another Twilight rp me and another friend and i made
Grey_Cloaked_Beauty: *Gets out of Truck and sees Edward who says "I have a surprise for you"*
Encendelie: (( you want me to plat edward...?))
Grey_Cloaked_Beauty: *Edward takes me to the "Cullen table" where I see a different girl*
Grey_Cloaked_Beauty: ((I'll play him))
Encendelie: ((alright))
Grey_Cloaked_Beauty: ((its ur turn))
Grey_Cloaked_Beauty: Edward: This is our new member at the Cullen house....
Encendelie: The girl stared at Bella, her eyes a dark honeysuckle color, she looked away, staring at a wall
Grey_Cloaked_Beauty: Hi *sticks out hand* I'm Bella Swan.
Encendelie: The girl looked her over, up and down and then scoffed as she took her hand. "Aurora Vilafante" she murmered
Grey_Cloaked_Beauty leaves the chat.
Grey_Cloaked_Beauty enters the chat.
Grey_Cloaked_Beauty: ((FING SERVER))
Encendelie: ((XD its ok...))
Grey_Cloaked_Beauty: *Looks at Edward* I didn't know some one was coming to your hiouse.... *Looks back at Aurora* Where do you come from
Grey_Cloaked_Beauty: ??
Encendelie: "Italy..." she murmered, looking in the other direction.
Grey_Cloaked_Beauty: *Goes wide eyed* Oh. So are you apart of the..ahem... Family there??
Encendelie: she shot Bella a dangerous look. "if you mean to say that i like humans, then the answer is no. i perfer something more dangerous to get." she smirked
Grey_Cloaked_Beauty: *Glares back* Well. OKay. *Looks at Edward* Can we go? Edward: No. I am to show her around Forks.... Until she leaves.
Encendelie: Aurora shot up out of her seat, her eyes fixing on a tall boy comming across the room. she smirked. "dinner time..." she sang
Grey_Cloaked_Beauty: *Goes wide eye* Edward! Edward: *Laughs* She is only joking.
Encendelie: she laughed to herself quietly. "i dont like humans Bella, so you dont have to worry." she siad, giving her a wide smile. "the thing i do like though is werewolves.
Bloody-Aphrodisiac enters the chat.
Grey_Cloaked_Beauty: *Still wide eyed* You can't do that. You would break the treaty
Encendelie: "what treaty?" she asked, looking to Edward, confused
Grey_Cloaked_Beauty: *Edward Looks at her* Didn't you listen to a word Carlisle said? We are supposed to stay in Forks. We can't go anywhere near La Push because of a treaty between us
Grey_Cloaked_Beauty: and those Werewolves.
Encendelie: her face fell in dispare. "what am i supposed to drink then???" she asked, taking hold of edward's collar
Grey_Cloaked_Beauty: *Edward puts his hands on hers and pushes them away* You will eat like us "Vegatarians" *He laughs as do I*
Bloody-Aphrodisiac: [[Twilight && New Moon Fans add meh.]]
Encendelie: ((alright))
Grey_Cloaked_Beauty: ((I am Isabella and she is a new girl. Who do you want to be??))
Grey_Cloaked_Beauty: ((I feel so bad right now!!!!))
Encendelie: ((*pats shoulder* its alright...))
Grey_Cloaked_Beauty: ((no one of my friends invited me to another room, but I can't go cuz i wanna be here.))
Encendelie: ((well you can go to that room, and we can rp thorught pms. i do it alot.))
"]"no!" she said, stomping her foot, a long strand of her fire-red hair falling in her face, making her look even more dangerous, if that was possible.
"Hey! You are a guest here! You should thank the Cullens you even let them in their house!" I yelled. Edward sighed.
she sighed and sat back down, clearly staring at people, scaning for her next meal
"Oh no you don't. These are innocent people. You will NOT have them. You will get animals like the rest of the Cullens." I warned her.
she glared up at her, her eyes turning a bright acid green color. she shook her head. "one is near..." she siad quietly
Edward as quick as I have ever seen use in public kept her against the bench she was on. He glared at her. "Who is near?"
"one of them..." she sneered, a small smile on her lips. "its time for dinner..."
I looked around and saw Jacob coming toward me. As quick as I could I ran toward him saying, "Get out of here!". Edward behind me tried to get Aurora away.
((since youre with Edward, it woukld be easier for me to controll him, and you to controll Jacob... becuase if its me rping as Jacob and my character, it just wouldnt be any fun blaugh ))
Aurora sneered at all of them, revealing her large fangs, much more larger than any other vampire's. "come now..." she said, collecting herself. "i wont bite. i promise." she smirked.
((ok. Ya that would be better.))
"Edward! Get her out of here!" Already people were becoming aware of the comotion. "Bella, what's wrong?" Jacob asked trying to look at what was happening. "Jacob, we have got to get out of here!" Jacob looked at me then nodded. He took my hand and we left the cafetiria.....
"come on!!!" Edward shouted, pulling at her arm. "no!" she screamed, knocking his hands away from her. she made a bolt for the door, running at full speed after them
Jacob and I ran to my truck when Aurora caught up to us. "Stop it! Leave us alone!" "Bella? Who is this coldie?"
"It's a new person, and Jacob I want her no where near you."
"Well, I can see that!"
Aurora's run sofetned to a graceful stride as she neared them. "come on Bella... didnt you hear me...? i said i wouldnt..." she caught sight of Jacob and stopped dead in her tracks. "bite..." she said weakly.
Jacob looked at her back. He was as still as stone. I looked between the two. Moving my hand in front of his face, I said "Hello? Anyone home?" I looked at Edward who only shrugged. What is the matter with them?? I shook Aurora's shoulder trying to wake her....
Edward shook Aurora's shoulder. "Aurora..." he siad quietly. "Aurora, whats wrong with you? Why are you staring at him like that...?" he asked. Aurora shook her head as if waking up from a trance. "what...?" she asked.
Jacob looked at me "Sorry, what??" I shook my head and looked at Edward. "What do we do now before Jake here goes doggie on us??"
