This is a sad day, despite the fact that it's the day before school's out. My cat Josie, the tiny black cat who is about a year old died last night. I have no idea how, or why, but we think she might have fallen. I'm kinda, sorta, over it, it wasn't as bad as when Guiney died, but I still cried alot over it. I even cried during second period. It sucks, it was so unexpected, she didn't look sick or anything the night before, she was fine, healthy. crying They think it might be flees, but their not sure. I feel so bad though, because the night of, i think I heard her meow, and it didn't sound normal, it sounded terrible, it was actually in one of my dreams, you know, when you hear something in real life and it comes into your dream and you're like what the heck is this? But then you wake up and it doesn't really matter any more. I hear her meow and I thought something might have been the matter but I was too tired and lazy to get up. It was until the morning that I realized it was her and that was her dying meow (well that sounds rather morbid). I'm really going to miss her. crying crying crying