Biorn Moon: eeeeeeek!
Jared Crimson: **nod nods** hot dogs yah
JJandthebansheES: Porkchops X3
Biorn Moon: *hides behind jared.*
Kenichi Kinken: Hi JJ
Jared Crimson: hewo mistur JJ
Jared Crimson: O_o
Kenichi Kinken: I thought you liked mexican food
Kenichi Kinken: XD
Jared Crimson: wuss wong Byorn?
JJandthebansheES: Hello little pudgecakes X3
Biorn Moon: He chuwys on meh.
Biorn Moon: ._.
Kenichi Kinken: *goes to make a hotdog for Jared*
Jared Crimson: he duzn't hurted yew duz he?
JJandthebansheES: *Happily twists his head like an owl to Biorn* c**k-a-doodle-doo X3
Kaffysaur: o_o
Biorn Moon: *screams and hides.*
JJandthebansheES: Oink X3
Kenichi Kinken: *comes back and gives Jared his hotdog, picking up Biorn*
JJandthebansheES: Don't be afraid, happy meal. I won't hurt you X3
Jared Crimson: **holds da plate wiff da hotdog on it az Kaffy holds him**
JJandthebansheES: *meaning Biorn*
Jared Crimson: fank yew mistur Ken
Kenichi Kinken: no problem ^^
Biorn Moon: *hides in mr Ken's arms.*
Kenichi Kinken: *rocks him softly*
Jared Crimson: **wiggles in Kaffy's arms, wuntin down to eat at da coffy tabul**
Biorn Moon: *starts to drift off to sleep in mr Ken's arms.*
Kaffysaur: -Sets Jared down at the table-
Jared Crimson: **kneels at da edge uf da coffytabul, puttin da plate an hiz pacifier down**
Kenichi Kinken: awwww *smiles and feeds Biorn his bottle*
Jared Crimson: **picks up da hotdog in hiz liddul hands an stuffs da edge into hiz mouth, chompin a big bite**
JJandthebansheES: *Lumbers over to Biorn, looking down at him. The humidity of his breath relaxing the toddler's hair*
JJandthebansheES: X3
Biorn Moon: *screams and hides under mr Ken's shirt.*
JJandthebansheES: v.v
Jared Crimson: Byorn weely... iss otay... mistur JJ iz a liddul weerd... but heez a vury sweet purson
Kenichi Kinken: Awww JJ *pets him and keeps hold of Biorn*
Biorn Moon: *shakes *
Jared Crimson: I pomiss yew Byorn... JJ wud nefur hurted yew
Jared Crimson: wite mistur JJ?
Biorn Moon: *mumbles from under the shirt.* he chewweded on meh.
JJandthebansheES: *Kneels down opening arms to Biorn* Come on little happy meal, give JJ a hug X3
JJandthebansheES: ^VvvvvV^
Kenichi Kinken: he will be nice to you ^^
Jared Crimson: I shure he dinnt do it inna painful way
Jared Crimson: wite mistur JJ?
Kenichi Kinken: he might me a little scary
Biorn Moon: *slowly starts to crawl down and move twoards mr JJ.*
JJandthebansheES: Oink ^_^
Kenichi Kinken: *giggles*
Biorn Moon: *holds up arms to mr JJ for a hugg.*
Jared Crimson: mistur JJ !!
Jared Crimson: how tum yew no answur me
JJandthebansheES: *Gives the little tike a big hug*
JJandthebansheES: Oh sorry Jared v.v
Biorn Moon: *smiles and huggles him back.*
DasMender leaves the chat.
Kenichi Kinken: ^^
Jared Crimson: **pouts an nibbuls at hiz hotdog**
JJandthebansheES: *Kisses Jared on the forehead and then Biorn* there there X3
[Blank...] enters the chat.
Kenichi Kinken: JJ is like a clown biggrin ?
Biorn Moon: *smiles.*
Biorn Moon: nuu..clowns ish scarwy..