Edward sneered something along the lines of "i have an idea, but you wouldnt like it..." "no!" Aurora screamed. She took a step forward, looking to Jacob to see if it was alright.
Jacob shook his head. "You're a vampire. I'm a werewolf! Get away from me!" Jacob took a step back. "Jake, don't be so rude!" I said with a stern voice. Jacob moved away then quick as a whip got on his bike and rode away...
"Whats his problem...?" Edward asked. Aurora shook her head and sat down on the cold pavement and took her head in her hands. She sighed. "i dont know but i have a feeling he hates me... and it has nothing to do about what we are..." she said quietly
Great, now I am pitying her I sat next to her. "I don't think he does... Well... Actually he might...." I said.... Great, Bella, make it better!
"might what?" she asked, looking up, her eyes full of dispear. Edward shrugged.
"Um. Never mind. Edward can one of your brothers take Aurora off your hands to go hunting??" I asked nervously not wanting another scene like the one before...
"i dont want to..." she siad quietly, still staring in the direction in which Jacob left. "too bad..." Edward said, grabbing her collar and dragging her to his car.
I moved in to the front seat next to Edward. "I want to go take to Jacob so, could you drop me off at my house Edward?"
ne nodded and peeled out of the driveway. in moments he was infront of her house. "im sorry..." Aurora said in a small voice in that back seat.
I looked back at her and nodded. "It's ok. Just don't do it again. And please not in front of a whole student body." I smiled.
she smiled back at her, making it seem like she was an angel, rather than a vampire. "alright". Edward sighed and drove her back to the cullen house
I got into my truck and drove to La push to see jacob...
"you will hunt." Edward growled. "no i wont!" she shouted, she then ran down road to Jaobs.
As I drove along the Highway I suddenly heard a tapping at my window. When I looked over I saw it was Aurora running with my car. "Sweet Jesus!" I pulled over to the side of the road and got out of the car. "What the hell do you think your doing?!?! What if someone was here and saw you do that?! You would be hurting the Cullen's reputation!!"
"do you think i care?" she spat. "i need to talk to him. now." she demanded.
I pushed her. "You better start! Vampires are not aloud to go to La Push it's part of the treaty they made a long time ago. The Werewolves and the Cullen's. So I will not drive you there! But I will drive you back to the Cullen's house and talk to Carlisle about the scene you made!
Goodness! What are you bi polar? You were nice awhile ago and now you're back to demanding! What's the matter with you?"
"i can hear what hes thinking, thats my problem..." she hissed
I stared at her. This was weird. I thought only Edward could do that. I shook my head. "I'm sorry I still can't let you anywhere near the reserve. BUt I'll make you a deal: I'll try to get Jacob to come to my house and you can meet him there. As long as Edward gets to supervise you...."
she nodded and ran back tot he Cullen house. "Edward!" she shouted. Edward turned to her, glaring. "what?" he sneered. She put her hand to his temple and shot the memory of what Bella had just said to him. He nodded. "well...?" she asked He sighed in defeat and walked over to his car. "comming?" he asked, sticking his head out the window. She nodded and got in. "in seconds they were at Bella's house, waiting.
As I drove home I called Jacob's house on my new cell phone Dad bought me. I told him to come to my house asap. It was jsut the matter if he would...
As I pulled up into the driveway I saw Edwards car pull up behind me. As I got out I saw Aurora looking around. "He'll be here." I hope....
she shrugged and sat on the hood of Edward's car, crossing her legs and tapping the hood with her finger tips impatiently. Edward sighed and rolled his eyes.
I crossed over to Edward and whispered in his ear, "He better come." As I said my last word we all heard the roar of a motorcycle coming down the street. Without even looking I knew it was Jacob. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad one....
Edward clenched his fists and Aurora sighed a bit, flipping back her flame colored hair. "took long enough..." she whispered under her breath.
As Jacob came up the sidewalk I was hit with a wave of anger coming from Jacob.Yup, this was a bad idea.....
Aurora's eyes narrowed and she tilted her head to the sid to look at him. "ive senced it since i first saw you... youre mad at youre self. why?" she asked in a quiet tone.
Jacob barely glanced at her. "What do you want, Bella?" He gritted. "I asked you to come here so you can talk to her." I pointed to Aurora. "I'm not going to talk to some Vampire." He spat. "Please, listen to her?" I pleaded. "No! Bella, if I was seen here with you three do you know how much trouble I would be in? A lot!" JAcob hissed.
"i can help you..." she siad quietly. Edward glanced at her, confused. "how?" he asked. "and more importantly, why?" she sighed and stood up, walking closer to him. "becuase... he needs help... even though he does not know it...yet." she siad quietly
I looked between her and Jacob. "What are you talking about? You barely even know him!" I said.
"i know that!" she snapped back. "but i can hear what hes thinking... and most of it is really mean at the moment..." she said, giving him a stern look.
"Good. Then you know that we aren't supposed to be NEAR eachother," He turnded to me. "Bella, I'll talk to you later." He looked at Edward then walked away and drove off down the street. "Well, that was nice.."
"what do you man by that?" she asked, running next to his bike. Edward sighed. "she dosent give up easily..."
Jacob looked at her through his helmet visor. "Go away!" As he sped faster he felt his wolf side come up on him. No, I can't do that here. Not in front of innocents. Soon he was out of sight.
I looked at his bike all the while and wondered, Why is she doing this to him? But something in my sences told me that this was more than two racial fueds. It was something bigger...
"im not going anywhere!" she shouted, running in front of his bike, making his stop.
He pulled into the trees where he fell on top of his bike. Before he knew it, Jacob ripped off his helmet and turned into a wolf. Then he howled.
I heard the howl and knew immeaditaltely it was Jacob. "Get into the car, Edward. They need our help."
Edward nodded and got into his car, revving the engine and peeled out, looking for them.
Aurora immediately ran over to him. her eyes grew wide. "i know why youre doing this now..." she gasped, everything suddenly becomming clear to her
"because youre mad at yourself..." she siad queitly.
