Poor Link! Look at all those votes, but not even in the top 500! For a day or two I was at 300 and something, but people kept picking on me and stuff about how "Link's hair is blonde" and crap like that. It was a new Link avi and people didn't like him

Ocarina of Time wasn't his first game people! He had 2 in the 1980's where he was brown haired and the cartoon. It wasn't until they changed his character that he became a blonde. He was even purple haired in one game (though I don't remember which game it is at the moment)

Ocarina of Time wasn't his first game people! He had 2 in the 1980's where he was brown haired and the cartoon. It wasn't until they changed his character that he became a blonde. He was even purple haired in one game (though I don't remember which game it is at the moment)

Community Member
Link is a natural Brunette with blonde hair dye ><!
Although I never played the games older than Ocarina of Time,
Cause I was only 5 or 6 when that game came out XD
Nor did I watch the Cartoon >.>
Never knew there was one D:
But you can live knowing that I voted a 10 XD <333!
Cause Link is just downright awesome with whatever haircolor the Game Programmers give him XD