Mmmm.. that was when Pin was over.. I was leaning on her head, and she just has this expression like.. "UGH.. get her off" xDD.. always makes meh lauph :3
I'm in school right now.. on my I-book, it's a laptop that the school provides for you to use and s**t... quite usefull if you wanna get online during class xd But, I am ub3r bored right now.. we just finished our 9 weeks test, and it was pretty easy.. most of the questions on there were from last year, so I remembered them all xd ... then I found Pin's agenda in my class, and me and Lexi contaminated it n___n... and we found her math study guide thing.. x___x; Gawd DAMN that girl is WAY to smart... I mean.. I looked at the first problem, and I died.. literally xD.. and Lexi went on with the other problems, and well... just guessed at them xp Trois saw the sheet, and even he commented, "That girl's to smart for her own good" Me and Lexi: "YES. GOOD LORD. STUPID ADVANCED MATH." *sigh* I wish I was smart xDD... I try ;-; Anyways, gotta go now x_x;
Next class time >_>;;
</3 .: Rina :. <3
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