Jacob stared at her blankly. "How did you know I am angry at myself? Maybe I'm angry at you!"
"me...?" she asked, taking a step back, the pain evident in her eyes. "what did i do...?" she asked
"You tried to come after me when I was visiting Bella!" He yelled at Aurora.
Just then Edward and I came up in his car. I guess we would be the refs of the fight...
she raised an eyebrow. "what do you mean by that?" she asked, confused. "ok... just stop it right there." Edward siad, taking her by the elbow. "what?" she asked, looking at him. "this is enough." he siad coldly. "but... i-i dont wanna go!" she shouted, trying to pry away from his grip. Edward dragged her into the car, Aurora kicking and screaming. "i didnt do anything!" she shouted. she then locked eyes with Jacob. it was evident that she was sad, and needing something... just `what`was.
I looked at Jacob and then back at the car. I could hear Edward calling me to get in. I turned to Jacob and quickly said, "I'll talk to you later. Okay?" I ran to the car and waved goodbye to him as we drove away...
Aurora sighed and buckled her seat belt. "what were you thinking?" he snapped at her. she shrugged and looked out the window.
"What are you thinking of doing, Aurora?" I asked looking into the rear view mirror. I looked at Edward nervously.
she sighed. "i dont know..." she siad quietly. "shes in love." edward siad quietly. "AM NOT!" she shouted at him. he chuckeled darkly.
"Wait, I thought you guys were supposed to be fueding not getting to like eachother!?"
he sighed and shrugged some. "people cant chose who they fall in love with..." he siad, giving her a warm smile. "I AM NOT I LOVE!!" she continued to shout.
"Oh, that just makes us believe it more Aurora." I teased. Then the car was silent and I looked out the window watching us speed down the highway.
"i am not..." she siad, crossing her arms over her chest. "just give it up. we all know its the truth... even Jacob knows..." Edward teased, giving bella a wink. "no he dosent!" she shouted. "all he knows is that im crazy and that hes mad at himself for some reason..."
"Why would Jacob be mad? Nothing bad has happened lately...Except maybe...." I thought of the other werewolves in La Push. Did something horrible happen to them? Was Jacob apart of the problem?
"no its not that. its just hes mad at himself becuase he likes this girl and he knows that he cant have her." she crossed her arms over her chest and pouted.
I was curious of this. "Who is it?" I smiled slyly trying to think of any girls I knew that he would like from the reservation...
"its nobody from the reservation, thats for sure." she siad, matter-of-factly. "he met her today, but hes scared to talk to her. he aslo thinks shes kind of impuslive." "wonder who that could be." Edward said, looking over to bella, giving her a wink.
I winked back, playing along. "Who could it be? Hm. Well it was his first time coming to my school, pretty much. Edward, do you think he meet a girl while we weren't looking? Oh. What if it was one of my friends? Then we could double date!" I smiled trying to hold in my laughter.
"yeah.. that sounds like fun." Edward said, smiling at her. "whatever..." Aurora siad, sitting in the back seat, staring out the window. "shes pretty...." she grumbled. "way more prettier than me..." she thought to herself. Edward sighed. "dont get yourself down. who knows, it might be you that he likes." he siad, smiling slyly. "stop it!" she shouted. "you dont need to get my hopes up... theyll just crash and burn like they always do..." she whispered.
I looked at the mirror and didn't sse her. I sighed at the thought of such a loss.
"she does that when shes feeling down." Edward tried to explain to her. "she can do a number of things, including making herself makes her feel better somehow..." he siad, scratching his head. "can we just go home now?" she asked with a sigh. he nodded and in a flash they were at the Cullens. "thanks for the ride..." she mumbled before running up the stair to her room. Edward sighed. "shes bipolar, i swear." he siad, shaking his head.
I laughed slightly. "Don't be so mean. She is going through a rough time. It's hard to be a girl at this age. Even for one who stays like that forever." I said to Edward.
"he likes her..." he siad, crossing his arms over his chest. "and she likes him... last time something like this happened she almost killed herself... she went to the volturi." he explained. "but they wouldnt kill her... shes part of the upper branch really..." "more like an experiment." Aurora mumbled, she was watching them from her window.
"What do you mean by that?"
"i mean that i wasnt bitten. i was made." she siad, turning away from her window.
"I see." I looked at Edward. "I think you should talk to her. I will go home and talk to Jacob over the phone," I pated his shoulder. "Have fun."
Edward sighed and rolled his eyes as he walked up the stairs to her room. "can i come in?" he asked, walking into her room. "do what you want.." came the grim answer. Edward sighed and walked in. "we need to talk." "i dont wanna." she siad, crossing her arms over her ches. He sighed and started banging his head against the wall.
I walked outside and began my slow walk home. On my way I tried to call Jacob, but no one answered. "This is going to be a long week." I said. As if forboding the future the sky began to go dark and rumble.
Aurora sighed. "theres nothing you can do. i like him. he dosent know. nothings gonna happen." she looked out the window, a single blood-laced tear rolling down her cheek.
I came home to find Dad waiting for me at the table. "Where have you been?" "With Edward" I responded. He left it at that and I went up to my room. Once there I called Jacob again. No answer...
"hey can i borrow your cell phone?" Aurora asked, looking over to Edward. he nodded and tossed the small silver phone to her. In one swift movement she caught it and opened it and started dailing a series of numbers. "La Push Reservation Please. Billy Black. Thank you." the sound of the phone ringing could be heard throughout the room. finally there was a click and a voice could be heard. "hello." she whispered.
"Who is this?' Jacob said.
"We havent been properly introduced yet, but my name is Aurora... and i reall really need to talk to you." she siad, the despervation in her voice evident.
"How do you know me? And what are you talking about?"
"i know its troubeling you... and i know how to stop it..." she said, her voice trembeling, another blood-laced tear rolling down her cheek.
"Is this some kind of prank? It's not funny. And how do you know if I am troubled? For all you know I might be the happiest person on earth!"
"but youre not...." she siad quietly. "i met you for the first time today... and yet i know that you are the saddest person i have ever met."
