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Here's another one for you....
What if:
[1] I committed suicide:
[2] I said I liked you:
[3] I kissed you:
[4] I lived next door to you:
[5] I started smoking:
[6] I stole something:
[7] I was hospitalized:
[8] I ran away from home:
[9] I got into a fight and you weren't there:

What do you think about my:
[1] Personality:
[2] Eyes:
[3] Face:
[4] Hair:
[5] Clothes:
[6] Mannerisms:

[1] Who are you?
[2] Are we friends?
[3] When and how did we meet?
[4] How have I affected you?
[5] What do you think of me?
[6] What's the fondest memory you have of me?
[7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?
[8] Do you love me?
[9] Have I ever hurt you?
[10] Would you hug me?
[11] Would you kiss me?
[12] Would you ******** me?
[13] Would you marry me?
[14] Emotionally, what stands out?
[15] Do you wish I was cooler?
[16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?
[17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
[18] Am I loveable?
[19] How long have you known me?
[20] Describe me in one word.
[21] What was your first impression?
[22] Do you still think that way about me now?
[23] What do you think my weakness is?
[24] Do you think I'll get married?
[25] What about me makes you happy?
[26] What about me makes you sad?
[27] What reminds you of me?
[28] What's something you would change about me?
[29] How well do you know me?
[30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
[31] Do you think I would kill someone?
[32] Are we close?
[33] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?

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  • User Comments: [4]
    Community Member

    Thu Jun 14, 2007 @ 10:26pm

    What if:
    [1] I committed suicide: I'd cry my eyes out and follow your example.
    [2] I said I liked you: ..Love ya like a fat kid loves cake!
    [3] I kissed you: ...I don't fly that way.. smile
    [4] I lived next door to you: I'd yell PARTY!!
    [5] I started smoking: I'd smack you with the cig pack and toss em in the potty!
    [6] I stole something: I'd say, Finally!!
    [7] I was hospitalized: I'd be by your bed 24-7
    [8] I ran away from home: I'd tell you to come to my self.
    [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there: I'd find them and beat the s**t out of everyone in on it.

    What do you think about my:
    [1] Personality: It's a lil bit freaky, but I love ya anyways.
    [2] Eyes: Purdy!!
    [3] Face: Reminds me of someone i used to know...*cough*
    [4] Hair: KEEPS CHANGING!!!! lol
    [5] Clothes: Are just right for you...hehe
    [6] Mannerisms: Could be a little more rude! Echem.

    [1] Who are you? Natalieee!!
    [2] Are we friends? Meh. lol, yuppers!
    [3] When and how did we meet? Busbusbus. On the bus.
    [4] How have I affected you? ...Strangely.
    [5] What do you think of me? You're my bestest friend, and the strangest...thing...I've ever met. biggrin
    [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? Rotaote. Well, and the slumber party when we used the candles to...see our friends.
    [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? Hm. At least till the year after we graduate. I can't pay for the rv's gas without you on the trip! lmao jk -FOREVER
    [8] Do you love me? Now that you can dance? lol - yes, I love you!
    [9] Have I ever hurt you? Not intentionally...
    [10] Would you hug me? Duh.
    [11] Would you kiss me? ...I did once...I don't think I'd want to again. :p
    [12] Would you ******** me? ... eek eh...nnnnnoooooooooo....
    [13] Would you marry me? I like dudes.
    [14] Emotionally, what stands out? You're too nice.
    [15] Do you wish I was cooler? Yup! lol no, I love you the way you are.
    [16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? 23. Bring it down!
    [17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Dev. Obvious.
    [18] Am I loveable? a-course!
    [19] How long have you known me? four years?
    [20] Describe me in one word. Nice. lmfao
    [21] What was your first impression? ...Strange child. What do they feed her?
    [22] Do you still think that way about me now? ...Kinda. 4laugh
    [23] What do you think my weakness is? being WAY too nice.
    [24] Do you think I'll get married? Psh yeah! Perhaps in Canada?
    [25] What about me makes you happy? Just you! SMILE!
    [26] What about me makes you sad? When you're sad...or when you act like an idiot and make a fool outta me. smile jk
    [27] What reminds you of me? *snickers* Rainbows.
    [28] What's something you would change about me? Really, nothing. Even your being nice just makes you you. It works. smile
    [29] How well do you know me? Not as well as I prolly should...
    [30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? Yeah...
    [31] Do you think I would kill someone? ...'It's always the quiet ones'
    [32] Are we close? Just a bit...lol - Yeppers!
    [33] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? *cough* alradey diiiid.

