XD So Today, it was a pretty normal day nothing much. During art some morons decided to play around with tubes. Funny XD anyways we went to lunch and i forgot my id card so i had christa buy me food. I ate and talked about stuff and listened to random crap. Then after a while i hear this "MR. MENNES MENNES!!" i turn around and a whole group of kids are backing away from something and i hear screaming. I get closer to see Joey [ kid from school :B] and Caleb. Joey jumps over the rail for lunch onto Calebs back and punches him. They fall over onto the table and joey keeps punching him. and then the table splits and starts to fall apart. Just about is was to fall mr. mennes rushed over there and grabbed them both.
see the thing was. Caleb Grabbed Chelsy's [ not sure how to spell it o_O] a**. Joey got mad. Chesly told him not to. Joey threw chips at Caleb and starting punching him. they went over the the rail and stopped for a bit. Caleb started to walk away, turned his back to joey. Joey jumped over the railing onto his back and yeah. Thats where i came in to see the rest !O: SO after school when i was getting off my bus stop. Joey was there with his little brother i think O_O. Dustin comes over screaming that was the greatest thing he saw. Joey yells to the bus driver that hes suspended for the rest of the year and next semester :B and that hes smoking and he holds up his cigarette. XD Most Awesome.
iLemur · Thu May 17, 2007 @ 09:41pm · 3 Comments |