He stood still clenching the phone. "I'm listening" He hissed between his teeth.
"part of it is becuase of Bella... and the other part is about you beating yourself up becuase of what you are and about some girl that you know that you cant have because of what you are." she said quickly.
He sat down. "And you know how to fix this?"
"mm-hm!" she cried. "you just gotta stop avoiding her and go for it! even though it may be wrong, and things might happen, everything will work out fine! in fact you and this girl are supposed to get married!" she siad, with fake enthusiasim
"Really?" He said.
((I am confused. Who is the girl??))
"yup." she siad enthusiactically
((XD. its her. she just cant see it.))
((Oh. Ok.))
"I guess I should apologize for being rude earlier. Thanks." He mummbled.
"its no problem. just dont falter form what your heart says, ok?" she siad, her voice becomming more soothing and friendly like.
"Okay. Thank you." He hung up and sighed. Who was that? He thought.
she sighed and hung up the phone and gave it back to Edward. "so are we going to be double dating any time soon?" he asked. she smirked and punched him in the shoulder. "go away." she said, the smile fading away fast. "you know youd get him to like you ore if you smiled." he said before leaving. she sighed and looked out the window.
Across town I sat at my window doing the same thing. For some reason I felt as though something horrible was going to happen. But what? I woundered.
The night passed quickly and Aurora was the first one dressed and ready for school. "lets go lets go-oooo!" she whined, taking Edwards arm and dragging him out of the house. "Alright, alright..." he siad, getting in the car. They drove to the school in silence. "Bella!" she shouted, running over to her and hugging her. "good morning onii-chan!" she siad with a big grin. Edward blinked twice. "what is she on?" he thought to himself.
"Edward. I think you were right. Shes bipolar!" I laughed nervously still confused at this turn of events.
he shook his head. "nah... shes just happy becuase she got to talk to Jake last night." "oniinii-san!" she cried, turning back to him. "thats not true!!!" he sighed and rolled his eyes. "just dont go all girly on me when you see him next time." "when will that be?" she asked, obviousally desperate.
"Wait. What? You id? How did it go?" I asked amazed.
"well... im not sure he knows who i am yet... but he sounded.... nice." she said smiling. "shes in love..." Edward siad, rolling his eyes.
I rolled my eyes. And then I led the way to school.
Aurora sighed as she took her sat in her first period class. Someone very tall was sitting in front of her so she couldnt see the board. "hey..." she siad, tapping him on the shoulder. "can you....move your.....head?" she squeaked out the last word, totally taken by suprise
The guy turns around. He looked at her. His eyes were dark, skin pale. Just like hers.....
She blinked twice. "could you move your head please, i cant see..." she said quietly
He sniffed the air then smiled. "Sure, miss...." He got up and moved to the seat behind her where he sniffed again and smiled.
"Aurora" she said, bending her neck back and smiling at him.
He smiled back but with a leery gaze.
I came in and saw Aurora talking to a new guy. "Um, hi." I said to them both.
((Lets both play this guy. He is bad guy btw))
((XD ok))
they both looked to her,Aurora clearly smiling and him... looking out of place.
"hi!" Aurora said cheerfully The boy looked at them both, not saying anything
I sat down next to Aurora cautionously looking at the guy behind her. I then whispered in her ear, "This guy is weird. He's up to no good. I can see it in his eyes"
she nodded. "i know... lemme call Edward..." she took out her cell phone and dailed a series of numbers. the rings couldnt be heard far for Aurora muffled the sound with her shirt. no answer. "who else should i call?" she asked Bella, unsure of what to do. "whatre you girls up to?" he asked, resting his chin on Aurora's shoulder. By sure accident she pressed the speed-dial button and Jacob's number was dailed. there were a few rings and then a click. "nothing... just...leave us alone."Aurora siad, trying to gather enough courage to sound brave. "awww why do you have to be like that?" he asked, taking her chin and making her look into his dark cold eyes. "leave me alone!" she cried, trying to break loose of his grip.
I got up and looked at him. "Leave her alone. She is a part of the Cullens. So don't you dare touch her again." The guy looked at me then Began to laugh madly. "You really think that will stop me?" He got up then and walked out of the class uncaringly.
Aurora sighed and picked up her cell phone. "hello?" she asked, out of breath. the line was dead. she looked at the number. "uh-oh..." she muttered
"What? Whats the matter?"
"jake just heard the whole thing..." suddenly the roar of a harley could be heard from outside the building.
"Wait! What? What the hell does that mean!!" I yelled.
"hes here..." she siad quietly, staring at the figure in the doorway.
((Confused here. Why don't you play him right now cuz I have no clue where you are going with this.))
((ok she accidently called him and he heard the wholoe thing with the guy and he thought that they were in touble so thats why he came))
((Oh. OK.))
"Are you ok?' Jacob came into the room looking at them worridly. "We're fine. Just called the wrong number." I said staring at him.
"sorry... it was my fault..." Aurora said, standing up and schratching her head
He stared at her blankly for a moment, then shook his head. HIs eyes flashed in anger. "How did you get my number? I never gave it to you."
she took a step back, clearly scared. "i was the one who called you last night... i used information...." she said quietly, trying to hold back her tears.
He looked at her with shock. "You were the one who told me those things?" His eyes flashed with anger. "Is this a joke? How did you even find out about that stuff? I just meet you yesterday!"
she took a step back, the fear evident on her face, blood-laced tears rolling down her cheeks. "its just something i can do... i can read people... thier emotions, thier dreams... thier fears... but mostly thier emotions..." she chocked out, the blood-laced tears now falling to the floor below her.
Quickly, I moved Aurora out of the view of classmates and out into the corridor which was busy, but no one would notice. With a kleenex I found in the bottom of my bag, I wiped away her tears and glared at Jacob. "What?" He snapped. "You know that this is weird. Expcionally from that,bloodsucker you are dating." I got mad at that.