Biorn Moon: *smiles and huggles on mr jj.*
Jared Crimson: see
Jared Crimson: I tolded yew mistur JJ iz nice **tawk wiff a mouthful uf hotdog**
JJandthebansheES: *Rocks Biorn in his arms* Georgie Porgy pudding pie. Kissed the girls and made them cry. When the boys came out to play. Georgie Porgy ran away X3
Biorn Moon: *giggles and blushes.*
Kenichi Kinken: XD
JJandthebansheES: <----inspired to make a horror-based drawing loosely based on the nursery rhymne he told to Biorn
Biorn Moon: o.o
Jared Crimson: **luks down az a glob uf tetchup falls frum hiz hotdog, down da frunt uf hiz scooby doo tshirt**
JJandthebansheES: Woof ^_^
JJandthebansheES: Arf
JJandthebansheES: Meoink X3
Biorn Moon: *pulls some whipeys out of his baggy and hands them to jared.* here youw go
Jared Crimson: **taykes hiz half-eated hotdog an rubs it up aganst hiz shurt to scoop up da dwopped tetchup, only mayking it wurser**
Kenichi Kinken: awww Jared here ^^ *gets a little napkin and cleans his shirt*
JJandthebansheES: brb *Sets Biorn next to Jared then idles, falling on the couch like a discarded doll*
Jared Crimson: **nibbles on hiz hotdog summowe az he waches Ken wipe at hiz shurt**
Biorn Moon: *smiles and sits next to jared sipping on his bottle.*
Jared Crimson: **hands ovur da half-eated hotdog to Byorn, offurin him to haf sum**
Biorn Moon: *takes out his bottle and leans forward taking a small bite from it and chews it.*
Jared Crimson: **gifs Byorn a tetchup flayvured kiss on da cheek befowe goin bak to eatin hiz hotdog**
Biorn Moon: *giggles and blushes and continues to chew his little piece of hotdog.*
Biorn Moon: hotdogsh ish gewd * smiles after he swallows.*
Jared Crimson: **puts da wast liddul bit on hiz plate dat he dinnt eat** all dun ^_^
Jared Crimson: **nod nods** yah
Jared Crimson: teezburgurs awe beddur tho.... wiff wotsa tomaytos on it ^_^
Jared Crimson: <333
Biorn Moon: When i eatsh foodsh like dat mah daddeh makesh me sooshee :3
Jared Crimson: neet... I haf sooshy befowe ^_^
Biorn Moon: itsh gewd!"
[Blank...] leaves the chat.
Jared Crimson: did yur daddy tell yew dat iss mayde frum fishes?
Biorn Moon: yush"
[Blank...] enters the chat.
[Blank...] leaves the chat.
JJandthebansheES: *randomly chanting a kinds of food while springing back to life* porkchops. ham. bacon. steak. pot roast. SLAMWIIIIIICH!
JJandthebansheES: *pops bones back in place*
Jared Crimson: O_o
JJandthebansheES: Back, oink X3
Biorn Moon: o.o
JJandthebansheES: XDDD
JJandthebansheES: sorry about that
Biorn Moon: *waves to mr jj.*
JJandthebansheES: *Waves back at Biorn* ^_^
[zombie] enters the chat.
JJandthebansheES: Oink
Jared Crimson: **mistur JJ iz weerd betuz heez weely into Howwur moovys an stuff... but heez a soopur nice purson**
JJandthebansheES: ^_^
[zombie]: :B
Biorn Moon: ohhh he shounds wike meh daddeh.
JJandthebansheES: Hmmm?
JJandthebansheES: How so?
Jared Crimson: oh daddy Sam wike Howwur moovys?
Biorn Moon: Meh daddeh wuvs howwur moovees
Biorn Moon: yush
Kenichi Kinken leaves the chat.
[zombie]: ow i bit my cheek. ]:
[zombie]: eeeoooww. ]8
Biorn Moon: owwy i hatesh dat .
Jared Crimson: yah
[zombie]: i know.
Kaffysaur: D;
[zombie]: my whole cheek is banged up from this stupid pack of gum i've been chewing for the past couple days
[zombie]: ]x
JJandthebansheES: *whispers then yells raising his arms in the air with lightning striking and a giant cockroach looking over his newspaper like o_O* banana...SPLIIIIT!!
JJandthebansheES: Cockroach: Freak >___>
Biorn Moon: *gets bored and crawls over to his baggy. and pulls out his finger paints and some paper.*
[zombie]: i hope i get presents or something tonight
[zombie]: tonight hasn't been great.
[zombie]: 8B
Jeezus Christ enters the chat.
Jeezus Christ leaves the chat.
Biorn Moon: *sets up his finger paint stuffs on the table.*
JJandthebansheES: *Blows on Jared's neck giving him a rasberry*
Jared Crimson: **gits hiz pacifier an stuffs it bak into hiz mouth, hiz wet diaper crinklin undur hiz pants az he gits up an goes to git hiz cwayons**
JJandthebansheES: hehehehe nummy nums attack XD*
[zombie]: :B
Jared Crimson: **squeeks an giggles, fallin ovur an dwoppin hiz cwayons az heez tikkuled by JJ**
Biorn Moon: *start to finger paint and watches them.*
Biorn Moon: heeheehe
Kaffysaur: :3
Biorn Moon: joo ish funneh mistur JJ
JJandthebansheES: Thank you ^_^
Biorn Moon: *smiles.*
Jared Crimson: **gits up to hiz feets agan an squats down, pickin up scattured cwayons offa da flor**
[Vicey] enters the chat.