    Community Member

    Thu Oct 04, 2007 @ 09:12pm

    What if:
    [1] I committed suicide: Cry and follow you.
    [2] I said I liked you: You already did and I smiled.
    [3] I kissed you: Turn bright red and probably wouldn't be able to say anything.
    [4] I lived next door to you: I would see you everyday!
    [5] I started smoking: Be disappointed and try and get you to stop.
    [6] I stole something:Be disappointed.
    [7] I was hospitalized: Be by your side 24-7
    [8] I ran away from home: I would come looking for you.
    [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there: Find out who you got into a fight with and hurt them myself.

    What do you think about my:
    [1] Personality: Amazing.
    [2] Eyes: Beautiful.
    [3] Face: Gorgeous
    [4] Hair: Long.
    [5] Clothes: Just right.
    [6] Mannerisms: Wonderfully nice.

    [1] Who are you? Melanie
    [2] Are we friends? Yes
    [3] When and how did we meet? about 2 months ago? and through the gyc.
    [4] How have I affected you? By being in my life.
    [5] What do you think of me? I think you are the most beautiful girl in the in world.
    [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? talking to you.
    [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? Forever. If you want to.
    [8] Do you love me? Yes. I love you tons.
    [9] Have I ever hurt you? No.
    [10] Would you hug me? Yes!
    [11] Would you kiss me? Yes.
    [12] Would you ******** me? That is not for me to exactly say.
    [13] Would you marry me? Yes. If it was legal and if it wasn't... I would anyway.
    [14] Emotionally, what stands out? You're love
    [15] Do you wish I was cooler? No. I like you being my dorky devan
    [16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? way past 10
    [17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Hunny Bunny. I don't know why. Just to be funny.
    [18] Am I loveable?Yes
    [19] How long have you known me? a little over 3 months
    [20] Describe me in one word. Amazing
    [21] What was your first impression? You're kindness
    [22] Do you still think that way about me now? yes
    [23] What do you think my weakness is? there isn't one.
    [24] Do you think I'll get married? Yes
    [25] What about me makes you happy? you being my girlfriend
    [26] What about me makes you sad? when i don't get to hear that beautiful voice
    [27] What reminds you of me? everything
    [28] What's something you would change about me? nothing
    [29] How well do you know me? not as well as I should
    [30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?yes
    [31] Do you think I would kill someone?no
    [32] Are we close?yes
    [33] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? yesh

    Community Member

    Tue Nov 13, 2007 @ 09:31pm

    What if:
    [1] I committed suicide: first, i would kill everyone i hate, then myself
    [2] I said I liked you: being honest here, i may say it back
    [3] I kissed you: to be honest again, i may be happy, or maybe freaked out, i dont know
    [4] I lived next door to you: you'd probably get sick and tired of me after a while
    [5] I started smoking: you'd find out even nice guys have anger, and can/will hurt people with sharp objects
    [6] I stole something: why didnt you invite me?
    [7] I was hospitalized: if it wern't fur stupid school, i'd be there every step of the way
    [8] I ran away from home: i'd find you, believe me
    [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there: "did ya win?"

    What do you think about my:
    [1] Personality: hey ur not sick of me yet so i absolutely love it
    [2] Eyes: being truthful i don't pay much attention to that
    [3] Face: idk
    [4] Hair: i guess i like it, sure lets go with that
    [5] Clothes: see 2 and 3
    [6] Mannerisms: your not any more polite then me (thought that isnt saying much)