"Jacob, she was just trying to help you, but you keep on pushing her away with all the racist s**t between you. She was only letting something off her mind about you that one day might be very important." Jacob began to look sheepish, but I wasn't done with my raging. "So if you don't want to talk to her Jacob, then go. BUt if you don't, know this, I will never forgive you. Because even though I may not be a "bloodsucker" my boyfriend is and she is almost family to him. So that makes her family to me. And if you hurt her feelings, Jacob, you are hurting mine."
With that I walked Aurora back into class and sat her in her seat.
"T-Thanks for doing that Bella..." She siad, sniffeling. "youre a good friend." she siad, flashing a brilliant smile at her, making her look somewhat like a small child. Aurora turned quickly around to see that Jacob was still in the doorway. She then looked back down at the ground and faced forward, feeling as though she was out of place. "he hates me..." she whispered
Jacob, with his wolf-sensitive ears, heard what she said. He shook his head angry at himself then spun on his heel and walked off the campus thing, Why does this always happen when I am around her?
For the rest of the day me and Aurora seemed to become closer to each other. But I always felt someone watching us. I think I even once saw the guy we had seen in class that morning. Was he following us?
"you know the fall ball is comming up and..." she stopped in mid sentence and turned around, glaring up at the trees. "will you at least tell us why youre following us. its getting kinda annoying."
The guy went away and ran off. I shook my head in confused. "Why is he doing this to us?"
she shurgged. "he wants something..." she whispered.
"I know that. But what, I wonder?" I tapped my chin wondering. "It can't be anything good. Wait. What if he was sent to do this?"
she shrugged again and walke out of the building. it was time to go home. "i heard you guys had a rough day..." Edward said, gently kissing Bella on the forehead. Aurora sighed and got it the car, looking in the oppisite direction.
I smiled. "That's an understatement. We have had both a stalker and Jacob. Add those two together and you get one hell of a day." I nervously laughed. The thought of a guy following us made me a little frightened since we did not know what he wanted. Yet.
Edward smiled and ushered her twords her car. "you seem... shaken... get home and take a shower to clam yourself, alright?" he asked, softly caressing her face. "do it for me" she asked, touching his forehead to hers, smiling. "ill take care of Aurora and her boyfreind...." "NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" she shouted out the window. he chuckled darkly the sweet scent of his breath flowing out twords her.
I smiled at the fluttering in my stomach. Then with an exasgerated sigh I said, "Alright, I guess I can do that for you." I chuckled and got into the car. But before I did I saw a shadow move at the corner of my eye.
"Im going home with Bella!" Aurora cried, crossing her arms over her chest, already buckeled in. Edward blinked twice. "what?" he asked. "we need to talk... about you knowm girl stuff." she said, flashing her a smile
I smiled and nodded. "Hey, maybe Alice can come along to. You know how my dad goes soft around her." I laughed. My dad was very fond of Alice, I think he almost saw her as a second daughter in a way. If Alice was there he would do almost anything.
Aurora nodded and took out her small, silver cell phone she then rapidly dailed numbers into it and then flipped it closed. a second later a buzzing sound filled the car. Aurora's face fell when she read what was on the screen. "its one of the Vouturi's me... that was the guy from earlier.... Alice says for me to stay with you at your house... and that the others will try and talk with him..." she looked down and closed her phone. "this is all my fault..." she whispered
"Wait. He was following us because you are an experiment too?" I asked.
she clenched the cellphone, it intantly crumbeling in her hands. "they said i did my time..." she growled between clenched teeth. "you see... i was an experiment because back in the seventeenth centuary, i was a bounty hunter... for vampires..." she seethed. "they caught me... and indtead of just killing me... they made me one of them... ironic, aye?" she asked, laughing darlky. "after three centuarys, they let me go... and thats why im here now... they said that i would be useful here... and i left... i should have known that thay would go abck on thier word!" she hissed.
"What will they do to you?" I whispered.
"they wont do anything becuase im not going back!" she hissed. "it may sound bad... that they kept me prisioner... but thats not all that they did... they torured me... and i mean tortured...." she unbuttoned her shirt to reveal a large scar, starting at her shoulder and running all the way down her back. "i dont want to go back..." she said quietly
"Edward, is there anyway we can help her?" I pleaded to him. I didn't want her to leave. And after seeing that scar I knew that it wouldn't be safe for her to go back to Italy alone.
Edward sighed. "call Jacob." he pleaded. Aurora looked up at him. "why?" she asked. "i have faith that he will..." he sighed. "just stay safe ok?" he asked before turning on his car and driving away.
I dialed the number for Jacob's cell phone. But I got his voice mail. "Hey, Jacob, this is Bella. I was wondering if you could help me out. I have a friend who needs a lot of help so if you could help out that would be great! Call me back. Well. Bye." I hung up the phone with a sigh. "Do you think it will work, Edward? Maybe we should ask Alice to look in to it..."
"hes gone..." Aurora reminded her. "and Alice and the others are too busy to help us..." she looked down with a sigh, then got out of the car. "i might as well head back...." she whispered
I caught her arm. "No, stay here. You will probably be more safer here."
"i might, but you wont." she siad, shrugging her arm off. "it was nice to meet you Bella. You truely are a good friend" she siad, flahsing her a sad smile before she dissappeared.
"Bye" I whispered to the nothingness in front of me....
Aurora tripped and feel, the blurry vision of her blood-laced tears straining her coordination. She sat in the middle of the forest, crying. A twig suddenly snapped. "what do you want?" she demanded.
The guy they saw earlier came out. "I wanted to properly introduce myself. I am......" ((What should his name be??))
((uhm... is Adrain good? or Zane... or Gavin... or Devon... if you dont like any of those tell me... i make up names when im bored))
((Zane is good. What should his last name be though??))
((hm.... lemme see.... how about Alchior? ((im using the names from the book, Night Angels that im writing by the way)))
((Ok)) "My name is Zane Alchior. I come from Italy." He started at her daring to tell what he meant.
"youve come to take me back, right?" she asked, still sniffeling, the blood-laced tears still rolling down her cheeks
He knelt down next to her, pulled out a hankie and brushed away here tears. "Not unless you want me too." He looked deep in here eyes saying the total truth.