Jared Crimson: weltum bak mistur Vikken
Biorn Moon: *goes back to his finger paintin.*
[zombie]: doodoo.
JJandthebansheES: *cackles*
Jared Crimson: **wonce he haz all hiz cwayons bak in hiz liddul pail, he todduls bak to da coffytabul ware Byorn iz**
Biorn Moon: *makes a rainbow and a birdy and lifts it up to show jared.*
Jared Crimson: **kneels down at da tabul beside him** pwetty
Biorn Moon: *smiles* Tanku.
Jared Crimson: **sets hiz scooby doo coluring book out on da tabul an flips to a non-scribbuled on page**
[zombie] leaves the chat.
[Vicey] leaves the chat.
Biorn Moon: *smiles and takes a new sheet and starts to paint a sun on it with pinks and reds and oranges and yellows.*
Jared Crimson: wuss yur fayvuritest amanul at da zoo Byorn?
Jared Crimson: My iz eethur da Tygurs or da Lelefunts ^_^
Biorn Moon: i wikes shnakeys und tygurs.
Kaffysaur leaves the chat.
Jared Crimson: **sigh**
Jared Crimson: everybudy leevin us Byorn
Biorn Moon: i knows
Biorn Moon: *pouts.*
Biorn Moon: *changes his sheet of paper again and startst o paint jared a elephant.*
Jared Crimson: **continues to scwibbul wiff hiz cwayon az he colors a pichure in hiz coloring book uf Shaggy holdin Scooby in hiz arms**
Biorn Moon: *smiles and shows jared his painting.*
Jared Crimson: neet issa Lelefunt !!
Biorn Moon: yush!
Jared Crimson: yew dossa mayke a Tygur since dass boaff our fayvurites
Biorn Moon: *smiles*
Biorn Moon: okies
Jared Crimson: **sits up a bit on hiz knees az he shuffuls clostur to wach him paint**
Biorn Moon: *takes out a new sheet and starts to paint a tiger.*
Biorn Moon: *gives it black stripes and makes the base collor bright orange with a curled tail and a pink nose and little round ears and big green eyes.*
Jared Crimson: **dips into da fingur paints an adds a few touches wen it seems Byorn duzn't object, puttin a tree an clouds an gwass at da tygurs feets**
JJandthebansheES: Whoa. Looks like I'm going to be baby sitting for a while XD
Jared Crimson: **giggles**
Jared Crimson: everybudy go'd bubbye
JJandthebansheES: Yup
Biorn Moon: *smiles and watches jared paint and goes to gets whipyes for their hands.*
JJandthebansheES: No way I'm leaving you two alone
Ocean Machine enters the chat.
Jared Crimson: how tum?
Biorn Moon: *smiles and mr JJ.*
Ocean Machine: literate INDEED.
Biorn Moon: *blinks.*
Ocean Machine: Ladies and Gentlemen, Hello!
Jared Crimson: hay mistur Oshun
JJandthebansheES: Ocean X3
JJandthebansheES: *waves*
Ocean Machine: I am in love with porcupine tre...
Ocean Machine: *tree...
JJandthebansheES: XD
Ocean Machine: I saw them live tonight.
Biorn Moon: *giggles.*
Ocean Machine: and I am just in a "SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" mood right now
JJandthebansheES: Eh? what happen to your hair? o_O
Ocean Machine: I don't know
Ocean Machine: my hair won't load in slots and it looks weird
Biorn Moon: *brings jared a whipey for his hands.* here joo goes
JJandthebansheES: Holy Sinnead O'Connor o_O
Biorn Moon: *whipes his own hands clean.*
JJandthebansheES: *meaning Ocean*
Jared Crimson: **wipe wipes at hiz hands clumbsily, not weely gud at it, az he usually haz sumone else cleenin him up**
Ocean Machine: Look at my avatar on my gaia
Ocean Machine: and in slots
Ocean Machine: its RAPE
Ocean Machine: but I couldn't care right now
Ocean Machine: cause SQUEEEEEEEEEEe
Sweet_Death_of_Blood enters the chat.
Biorn Moon: *Helps jared whipe his hands used to cleaning his own hands after painting.*
Ocean Machine: nothing can describe my mood better. xD
Biorn Moon: teehee
Sweet_Death_of_Blood: Hi
Jared Crimson: fank yew
Jared Crimson: hewo mistur Deff
Sweet_Death_of_Blood: Miss, dear. I'm a woman.
