Oh, my poor journal! How I have been neglecting you!
Today in class we began to dissect fetal pigs. Lovely way to start a journal entry, eh? I've always loved the life sciences classes because we get to dissect things. I don't know why I enjoy these things so much! I was all excited, certain that I'd get to be the one to handle the scalpel because the majority of my class is very squeamish. I get to my group, which picked by the teacher, and they're all wearing scrubs and surgical gloves. ... I didn't get to handle the knife today. I was the reader. But! One person, who was supposed to handle the knife tomorrow, got sick from the fumes and refuses to do anything, and another discovered that dissecting things grossed her out too much. So that means that of the four of us, only two are able to work for their grade. We agreed that I get to be the surgeon tomorrow. <33 I won't go into any gory details for you. But it was so cool! And the teacher seemed really happy that the two of us found it so interesting. xD
I saw PoTC III opening night, the first showing. Ever since the opening scene, that song they sang has been haunting me. I keep hearing it when everything is silent, as if it's playing somewhere far off. D: But for some reason, I couldn't remember the lyrics for the life of me. Finally, I managed to find the lyrics online so I could sing it to the tune I have, and then found an MP3 that seems to be from the soundtrack. I'm gonna have to go and buy that soundtrack. . . . *just bought the soundtrack on iTunes* Well. That's taken care of. That kid has a lovely voice. <33 Gives me the chills. If he's got a CD, I'd buy it. O:
I had an exchange student from Japan over. C: Just for the weekend, much like when I went to Japan. We had all this stuff planned out to do with her, but then she got sick and was not feeling well. So we canceled the whole weekend so she could rest. :C She was doing better Sunday evening, though, so I think the rest of her trip will go well. Dad made her a lot of Japanese comfort food. He's so nice. <3 I think he was worried that she wasn't adjusting well to all of the fats found in American food, coupling with the jetlag. Rae thinks that the excitement and everything combined caused her not to feel well. I almost think she faked it so she wouldn't have to be bothered by us. ~c__ c But she's nicer than that. I just wish I could have gotten to know her better. I wish I wasn't so shy. :C
I was considering splicing my journal entries from now on, but then I played with that feature a bit and realized it just wouldn't do. My entries shall remain very long.
Summer break is so close, but so far away...! I still have year-end finals to do! ; 0; I have a final tomorrow in History. At least, I think it's a final. It's a test, and my teacher is making a big deal out of it. :T He's been jacking up the points on all of our homework and quizzes. What used to be about 10 points is now 100. But everything is worth that much, so percentage-wise it doesn't make any difference. It just means there was no point to do the earlier work. But I won't tell him that, I'll continue to let him stew in his own naivety. Let him truly know what sorts of bliss ignorance can bring about! . . . I'm just holding a grudge against him for giving me such low scores on essays. Not one essay, multiple essays. I have this theory that the ideas I'm trying to convey are too complicated for him to understand completely, and thus he downgrades me. While the football star sitting ahead of me who is lucky to pass any of his classes is getting A's... Hey! Wait! Not fair! That's..! That's so cliche it hurts!
*will try hard on tomorrow's test*
Leamony · Wed Jun 06, 2007 @ 05:53am · 1 Comments |