"i dont want you to hurt anybody.... but i dont want to leave...." she looked back at him, her acid green eyes, burning into his. "i dont want to go back..."
"Then you won't go. But I must give you this." He pulled out a letter from his pocket. "It orders you the undeath of a Miss Isabella Swan" ((DUN DUN DUN!!!)))
(( O.O im now scared.... ))
"what!?" she cried, ripping up the letter, she scanned it over and then looked back up at him. "youre joking, right?" she asked, clearly not amused. she didnt want to get her hopes up....
He nodded. "Either you or any of the Cullens. Good bye, Aurora" With that he left her in the forest alone in silence.
she sighed and got back up, starting to head tword Bella's car. "i didnt get his numbr or anything... and he was cute too..." she grumbled as she walked back into the parking lot. the car was still there so she walked up to it cautiousally, and nocked on the window.
I looked out my window when hearing someone near my car. "Hey, Aurora! Come up here" I called out.
she nodded and walked up to Bella's window. "yeah, what is it?" she asked
I was taken aback. "I thought you were looking for me because you were knocking on my window..."
she shrugged and handed her the letter, no emotion on her face what-so-ever. "well?" she asked, after a few moments had passed and the growing silence was starting to drive her out of her mind.
I stared at the letter. "We better go see Edward." I ran outside and got in my car. When Aurora got in I drove off to the Cullens house...
Edward was outside, sitting on the porch. "what is it...?" he asked, walking up to the car. Aurora looked away, somewhat ashamed.
I handed the letter to him to look it over.
Edward looked it over and blinked twice. "do you want her?" he asked. "what does that mean?" Aurora cried. "it means i dont want you!" he snickered.
"I am confused. What?"
Edward sighed. "do you think Charlie would let her stay at your house...?" he asked. "awww...." Aurora looked down, feeling unwanted.
"YEah. I don't think he will mind. Why?"
"because. i dont want her." he siad bluntly. Blood-laced tears started to roll down her cheeks. "i love you too brother." she siad, getting into Bella's car, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Edward? Why are being so mean?" I stormed away and got back into the car.
"i just dont want her, can you blame me?" he asked. Aurora got into the feedle position, crying.
I yelled out the window, "Yes, I can, Edward." I put the pedal to the metal and drove off leaving Edward in my dust..
"really Bella... you dont have to take me in... i can fend for myself..." she said, putting her hands up in defence. "and dont be mad at Edward either... hes just had a long day, thats all"
"No. You can stay with me tonight. Then we will talk to the others about this.."
she sighed, wanting to protest, but they were already in her drive way. "are you sure you father wont mind...?" she asked
"He likes me having friends over. Plus he is fishing so he will be happy today." I smiled and let us into the house.
She sighed and walked into the house. "Bella?" a voice called. Aurora cringed in fear, for that she would not be welcome. "Who's your friend?" he asked
"Dad, this is my new friend Aurora. Aurora, this is my dad." I watched them shake hands. "Dad, Aurora here is staying with the Cullen's, but I invited her over. Is that ok?"
"Sure it is." he siad with a bright smile. "if shes anything like Alice i think we'll get along just fine." she siad, giving her a hug. "uhm... thanks sir" she siad, offering him a small, shy smile. "oh... that reaminds me Bells, Jake called... he siad something about a girl problem..." he rolled his eyes
"Great." I went to the phone and called Jake. "Hey, Jacob. I want to meet up with you tomorrow. Can you come? Ok. Thanks. Bye." I hung up the phone and looked to Aurora. "I guess we have a date with destiny tomorrow."
she blinked twice. "what do you mean by that...?" she asked, suspicious. "oh, so youre Jake's girlfriend1" Charlie cried out. "yeah, Billy siad that Jake has been staring off into space lately and when he asked him what was wrong, he siad that it was about a girl that he wants to ask out, but really cant. hes so bashful you know." he siad, nudging her in the side. "so youre the lucky gal. nice to meet ya!"
Aurora looked down at the ground, trying not to get her hopes up again.
I laughed behind my hand. "I told you so."
"what do you mean by that?!" she cried, her voice rising at least three octives. "he never siad anything to me! here let me show you1" she siad, taking out her cell phone and dailing Jakes number. it continued to ring until finally it clicked. "Jake?" she asked.
"Uh. Hey?"
Aurora sighed. "whats this i hear about you asking me out?" she demanded. Charlie blinked and walked over to Bella. "did i say something wrong?" he asked
"Uh. How did you find that out?!" Jacob asked nervously. Then in the background Aurora could hear yelling between two people. "Sorry, I got to go. Bye!" The dial tone came on when he hung up.
she blinked twice. "uhm... Bella.... he said `how did you find out` and then he hung up. what does that mean?" she asked, dazed...
"It means that what Charlie said was true. He does want to ask you out." I began to giggle. "Aurora and Jacob sitting in a tree! K I S S I N G!!" I began to go hysterical for some reason with laughing so hard.
"be nice Bells..." Charlie siad, laying a hand on her shoulder. Aurora continued to look down. "what does that mean exactly?" she asked
"It means that Jacob like you my friend." I wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "You see, when a man loves a woman they-" I stopped when I saw the scowl on Charlie's face. "Okay. Gesh."
Aurora chuckled. "its alright Bella, i know..." she smiled brightly at her. Charlie blinked twice. "are you related to Alice...?" he asked. "uhm... you could say that." she said, flashing him a brillian white smile.
Dang, Charlie, will soon for vampires too at this rate. I laughed to myself. "Aurora, I think it is a good time for us to go to bed now. Night Charlie!" I waved then pulled Aurora up into my room.
Aurora slumped down on the bed, confused. "what just happened...?" she asked, somewhat shaken by the whole experiance
"Don't worry. Wear something cute tomorrow and let things flow." I said as I changed into my pjs.
she shrugged and opened up the window. "hey, I'm gonna go get some clothes ok?" she siad, before running out into the darkness, only seconds later she jumped back into the window wearing a long white silk night gown and her hair was pinned up in a bun, but locks of hair kept falling out as she moved around. "what did you mean by cute exaclty?" she whispered, but discovered that she was asleep. she sighed and waited for morning to come. When Bella woke up, Aurora was already downstairs, making breakfast for Charlie
I went downstairs rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "Morning." Charlie said cheerily. I hissed between my teeth still tired. I sat myself at the table and looked at Aurora. "What are you doing?"