Biorn Moon: *smiles and waits for their pictures to dry up.*
Jared Crimson: oh.. I sowwy
Jared Crimson: *blush*
Sweet_Death_of_Blood: Tis okay, Dear.
Biorn Moon: itsh a girwl
Biorn Moon: o.o
Biorn Moon: *smiles and waves blushing a bit.*
Sweet_Death_of_Blood: -smiles and waves- Hi.
Foamy Rules All enters the chat.
Sweet_Death_of_Blood: Hello Foamy.
Biorn Moon: *curls up next to jared and lays against him sucking on his paci.*
Jared Crimson: **sucks on hiz pacifier quietly az he gits up an hewps Byorn hand deir fingur paintings to dwy**
Foamy Rules All: Hewwo
JJandthebansheES: Brb
Sweet_Death_of_Blood: How are you?
Foamy Rules All: good
Sweet_Death_of_Blood: Tis good to hear.
Jared Crimson: **sits bak down wiff Byorn, wrappin a liddul arm round Byorn's shoulders az he leens aganst him**
Foamy Rules All: Yup,yup
Sweet_Death_of_Blood: -smiles-
Sweet_Death_of_Blood: If you all mind not, might I ask your ages?
Biorn Moon: *starts to fall asleep against jared sence its time for nap nap.*
Jared Crimson: **Holds up 4 fingurs an cownts** won... too.. fwee... fowe
Jared Crimson: **poke pokes Byorn** heez diss many **Holds up 2 fingurs**
Sweet_Death_of_Blood: In real life?
Biorn Moon: *wiggles in his sleeps and sucks on his paci abit.*
Sweet_Death_of_Blood: Or on the computer?
Jared Crimson: well dass kinda twicky
Sweet_Death_of_Blood: Is that so?
Jared Crimson: yess in RL too... betuz weer infantilists
Jared Crimson: reed diss
Jared Crimson:
Sweet_Death_of_Blood: If you were infants, Dear, you wouldn't be able to use a computer so well.
Jared Crimson: it'll essplain gud
Jared Crimson: reed my pwofile
Jared Crimson: it essplains wut I meen by infantilist
Sweet_Death_of_Blood: -shrugs- I don't really care about the age or anything, I just want to assure myself I'm as old as I don't want to be.
Foamy Rules All: how old are you
Sweet_Death_of_Blood: I'm 19 years old.
Foamy Rules All: I'm younger then the usual
Ocean Machine: Nineteen...THOUSAND
Ocean Machine: *cackles*
Jared Crimson: **subconciously iz petting Byorn's hair soffly az he lays up aganst him**
Sweet_Death_of_Blood: -smiles- Ah, well, I'm used to being asked how old I am, because of the way I "speak"
Biorn Moon: *shivers a bit in his sleep as hes petted.*
Jared Crimson: **luks round an pulls a blanky offa da couch behind dem an wraps it round Byorn**
Biorn Moon: *smiles in his sleep and curls close to jared.*
Sweet_Death_of_Blood: -sighs and leans back against the wall-
Jared Crimson: wuss wong miss Deff?
Sweet_Death_of_Blood: Too many things.
Jared Crimson: **head tilts**
Sweet_Death_of_Blood: Applying to college and such. I took a year off to travel to Japan.
Sweet_Death_of_Blood: Trying to get off the habit of smoking, but it's easier said than done.
Ocean Machine: Good luck.
Sweet_Death_of_Blood: Thank you.
Jared Crimson: uh oh... I haffa go bubbye fowe now
Sweet_Death_of_Blood: I'm also still getting over a relationship gone bad.
Sweet_Death_of_Blood: good bye.
Ocean Machine: My advice is to just try your hardest, save up the money you spend on ciggy's, and buy something REALLY nice for yourself
Ocean Machine: I bought an 80 gig ipod, works just as well as any drug
Jared Crimson: **nudges Byorn a liddul bit to wake him**
Jared Crimson: **taykes out hiz pacifier an leens down a bit, kissin at hiz cheek**
Sweet_Death_of_Blood: -shrugs- Once again, easier said than done. I've smoked since I was fourteen.
Jared Crimson: bubbye Byorn, yew shud pwobly go ni ni too
Ocean Machine: Just advice, hun. ^^;
Sweet_Death_of_Blood: I know and I thank you, even though you do not know me so well.
Jared Crimson: **gits to hiz feets, toddulin round da room an giffing hugs to anybudy dat wunts em**
Jared Crimson: ni ni, luv yew guyses
Sweet_Death_of_Blood: Night.
Jared Crimson leaves the chat.
Sweet_Death_of_Blood: So...
Biorn Moon leaves the chat.
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