K These are the changes I am focusing on for the next couple of months
still trying to empty out the older horoscopes, but it's coming The Horoscopes and Fortune telling sub forums will be merged into one Announcements used for various fortune telling styles Stickies the 4 weeks of Horoscopes and open topics for regular posts
I will be using some of the other sub forums as Archive space for dead or dying threads, but leave them open for new posts should an interest in them return.
Debating on a new heading for the Faries, angels, Spirit Guides, ghosts and such sub forum. The title is just too long
Older Fun Stuff will be an archive for dead games and quizes, but also keep track of our contest winners and such.
Created: Archived Miscellaneous For those random threads that have too many subjects in them, or I have no clue as to where they should go.
Once that is settled, I will probably start a new contest xd
Gentle Spirits Mascot · Wed Jun 06, 2007 @ 01:20pm · 0 Comments |