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The Enterde {Story Written By Ace}
Next Mission....

After what happened with Night Panthers and Mr. Berture and Mr.Paterson Ace and Michele were back home and Michele was taken away to live with her mum's sister. But Ace and Michele still kept in touch with each other and both of them went to the same school when the school started again after 2 weeks of half term, Ace introduced her to his other best friends Jake, Angel and Spike and all of them liked her and they all got on great with her. They all hang around together most of the time and Michele was really happy again and she start to forget about her uncle Bertuer and what happened 2 weeks which now changed her life. Ace try to make her forget it and get on with her new life and he also told her not to mention anything about what happened in the 2 weeks to others. Everything start to get back to normal and after a month Ace got call from SIS and he was asked to come to the SIS office and when he went there Mrs.Jackson and Mr. William where waiting for him. They were sitting behind the desk and welcomed Ace back and Ace looked around and there is no sight of Mr. Paterson and Ace know that he been send to jail but he doubt that he still in jail after all he made the gadgets that SIS needed and he could easily make out to escape from jail. And he also bit confused about why would of SIS wanted to see him all of sudden. Mrs. Jackson asked him to take a seat and asked him how he and Michele doing at school and stuff. Ace sat down front of them to and looked at them and Mrs. Jackson was wearing black dress it was long as to her knee and Mr. William was wearing blue suit. Ace notice Mrs. Jackson waiting for an answer than Ace replied, "Yes, we don’t have any problem after Paterson and Bertuer is not around."
Mr. William said, "I am sorry Ace but we got some bad news for you. Mr. Paterson has escaped from the jail and joined one of the biggest terrorist gang in England called Macsade and now they are planning to kill lots of school students from all over Britain. It going to take place in London big conference which is in just 8 days.
Ace looked at them shocked, "What do you mean and why are you sitting here without doing something about it?"
Mrs. Jackson replied "Well they planning to launch a missile called An Entorde and it will destroy at least 5 miles around the area from the place and we know what you thinking about."
Mr. Williams said, "We want you to go to the conference and you will go with you friends as send by the school so no one suspect you because they be five people from every school and your school send you guys as representing your school."
Ace got up and walked over to the window looking out where he could see the London EYE than he turned around said, "Who do you mean by my friends? You are not dragging my best friends into this and especially not Michele. She has been through enough in the past weeks with the Night Panthers so I don't want her or any of my other friends involving in danger. So I hope you have other people who work for SIS for this mission."
Mr. William shakes his head and said, "I am afraid we don't Ace you only teenage boy we have in SIS and we need to make it look normal as possible so your right we chosen your friends for this. But don’t worry we have planned everything and we will get all of them out soon as we notice something going wrong and SIS also will give you gadgets like we did in the first mission with the Night Panthers."
Ace replied, "Yeah sure that what you say all the time but you always come when everything is finished like you promised me that you will get me and Michele out soon as possible if we get into any trouble but no one turn up when I got caught and I had to escape from them myself."
Mr. William replied "Yes, you see that’s not our fault its all to do with that Paterson he tied us and he told us that if we try anything he wont only kill us but also he will kill you and Michele."
Ace got angry and said, "Yeah any excuses but it passed now and I will do it but you have to protect my friends and all the other students and people who come to the conference and I don't want no excuses this time."
Mr. William nods his head "Of course we will protect everyone who come to the conference it’s our job to save the people."
Mrs. Jackson said, "Your Mission is to go to the conference with your friends Jake, Angel, Spike and Michele like you have been send by your school and then you will give you the signal when we want you to go to the place we say and then we will give you more information when you get there."
Ace got up to leave the office after he listening to them and Mr. William told him the SIS will equip him with all the gadgets he needs and him and his friends will be picked up in 8 days and he will be given the gadgets than. So until then he should prepare himself to his next mission and also the SIS men will me looking after him and his friends, they will work behind him and to collect information SIS need about Macadam which will help them later. Ace said, "I will ready for it anytime but you guys make sure you keep your promise, not like what you did last time." Mr. William and Mrs. Jackson smiled and than Ace got up and left the room and went back to his house and there was Michele, Jake, Spike and Angel were waiting for him. He looked at them with surprise and didn't know why they all were there he got of his bike and said, "Hey guys what you all doing here, is there something wrong?"
They replied "No, nothing wrong we just had a message from school and they want all 5 of us to go to the conference that been held in here 8 days. And also Mrs. Merely wants to see you because you weren't they today when we were told and also they want to talk to you about something else." Even though Ace knew about this already he acted as he didn't know anything about it and he knew that the SIS would have contacted his school even before they told him about the conference. And he was worried about what happen if his friends find out about him and SIS because so far only Michele know about him working for SIS and he was sure that others wasn't inform by school or the SIS about what happening. After talking they all got ready to go to school Ace and Jake got on they bike, Michele put on her rollerblade, Angel got on her Scooter and Spike got on his Skateboard and made they way to school. When they went to school the caretaker and he saw them coming and he said, "Hello, Mr. Henry and Mrs. Merely are waiting for you Ace and also a man and a woman just went in there to see them in head teacher’s office." Ace and others thanked him and made they way to head teacher’s office and none of them know who the new 2 people were they know Mr. Henry who is the head of school and Mrs. Merely who is head of year 10 which was Ace's and others in but everyone were wondering who the other people were and Ace had an idea who it would be Mr. William and Mrs. Jackson. They went to the office and knock on the door and Mrs. Merely head of they year opened the door to let them in and as Ace thought its was them two and Michele recognised them but she didn't say anything she just turned to look at Ace and turned to face them again. Both of them were talking to Mr. Henry and when they saw Ace and others they stopped and looked at them. Mr. Henry said, "Oh here you are we were waiting for you and this is Mr. William and Mrs. Jackson who will be taking you all to the conference" Mr. William and Mrs. Jackson waved at them and Ace didn't act as he knew them. He looked at Michele who was looking at him and he smiled back at her and she realise that he know something about this but she didn't say anything and Mrs. Merely start to talk to them about the conference for long time but she didn't mention anything about SIS involving in this. Than after she finish talking all of allowed to go home and they all made they houses, the sun had disappeared and the sky had turned dark red and the light was disappearing as the dark spread around the places.