    [1] Who are you? Kyle
    [2] Are we friends? hmmmm lemme think, i'd cry for a decade if we wernt
    [3] When and how did we meet? you were lonely on friday so i wanted to see if I could change that
    [4] How have I affected you? you really haven't very much, cept make me happier but other then that
    [5] What do you think of me? you're the best thing since flushable toilets, ok maybe even better then that
    [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? every time we hang out i guess, haven't known you long though
    [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? until one of us dies or i become an a$$hole
    [8] Do you love me? love love or friend love? friend love heck yes. love love, my minds still thinkin that one through, ill get back to you on that
    [9] Have I ever hurt you? well you've apoligized for it so your forgiven
    [10] Would you hug me? i have multiple times
    [11] Would you kiss me? ummmmmm...... not really sure
    [12] Would you f**k me? what kind of question is that im a teenager. next question.
    [13] Would you marry me? once again, a teenager. but in the future, who knows? maybe
    [14] Emotionally, what stands out? your not mean to me
    [15] Do you wish I was cooler? how could you be
    [16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? if i'm a 10, your an 8 or 9.
    [17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. ermmmm, idk because, idk
    [18] Am I loveable? heck yes
    [19] How long have you known me? only about a month or 2, or 3 i forget
    [20] Describe me in one word. Devan, lol no. kind
    [21] What was your first impression? you seemed like you;d actually be someone who wouldn't just forget about me
    [22] Do you still think that way about me now? course
    [23] What do you think my weakness is? not telling me to stop being so nice to everything in this god d*** world
    [24] Do you think I'll get married? i would be sad if you didnt
    [25] What about me makes you happy? your kindness
    [26] What about me makes you sad? when you completely forget im there
    [27] What reminds you of me? this and flyff
    [28] What's something you would change about me? make it so you'd tell me about your past, you haven't said too much about it
    [29] How well do you know me? the question above this kinda answers this, to be truthful you seem kinda secretive
    [30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? you don't know the half of it
    [31] Do you think I would kill someone? i know one person *cough* kellie D. *cough*
    [32] Are we close? yes very much so
    [33] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? now that you say it, sure y not

    Community Member

    Fri Apr 04, 2008 @ 05:21am

    [1] I committed suicide: probly fine some way to bring you back and kill you for even doing it than bring you back and hug you to death 3nodding heart
    [2] I said I liked you: O.o....like me? XD yeaa....probly die of laughter cuz its probly not true
    [3] I kissed you: faint O.o....
    [4] I lived next door to you: throw partys biggrin
    [5] I started smoking: stressed ban you from smoking
    [6] I stole something: give you "the" talk
    [7] I was hospitalized: o.o....idk on that one but id be there for you every day biggrin
    [8] I ran away from home: try to convence you to go back
    [9] I got into a fight and you weren't there: kill my self O.o...

    What do you think about my:
    [1] Personality: amazing biggrin
    [2] Eyes: o.o...umm....idk XD
    [3] Face: hot xd heart
    [4] Hair: its.....cute?
    [5] Clothes: idk?....not much of a clothing fan unless its like WHOA or WTF kinda clothing
    [6] Mannerisms: ????

    [1] Who are you? TaRd muffin biggrin aka dillon
    [2] Are we friends? idk you tell me
    [3] When and how did we meet? we met at rally like about 2-4 days ago at night i started anoying you and we started talking and yea///
    [4] How have I affected you? o.o....well....idk XD we good frineds and that its cool hangin wit ya
    [5] What do you think of me? i think you nice funny and tons of fun to be with biggrin
    [6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? umm....we only shared one memory....O.o....sad day
    [7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? FOREVER! blaugh hopefullu
    [8] Do you love me? ehhh....donno XD
    [9] Have I ever hurt you? once but im not gunna say
    [10] Would you hug me? O.O hugging is fun biggrin
    [11] Would you kiss me? o.o....ehh....maybe ok the cheek? o.o
    [12] Would you f**k me? meep! o.o
    [13] Would you marry me? o.o....highly dought it XD i dont even see me living for another year
    [14] Emotionally, what stands out? Kindness
    [15] Do you wish I was cooler? idc, popularty dont matter to me
    [16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? 9.99 biggrin .01 percent creepy XD but in a good way
    [17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
    Ummm....lil white biggrin because apartly your always white and white is a clam peaceful color that goes with everything, which matches your personalilty
    [18] Am I loveable? biggrin yush
    [19] How long have you known me? 3-4 days ago o.o....
    [20] Describe me in one word : thats a hard one... imma go with peaceful
    [21] What was your first impression?
    [22] Do you still think that way about me now? of course biggrin
    [23] What do you think my weakness is? ummm.... donno....we only met for awhile but... you kinda have a lower self-esteme
    [24] Do you think I'll get married? Duh XD
    [25] What about me makes you happy? your tons of fun and really nice
    [26] What about me makes you sad? id rather not say, ill just say you remind me of someone
    [27] What reminds you of me? Snow, Cold air, and peaceful scilence
    [28] What's something you would change about me? ummm....nothing :3
    [29] How well do you know me? like 50 percent i think
    [30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? yea confused
    [31] Do you think I would kill someone? <w< if you were tempted enough yes
    [32] Are we close? idk, we meet not to long ago
    [33] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? tomarrow XD its late

    User Comments: [4]
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