"Making pancakes." she siad in a happy voice. "i like this girl almost as much as i like Alice!" Charlie siad, still chewing a mouthfull of pancakes. "well...?" Aurora asked, taking off her apron, revealing that she was wearing a knee length skirt and a short sleeved buttoned up white shirt. "is this what you meant by... cute?" she asked
"Are you going to a buisness meeting?" I got up went to my closet and pulled out some cute clothes. "Here try these on."
She sighed and walked into the bathroom and changed. She walked out, unsure of herself. "are you sure this is alright?" she asked. She was wearing a red and white striped polo shirt with a longer pink lace shirt underneath it. she was also wearing a pair of faded hip huggers with a small tear on the knee. "you think this... is alright?" she asked. Charlie whistled. "if only i was eighteen again..." he siad hopefully. She looked away, embarrassed
I smiles at seeing her. "Now that, is cute. Come on now. We can't be late with meeting up with Jacob." I pulled out my cars keys, kissed Charlie good bye, and got into the car. When Aurora was in I sped off to the park.
"what are we doing here...?" she asked, looking around. "and... wearing pants is akward!!" she shouted, trying her best not to squirm
"We are here to meet Jacob, remeber?" I got out of the car and sat on a bench to wait for the man of the hour.
Aurora sighed and sat down next to her, looking around. "im sorry that i may be a burden Bella, its just... i havent been outsied in three centuries..." she siad giving her a shy smile, "and i dont really know whats what any more..."
"Don't worry. Everything will be alright."
"Thanks Bella... youre a good friend..." she siad, staring up at a large oak tree. She suddenly heard a twig snapped and looked behind her, out of pure instinct of course. She then turned back around and looked down at her hands, afraid to face him again...
I nodded. Then I heard the sounded of a mortocycle engine and look to see Jacob pulling off his helmet and look at us.
Aurora was still looking at the ground, her bangs hiding her face. She finally mustered up enough courage to look up at him, but as soon as she did, she looked back down
"Um, hey." Jacob scratched the back of his head as he came up to us. I looked between the two. I was reminded of two young school kids having crushes on each other. "Hey, Jacob." I said. When Aurora didn't say anything I elbowed her.
Aurora fell to the ground with a light `thump` and looked up at them, shocked. "what was that for?" she cried, still laying on the ground, sprawled out across the grass.
Jacob put out a hand to help her up. "Are you ok?"
she nodded and took his hand, but as she got up, she tripped on a root and stumbled some, making her fall ontop of Jacob.
Jacob looked down at her. "Hello." I laughed at the sight of them. Jacob was so big that he made Aurora seems petite. I clenches my stomach at laughing so hard.
"h-hi..." she stammered, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. she looked away as she got off of him. "im sorry about that..." she siad, looking to the ground.
"It's ok." He brushed himself off. "So why are we here, Bella?"
((I must say. These are not as good as Stephenie Meyer's stuff. lol))
((XD i know, but eventually were gonna have to bring Zane back... and then there will be a big conflict and all that good stuff^^))
"yeah... you never told me why... were here..." she whispered as she looked around and saw that Bella was nowhere to be seen. "DAMNIT!" she shouted. "she set us up!... just wait until i get my hands on her..." she siad, marching into the woodland around the park.
Jacob grabbed her arm. "Calm down. She probably thought she was helping us out." He said.
"how can this be helping us out?" she asked, looking down to the ground. " she puts me in rediciolus clothes, makes me put my hair up, and brings me here, just to leave...." she sighed. "it would have been better if i just stayed in Italy..."
Jacob took a space back to give her room. "You are from Italy? It doesn't sound like you are." He sat on the bench and waited for her answer.
"im not from there... its where i was..." she sighed and sat down next to him. "im originally from Ireland, but i learned how to hide my accent." she said with a nod. "but.. i was taken from my home when i was... about sixteen..." she siad,trying to remember. "I was taken from my home by vampires.... becuase i was a vampire bounty hunter... instead of just killing me, they tortured me by turning me into what i hated the most... a vampire.... but not only that... that experimented on me... they used me... and it was only until recently that i was let go... it has been 3 centuaried to this day that i have been what i am... and i have hated every single moment..." she seethed.
"I am sorry to hear that. So do you hate your own kind for it?" Jacob asked putting his arm around her.
She nodded, her face turning a light shade of pink. "it was cruel of them... and im not the only one... they have already sent one to try and take me back..." she said, trying to remain calm.
Jacob tensed at that. "Who came after you? Was it here? Was it that guy you were talking to?" He got up and began to pace in anger...
"hey..." she said, getting up and standing in front of him. "yes that was him, but he left. so dont worry about it ok?" she said in a quiet tone.
"I can't" He threw up his arms in anger. "Did he threaten you at all? HUrt you in anyway?" He moved around her and began to pace again.
"stop!" she cried, throwing her arms around him. "he didnt do anything... he somewhat threatened me, but then when he had me in his clutches, he let me go." she looke up to him, her acid green eyes smoldering into his. "its the truth..." she whispered.
Jacob looked down at her and saw the truth. With a sigh he relaxed. "ok. You win. What do we do now?" He asked looking at her with a smile.
She let go of him and shrugged. "im somewhat new to this, so i guess whatever you want to do..."
He shrugged. "So am I." He laughed nervously. I came back and sighed. "Wow. You people are hopeless." I shook my head. "Why don't we go get some lunch." I waved them to my car. When everyone was in I drove us to Betty's diner.
Aurora blinked twice as she looked at the menu. "what is this stuff?" she asked.
"Food. Oh, wait. Vampires don't eat do they. Crap." I put my head in my hands. "I totally forgot about that!"