Then all of them went to they house and they talk to each other in MSN and they all went to sleep and next morning they got on the same bus to school like they always do. And when they got to school there was a special assembly for year 10 students and Mr. Henry head teacher told everyone about the conference and also about a field trip the whole year group going on tomorrow and told them to make sure they bring the concern form in the morning if they want to go on the trip. Ace and others already decided on going on this trip last night after they been told about it when they went to talk about the conference so they were all packed up and got the concern form signed and they went out like they usually do after school and than went home. Next morning they got everything they need and got no the bus with normal ordinary cloths and when they arrived at school they was a coach waiting for to take them to on the trip Ace and others got on fast and sat at the back seat and all of them were taken to camping in the forest and it when they got there is was dark sky and cold and it was raining. Ace loved the weather because it was just perfect ideal weather for him he loves rain so he played around in the rain and than all of sudden the rain stop and the sun started to shine and the students were enjoying them self and also were doing the works they came to do and day went fast. All the students were taken to a hotel near the forest that night to rest and Ace got up early and went down stairs and he run into Michele who also gotten up early so both of them went down to the opposite the hotel and sat down and Michele asked Ace about why were Mr. William and Mrs. William were there last night, she asked him if it got anything to do with her or the Night Panthers. And Ace couldn't lie to her even if he did she can tell by looking at his eyes that he is lying cause he is not a good liar like she told him before so he told her everything that SIS told him about the conference and things but he asked her to promise that she wouldn't tell others. Than they both sat they talking when other students start to come down for breakfast and both of them went to the meet Jake, Spike and Angel and joined them and had they breakfast and after that all the students head off to the forest to finish the rest of the work and all of them managed to finish everything before lunch.
So all of them went back and had they lunch before headed back home and while they were on they way home the coach stopped at a fun fair to finish of the rest of the day before going home. The students split up into they own group and went around the fair and all decided to meet up at the entrance at the end of the day so Ace, Michele, Angle, Spike and Jake went together on every rides and fun stuff in the fair all of them were having fun and the day was sunny and nice. Ace and others went on most of the rides and than Michele and Angel went to the girls toilet and Ace, Jake and Spike went to get something to drink and eat for all of them and suddenly they was a gun shot and Ace got hit in his left hand and everyone around start to scream and run like crazy everywhere. Ace was on his knees covering his wound while Jake and Spike was in shock looking at him don't know what to do and Ace told them to get inside somewhere safe, Michele and Angel came out of the toilet to see what was the all screaming was about and people running all over the place and than they saw Ace on his knees and they came toward them running shouting his name. Ace looked up to see them both than he notice that there was a little red dot moving in Michele white top and it was flashing on her like a spot light. Ace knew there is something was going on but he was losing blood and his eyes started to go out of focus so he shakes his head to get the view back and while he was shaking his head he noticed a man on top of a roof of Spooky House building in the fair and he was holding a sniper which was pointing out toward Michele and he realise that the spot light is the gun laser point. He struggled and got up and start to run toward Michele and Angel and Jake and Spike who still didn't know what going on around them followed him and the man with the sniper noticed Ace running so her took his shot and all the people just fell into the ground soon as the gun go off and Ace dived in front of her and the bullet hit him on his back as he fell into the ground and also hit his head on the ground so he laid there unconscious. Other four just didn't know what to do and they all were kneeling down beside him when some of the teacher and students who came there not knowing what happened and they saw Ace on the ground