Ho'kay. So here's my dream...I had a ******** weird as dream. A dream that I was going to go see Dir en grey and s**t, and they were with these bands that didn't even exist. Can't remember the names of them now, but that doesn't matter! Me, my friend Brittany, and some really hot chick I didn't know but she was apparently my friend, went with me.
The concert was being heald around this huge ******** mansion that was really kick a**, but somewhat reminded me of an airport. Because there was this area with these tons and tons of seats, and a huge a** window. Next to that area was a random lobby leading outside to the concert area; yes the concert was outside. The area was this big, rolling hill place with no seats and the stage was made out of wood and it was a peice of s**t. Around the concert area, which was kind of small, by the way, was a fence. And outside of this fence was a bunch of filing cabnets as tall as buildings.
So, after wondering around the mansion for a long time, I met up with someone I know, Stacy, and her six year old daughter, Amanda. I found myself wondering why the ******** a six year old would be at a Dir en grey concert but I didn't question it further...I also met up with Stacy's father, Wayne, and that one guy from Office Space. So, after I went to pee 'n s**t, we went out to the concert area where the first concert was about to start. It was that non existant band.
I carried my notebook outside and so did my friend, and we were writing, waiting for the s**t to start, while my hot friend was somehow playing Silent Hill 3, and the image was just cast somewhere randomly infront of her. It wasn't even like Silent Hill 3...Heather was in a giant resteraunt, and it was first person, and there was a maniquen like creature with two heads, and one of them was really big and long and it was creepy. And what was really shitty, was that we were in the front row and some ******** bastards somehow sat in front of us and Brittany beat the s**t out of them, while I watched, untill they left.
By this time, I had to pee. And I was hungry. So I ran off inside, but the airport looking place started getting really dark. So I had to run through the dark; and it was weird, 'cause no one was there. It was like everyone dissapeared. The only person I could find was Amanda. I ignored her, and ran off to the bathroom but she chased me, and ran into one before me. So I was pissed, but there was another one.
But it was some kids bathroom or something, because the toilet was up on this high shelf like thing, so like, a babysitter could sit the kid on the toilet. And I wasn't even going to try to pee in that thing. But, I was still hungry. And there was a microwave and a fridge in there. I found something that was a combo of s**t I didn't like, but it had some meat in there that was good, so I apparently heated it up.
Thing is, next thing I knew the microwave was dinging, and the stuff was sizzling. But it was okay. But idiot me picked it up and this red juicey stuff from some kind of vegetable spilled all over the meat, so I didn't eat it. Then I went into the next bathroom to pee, but realized that Amanda was missing. So I was like "********, where is she?!" I'd be in deep s**t if I'd seen her and then she dissapeared. So I went looking for her, found her, and ignored her again.
There were some random guys in this lobby area, which I will note, had red carpets and wooden panneled walls. I asked them what time it was and they said 2:02. Then I asked what time the next act came on and they said 2:50.
So I was like, hey, what the hell. And I went to go back out there. But I got lost! The whole house was changing and what not. Like some ******** RoseRed s**t! But as soon as I found the god damn concert area, they said I missed them! Arg!
But this was good, because as soon as I walked out, some bomb hit the area and blew up the stage and random helpless victims in the croud that I didn't give a s**t aout. Then there was some freaky a** witch lady who sent these snakes at me, which flew, and I tried to kill them with bullets but my friend said they were invunerable to bullets, and that wouldn't work. So I ran.
The whole time, the whole mansion was getting bombed and I was running around like a lunatic, looking for Dir en grey because I wanted a god damn autograph! They had apparently dissapeared off of the face of the earth, and we left...Then I went home and watched SouthPark, dissapointed.
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Random Crap I Wrote
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeyy this is what's goin' in my journal- random crap. You may read if you want. It may be what happened in my day. It may be a random poem. It may be some pics...but if you wanna read it, read it...
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•1 Fender Stratocaster
•40 Juice Boxes
•1 body pillow
•5 pairs of black leather pants
•1 Defroque sock
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