Gaian Name: the_minstral_demyx
Name: Josh
Age: 16

Rank: Kyogre blue
Bio: Josh grew up in Snowpoint city around ice pokemon and his chimchar. His dream is to be one of the top Ice trainers and is at the academy to get a leg up on the game.
1. Gible (chomper)
2. Mamoswine (glacier)
3. Glaceon (shiva.... she's a little clingy)
4. Monferno (meltdown)
5. Froslass (celcius)
Crush: none yet
Personility: He can be a little cold and quiet when he's around new people but he's normally friendly if still little on the quiet side. He prefers the company of his pokemon more than other people.
Dorm Number: 4
Track: trainer
Trainer Card:
(if i need it) rp sample: -link-