and other four of them around him on they knees. They were shaking his body trying to wake him up than it started to rain and the rain drops fell on Ace and his hands moved than when the rain drop fell on his eyes his eyes moved. Than Ace opened his eyes slowly than he got up and sat down wrapping pieces of cloths around his hand to stop himself bleeding more and losing blood. Everyone was shocked about Ace getting up some people were even surprised that he survived but Ace didn't wait to answer any of the question everyone kept on asking him if he is ok, his mind was fully set on finding the man who shot him as he was looking around all over the place and finally spots him walking toward the exit. Ace got to his feet and start to run toward the exit to catch the man others didn't know what was he doing most of them still in the shock but suddenly the man disappeared into the crowds. Ace left standing alone in middle of crowd lost than a man in black coat wearing hood up walked past him and he walked passed Ace when he bumped into on of the public and his gun he was hiding inside his coat slipped but he managed to hide it before anyone around see it but Ace seen show it. The man start to walk fast and than start to run while Ace chasing after him than the man stop at dead end and he turned to face Ace removing his hood and smiles, the man was bold and Ace recognised the man he was in a picture of Macsade group as Mrs. Jackson told Ace before that the man in one of the best sniper in Europe. Ace begin to twist top circle on his watch randomly which is like secret SIS code for help and SIS receives signal in they office it was one of the gadgets Paterson gave Ace on his first mission soon as the SIS received the SOS message from Ace they began to make they way to the fair. Until then Ace had to keep the man from getting away but the man doesn't seem to planning an escape he seems more likely that he led Ace in to this quiet place on purpose and on the other side Angel, Michele, Jake and Spike and others from the school came looking for Ace as they didn't know which way he went.
The man was smirking at Ace and said, "I got to admit they were right, you are a touch and strong one for your age. But why do you bother risking and losing your life in so young age you should be having fun and enjoying like other teenagers of your age instead of doing jobs like this don’t you think boy."
Ace looked at him "I am not a little boy and I don't take any advice from anyone especially from someone like you. I got involved into this because of people like you and I will put end to this even if it cost my life."
The man started to laugh "Brave huh but it won’t get you anyway and it’s my pleasure to kill you myself I never let my target alive and certainly not letting you alive it be a great insult for me if I fail to kill a kid like you."
Ace got ready to fight the man when he pull out a gun Ace slide toward the man swing his elbow into his stomach and the man stumble backward as Ace kicked him again. Ace's martial arts technique become use to him the man takes his gun and shoot Ace and the first bullet goes pass him missing him by inches and hit the metal wall behind him. But the next shot hit Ace in his waist and Ace falls into his knee coving the place where he got shot and throw a big piece of metal junk at the side toward the man and it hit him in the head and man falls down unconscious into the floor bleeding from his head. Others came to the place after hearing two gun shots an Ace was on his knees holding his waist and also a car stopped and Mr. William and Mrs. Jackson hurried toward to the place with some other men from SIS who took the bold man who is laying on the floor unconscious and Mr. William and Mrs. Jackson thanked Ace for catching him.
"That’s my job and he was over confident and looked at me as just a little boy that the mistake he made" Ace said with a laugh.
They both nodded they head with a smile while everyone else from his school left shocked and confused accept Michele as Ace already told what happening this morning and she worked out that man was wanted by SIS after they took him and by he also try to kill them both. And Mr. William explained to others about what was going on there that Ace works for SIS and the truth behind Michele. Ace was standing next to Michele having his Arm crosses and there were no blood on his back or waist where he been shot so Spike asked him about it and Ace smiles and took his shirt of and he showed them a bullet proof vest that he was wearing which reach up to his shoulder to waist. The vest didn't go up to his arm that’s why he was bleeding when he got shot in his hand first time.

