the gallows. He took the rest of the day to also make sure that he cleaned his cottage and tended to his forgotten fields, the last thing that he wanted to do was arouse suspicion which would hinder his plans. If he was going to do this he had to do this right. The first thing he needed to do was to decide on a target."

"The simplest target would be a prostitute, since there not going to be missed by most of the population and that had been Reimel's first thought, and it would have most likely been the first thought of most people, But as Reimel sat and thought about it he realized that it probrably wasn't the wisest decision since most prostitutes especially the ones in the brothels he was thinking of visiting would have had to deal with many a cuththroat and lowlife during the course of there careers and would be better experienced at defending themselves from an attack then he would be at murder. So he threw that option out the window post-haste. Unfortunately this trend continued for another whole day as Reimel worked around the farm, every idea that came to his head he quickly found too many faults and discarded the idea. It took him another two full days to figure out what he was going to do, and oddly enough it was his farm that gave him the idea. As his cleaning out the chicken coup he found a small vine of hemlock growing behind it, it was at that point that he knew that poisoning his victim was the way to go. But he needed to find a poison that would act slowly so that Reimel had time to get her to his cottage while she was still alive, and not arouse suspicion, perhaps an elixir that would make one act drunk. It also had to be tasteless so that the victim would not notice and call for help. Reimel went over the tomes in his house."

"During his travels he had picked several books aside from the one that he had been searching for and it took him no time to uncover the information that he had been looking for. It was a simple enough elixir to create and would not kill the victim until a magic word was spoken, and even then the effect would merely render the victim into a trance that would allow Reimel to control them for about an hour or so before they died. Reimel prepared his potion and set his plans in motion. That night a maiden would die."

Elijah found his eyes getting a little heavy on him, not to the point that he thought he would fall asleep on Edith, no her story was much too interesting for something like that. He merely found it strange that he was getting sleepy as he sipped his coffee, but Elijah thought it a blessing since he was a never a good sleeper anyway. He turned his attentions back to the story that Edith was telling.

"Now in town there was a local pub where most of the village residents and local farmers hung out, it was also a large enough pub that Reimel should have no problem finding travelers that would best serve his needs. He was smart enough to know that he couldn't touch any of the locals there disappearance might lead suspucous minds to his doors, and Reimel had no intention of dying, not when he was so close to achieving his goals. "

"Now Reimel rode into to town, his flask of magic elixir tucked neatly under his shirt and walked into the crowded pub. At first Reimel could see no one that he didn't already know, many of which were more then eager to invite him over to sit with them, but Reimel respectfully declined every invite until the stopped coming altogether. As his eyes roamed across the bar they fell upon a shadowed figure in the corner. Reimel found himself compelled to walk towards it and found that it was a young girl wearing a rather large hood, her bosom was ample and her eyes were a crystal blue that Reimel had never seen before. Her hair, what little of it Reimel could see under the hood was black and shoulder leght. It seemed that Reimel had found his sacrifice. Now there was the issue about hot to confront her, for a moment Reimel could think of nothing and he could his panic starting to rise, to have come all this way and loose because of his shyness? No, Reimel wasn't going to loose like that. His face lit up as an idea dawned on him, he strode over to the woman and introduced himself. She did the same stating her name was Catherine. Reimel offered to tell her a story."

Elijah smiled and cocked his head, which he had to admit was starring to hurt just a little, there was this strange pang of pain in the back of his head like someone was squeezing it lightly. "Well, doesn't this seem familiart." Elijah said with a smile. "Tell Edith my dear, are you planning to kill me and use my blood to animate a husband for you?" Elijah said with a short brief laugh, as he sipped the last of his coffee down his throat

Edith smiled as she watched him finish the cup, it was a wicked smile that unnerved Elijah more then he would have ever dared to admit. "Why yes, Elijah dear you are my sacrifice." When Elijah looked into her eyes it was obvious that she wasn't joking. Elijah eyes grew wide with terror, that metalic taste in the coffee.....what had she slipped him? "Who are you?" he said as he felt the pressure build in his head.

Edith that wicked grin of hers and leaned back in her chair. "I was being perfectly honest about who I was. My name is Edith, the story you heard was that of my late husband the man who created me." she said as she tapped a fingernail on the table.

Elijah's mind yelled at him to to run back to his apartment and bolt his apartment door, but no matter how hard his mind yelled his body wasn't responding, Elijah heart sank into the pit of his stomach. "But that would make you......." "a little over 300 years old, yes it turns out that the spell that Reimel cast that night made me immortal more or less. I'm not bullet proof or anything, slice my throat and I will bleed out and die, but I don't age and I've never been sick in my life." Elijah could not believe what he was listening to, but somehow he knew that she wasn't lying, the immobility of his own body was proof enough of that.

"I still don't understand how I factor into all of this." Elijah asked his voice on the verge of tears. "I think that would be obvious Elijah my sweet I've grown lonely of this world, my husband grew old and died centuries ago, I want someone to share eternity with." when Edith said this Elijah could not help but feel compasion for her, even if her loneliness meant his own demise, he could at least partially understand why it was she was doing it, no one deserved to be lonely.

Elijah smiled and snorted, his eyes filling up with tears. "Just to me a favor, don't call him Elijah, I've always hated that damn name." he said with a laugh, funny he never thought he'd be laughing as he sat in coffee table ready to die.

Edith smiled "I promise I won't" she rose from the table and placed a kiss lightly on his cheek "Good night Elijah." she said and whispered some strange word into his ears.

"Good night sweet Edith" Elijah said as his world plunged into darkness.

~The End

((Wohoo! All done!))

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