She laughed, a wonderful bell-like laugh that made people in the diner turn and look at her. A few moments later, a boy walked up to the table. "hey..." he said, looking down at Aurora, "can i have your number?"
Aurora blinked twice. "no." she siad bluntly. "awww... why not?" the boy pushed.
"Hey, buddy, back off." Jacob growled at the boy. Startled by Jacob's sheer height he fell to the ground. "Dang, man. I was just trying to get the girl to give her number!" With that the boy got up and walked away. Jacob sat back down and sipped his coke.
Aurora snickered, and wiped away a tear from her eye from laughing so hard. "thanks Jake" she said, smiling up at him. she sat up in her seat as tall as she could and gently pecked him on the cheek.
Jacob blushes at the coldness of her lips. "Really it was no problem."
She smiled and looked back to the table where the boy was sitting at, they were all starting at them in pure shock. she sighed and went back to focusing on the matter at hand. "so..." she siad, trying to change the subject.
"So, why did you come to Forks?"
"I was assigned to came here and take care of a... problem... which i dont think I'll ever get around to taking care of..." she siad with a smile
"Well, wouldn't it be good to finish that problem then?"
"i cant..." she said looking down. "im way too involved now."
"Hm. Sorry to hear that." Jacob sighed. "I wish I could help you." He smiled nicely at her.
"no you dont..." she thought. The time went by quickly when they ate and Aurora looked out at the seeting sun. "its getting late.." she whispered.
We finished eating. After paying for the food I drove us back to the park where Jake got on his bike. "See ya, Aurora." He then gunned the engine and drove off.
"that was... akward..." she said once they were in the car.
"That's for sure. Hey, where are you going to sleep tonight?" I asked looking at the passanger seat.
she shrugged. "Edward isnt in the mood... i can sleep here." she siad, looking out to the forest.
"I won't allow that. You can sleep over again." With that I drove the car back to my house.
"nope not tonight" Charlie siad, putting his hands up in defence. "alright, ill see ya later then, oh and thanks for letting me stay the night before me. swan." Aurora said with a bright smile. "no prob. bye!" he siad, Aurora turned and left into the darkness...
I sighed and watched Aurora disappear into the shadows.
Aurora continued to walk around the city until she heard a twig snap behind her. even though she was a vampire, she couldnt do some of the things they could, like see in the dark. "whos there?" she asked, her voice shaking
Shadows moved about her. Then a voice says. "You must do as you were told. Fulfill your duty at once!"
Aurora stood up, all fear gone. "no. they havent made the first move." she said, the confidence evident in her voice
"The time has come and past. What do you think we should do then ,hm?"
((basically her mission was to take out the werewolves))
"im not doing it!" she shouted
"No, you are instead falling in love with ONE OF THEM!!" The voice screamed. "IF YOU DO NOT FINISH THIS MISSION YOU WILL BE SENT BACK FOR QUESTIONING!" Then the shadows disappeared.
Aurora broke down crying, the blood-laced tears falling to the ground. She then go up and ran to Jacob's house. She lifted up the window and snuck in, laying a goodbye note on his chest. she turned to go, but something caught her by the hand... or someone
"Mm. What are you doing here?" Jacob asked sleepily. Opening his eyes slowly to look at her.
"J-Jacob..." she sniffled, trying to look for a way out through her blurred vision. "I-I just came to say goodbye..." she said, her voice shaking and cracking
HE sat straight up. "Why? Why are you going? And where?"
"ssh..." she siad, perssing a finger to his lips. "im going back to Italy.... i have no choice Jake, and if you had a mind, which im pretty sure you have one, you would stay away from me. If you value your life, let me go." she siad, her voice cracking. she then opened the window back up and tried to climb out, but something had her by the leg.
"Aurora. You can't just leave! What about the Cullens and Bella! I may hate the Cullens a lot, but I care for Bella and she cares for them. Why do you have to go back? What is with all the sneaking around?" He whispered.
"im doing this for you!" she hissed back at him. "im doing this so you wont get hurt... now please, let me go..." she begged, the tears startiing to roll down her face.
"You are hurting me more by not telling me what is the matter! You are hurting everyone with your secrets!" He said quiet loudly.
she sighed and sat down next to him on his bed. "i wasnt sent here by mistake." she said quietly. "i was sent here to take out every single werewolf that roams this land. you see, that was what i was made for... made...." she shook her head, trying to get the thought out. "but i... cant...." she whispered "i dont want to...."
He put his hand on her cheek and shushed her. "It's ok. You were told to do it I understand." Suddenly, he got an idea in his head. "Aurora, why don't we just run away? Get away from all this!"
her eyed grew wide. "what? no. we cant. i have to leave. there is no other way..." she said quietly. "as much as i would want to... i cant..."
"Why not? Give me one reason and I will leave it be."
Meanwhile, in Forks, I decided to call Edward. "Edward, have you seen Aurora? Charlie wouldn't let her stay the night and I am worried. Have you heard or seen from her?"
"shes at Jake's." he siad quietly. "you have nothing to worry about, just stay inside alright?" he asked, before hanging up
"its not the responsible thing to do... and... why would you run off with me?" she asked, looking up at him, completely confused. "why would you throw away everything for some stranger you just met?"
"Because I love you. It may seem weird, but I do. My father would hate me for this, but I would follow you to the end of the world, Aurora."
she blinked twice. "love?" she asked, the tears continuing to steam down her face. "w-why? i-i cant let you..." she siad, backing away from him. "i dont want you to get hurt..."
"When you are in love someone always gets hurt. And it doesn't mean you can let me. I let myself fall in love with you."
"why?" she asked, the blood-laced tears, continuing to fall to the floor. she was now backed up to the wall in a corner. "im a monster... created from hatred for your kind... you cant love me!"
"I can! You can't ever stop love, Aurora. And you are no monster. If you are then so am I. And I don't care how you were made as long as you were!" He was close to shouting, but knew he couldn't with Billy in the next room.
"ssh..." she said, pressing a cold finger to his lips. she sighed and looked up to him, her blood-
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