Flaming Flames...

Everyone was shocked and surprised after hearing about both of them and than Mrs. Jackson asked Jake, Michele, Angel and Spike if she can talk to them in private Ace knew that they going to tell them about the mission but he didn’t know what to say. Mr. William and Mrs. Jackson told the teachers and took all 5 of them in the car to SIS office where they asked all 4 of them to help them and Ace with the Entorde mission in London conference in 5 days and Ace was hoping they won’t agree to this as he was looking at them. Ace didn't want them getting involved into this after what happened with him and Michele before even though he didn't say anything to them he was thinking and wishing that they wont accept to help him on this mission specially Michele as she already know about SIS. Ace was worried about them getting into danger and maybe getting killed he was looking at them as they waiting for a reply and his eyes were filled with worried and Michele looked at him in the eyes before turn around and agree to help him with the mission followed by others. Mr. Jackson smiled and said, "Excellent and if you all finish this mission successfully you might join SIS and Ace." Ace shakes his head and others were laughing at what she said and Spike said, "Why not sound good to me."
Mr. William than spoke for the first time after arriving in SIS office "well than we will meet all of you like we already planned and we will make you and provide you all with gadgets you might need to use in the mission and we will also working beside you all protecting and make sure you get out safe." Ace suddenly got up and left the room and went outside and sat down on a chair outside and all 6 of them looked at him and than Michele, Angel, Jake, Spike came looking for him and found him sitting in the chair and they went over to him sitting beside him and standing in front of him and asked him what wrong. Ace looked up "Nothing... I am fine I just needed some fresh air"
Jake said, "Don't try to lie you know your not a good liar, we can see there is something wrong or something bothering you from your eyes so tell as what’s wrong."
Ace replied, "Well, I just didn't accept any of you to agree to join the SIS especially Michele as you know what we went through last mission. I was just surprised that all of you agreed quickly"
Angel said, "We didn't just agree because it to save the lots of students who is coming to the conference and join SIS, we agreed because we couldn't just stand out and let you alone into this after we know about what you went through alone with your last mission so we decide what ever happen we will do it together and look out for each other." Others nodded for what Angel said and Ace looked at all of them with a smile and thanked them when Mr. William and Mrs. Jackson walked over to them after standing a little bit behind them listening to they conversation.
"We already said our sorry lots of time and you know its not our fault as we explained earlier and we won't make the same mistake again and as your friend said now you got each other too and we know you trust your friends and your friendship surly make sure all of you are safe even if we didn't." said Mr. William who was standing beside Mrs. Jackson looking down at Ace.

Ace looked at them "If you don’t do the same mistake will you make a different mistake this time" he said with a smile and Michele nudged him.
Michele said, "Don't be nasty to them Ace come on give them another chance to prove them self and well if you don’t trust them why are you still with SIS than? Huh!"
Ace laughed "I was just joking and when you join them its not that easy to get out accept they send you back home or you die, which I am not planning to do anytime soon."
Mrs. Jackson said, "Well than we will give your team a code name which we can use in the mission for security and safety reason. Let me see now the best name that will suit young teenagers like you would be FLAMING FIRE." she looked at everyone "Does anyone has a problem with this name you can say so now we can change to something everyone like." Everyone stands there quiet smiling without saying no and spike nodded his head than after agreeing to everything Mr. William and Mrs. Jackson left and all 5 went back to their home. Next day all of them met in the school and did what their usually do and all of them especially Spike was very excited about their first mission even though they were little bit nervous inside. The days gone past and the day for the mission came so everyone got ready and met each other at school as their waited for Mr. William and Mrs. Jackson to pick them up. Ace was in all red he was wearing red shirt and red jeans and also red coat also red shoes to go with his outfit, Michele was wearing T-Shirt with red hands and white in the middle and red jeans and she was also wearing the gold chain that Ace gave her for her birthday, Jake wore his favourite football team top and blue jeans and blue jacket, Angel wore her blue top with her black jeans and black coat and spike was wearing his black hood with a band name and picture on the front and he wore his blue jeans. The car arrived in front of the school to pick them up and Mr. William and Mrs. Jackson was inside the car and everyone got the car and sat down.
And when their all got inside the car Mrs. Jackson greeted them and told them about the gadgets they were going to get for this mission and Mr. William gave everyone a pen which fitted with laser and light which their can use to find a way around in dark and also if their open the back of the pen it has a small knife in case if their ever need it. Than he gave everyone a mobile phone with camera and video in them but those are not just an ordinary phone the camera and video that been taken or recorded will connect and send straight to SIS office computer system. And as the last gadget he handed everyone a packet of bubble gum which Spike was trying to eat as he act silly most of the time but it made to melt any metal if their chew it until the taste turn to bitter and than their had to stick it to any metal and its will melt it in less than 3 minutes. After they went over the stuff again their all made their way to the place the conference was held. Their all got out of the car when their arrived at the conference and there was about 19 other school from around the United Kingdom and also about 50 other people like the teacher and news reporters and special guest for the conference. But there was no sign of Mr. Paterson anywhere than someone from the conference came and took them over to the place where all the other students were.


User Comments: [2]
Ace The Child Of Destiny
Community Member

Fri May 18, 2007 @ 01:13am

wow viewed 31 times but no comment sad

Community Member

Sat Aug 04, 2007 @ 12:33am

oh sorry ace i was reading the story in your other journal sweatdrop
but i read the Flaming Flames... part in here^^
cool red, blue and black outfits wink

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