billy Garraghan: HAMIM!!
Hamim Sultana: BILLEH!
Hamim Sultana: lalala
Hamim Sultana: what's up?
billy Garraghan: nm, you?
Hamim Sultana: watching a video
Hamim Sultana: i have gone from japanese korean music. what's next, chinese? xD
billy Garraghan: i'm currently listening to an FMA song in chinese
Hamim Sultana: cool. is it very different from the japanese one?
Hamim Sultana: is there a lot of "ch"s in there?
billy Garraghan: a lot different
Hamim Sultana: hehee. speaking of which, u know what me and my friend were doing during our senior trip? we were going to another state and she was my partner, we were int he bus for like about 3 hours or so
Hamim Sultana: and we were obth listening to the same song but in different versions
Hamim Sultana: you know hte song Every Heart by BoA?
billy Garraghan: nopes.
Hamim Sultana: i have the japanese version, and she has the korean version
Hamim Sultana: u didn't? it's from inuyasha, a very pretty song, anyways
Hamim Sultana: i gave her one of my earphones, and she gave me one of hers. and we wer elike "eh!??! the song sounds...different..." but we both agreed that the japanese version sounded prettier
Hamim Sultana: im so weird. xD and i had this song that she had also, and we both used an earphone form each iPod even though it was the same song.
billy Garraghan: xP
Hamim Sultana: so which version do u like more? chinese or japanese?
billy Garraghan: brb.
Hamim Sultana: ok
billy Garraghan has signed out. (7/1/2007 12:12 PM)
My convo with Mary:
LadyElric88 (1:25:10 PM): hello hello hello ^__^
LadyElric88 (1:25:13 PM): hello hello hello ^__^Akmhamim (1:25:37 PM): sorry! Akmhamim (1:25:51 PM): sorry for the late reply. I was doing somethgn and my computer is being an idiot
LadyElric88 (1:25:59 PM): sorry? for what?
Akmhamim (1:26:04 PM): for the late replyLadyElric88 (1:26:16 PM): ah thats alright, no problem
Akmhamim (1:26:15 PM): i didn't notice the IM catcher thingy.
Akmhamim (1:26:42 PM): ahh! i almost cracked my finger. xD mommy said not to. lala. anyways, what's up? IT FEELS GREAT TO CHAT!
LadyElric88 (1:26:46 PM): lol, thasts fine, im sorry that i gave you the wrong info in regards to my names
Akmhamim (1:26:53 PM): and it's not the usual PMs
LadyElric88 (1:26:59 PM): yay!
LadyElric88 (1:26:59 PM): im fine
Akmhamim (1:26:58 PM): no no it's ok
Akmhamim (1:27:05 PM): to what name?
LadyElric88 (1:27:18 PM): just sitting here listening to Switchfoot and Coldplay and downloading music
LadyElric88 (1:27:28 PM): both of them, i switched the numbers
Akmhamim (1:27:31 PM): oooh okies. it's ok
LadyElric88 (1:27:35 PM): i am going to try to add you to MSN
Akmhamim (1:27:39 PM): hehe. okies.
Akmhamim (1:27:59 PM): from now on I'll be on both AIM and MSN, but on invisible probably
LadyElric88 (1:28:01 PM): ...whats it again? lolAkmhamim (1:28:03 PM): if i get unwanted IMs that is.
Akmhamim (1:28:12 PM): hehe it's
LadyElric88 (1:28:29 PM): thats fine, you could just talk to me when you want to
LadyElric88 (1:28:55 PM): alrighty, you're added ^_^
Akmhamim (1:28:53 PM): I'm listening to Unlock by SS501 hehehe odd name yes. Akmhamim (1:28:56 PM): yaaay!
Akmhamim (1:29:06 PM): and i'll talk to u whenever ur on. i like talking to u
LadyElric88 (1:29:27 PM): aww thanks
Akmhamim (1:29:37 PM): did u know, i save every single one of our PMs? xD i saved them on my journal. hehe hey..i sound like a stalker...:
LadyElric88 (1:29:54 PM): LOL alrighty
Akmhamim (1:29:59 PM): xD lol. i save all my convos with my friends
LadyElric88 (1:30:02 PM): i dont knwo what to say, im just laughing
LadyElric88 (1:30:12 PM): thats nice, not weird
Akmhamim (1:30:15 PM): hahaha. my friend always reads our conversations on my journal and she laughs at it
Akmhamim (1:30:51 PM): xD i thought u'd find it weird. whenever i like talking to someone, i like saving the convos. i like reading them again later on. espeacially when me and my friends go hyper in a chat room or something, it's fun ot look back and read them
Akmhamim (1:31:09 PM): im a odd person. ^-^;;
LadyElric88 (1:31:24 PM): lol aww well looking back does sometimes bring good memories
LadyElric88 (1:31:33 PM): not really - actually, we are all odd at certain aspects
Akmhamim (1:31:40 PM): and it's fun to be odd.
Akmhamim (1:31:55 PM): im the oddest person u'll ever meet
Akmhamim (1:32:00 PM): UGH! DARN SIS!
Akmhamim (1:32:06 PM): she wants to play BARBIE on the computer &_&
LadyElric88 (1:32:18 PM): whats wrong?
Akmhamim (1:32:39 PM): i hated babrie ever since i was BORN! well not really...i have my girly side. xD i played barbie for maybe 3 months with another girl and then stopped. i got sick of it
Akmhamim (1:32:46 PM): she wants to go on &_&
LadyElric88 (1:32:54 PM): ROFL, i used to that when i was youunger
LadyElric88 (1:33:14 PM): wow, i wonder what that looks like now - the website
LadyElric88 (1:33:23 PM): i thought Barbie died O_o
Akmhamim (1:33:29 PM): lol i see it every sunday because of my sis
Akmhamim (1:33:31 PM): lol
LadyElric88 (1:33:34 PM): isnt Bratz all the rage now?
Akmhamim (1:33:42 PM): i think so...maybe. hmm...they have big lips
Akmhamim (1:33:50 PM): a little too big...bigger than their face &_&
LadyElric88 (1:33:56 PM): yep
LadyElric88 (1:34:22 PM): yeah - and they actually dont represent a good image for girls to follow
Akmhamim (1:34:27 PM): i'm sorry but can i ttyl? my sister is hovring behind my shoulder.
Akmhamim (1:34:36 PM): someone agrees. xD
LadyElric88 (1:34:41 PM): thats alright, lol
Akmhamim (1:34:44 PM): it gets on my nerves!
LadyElric88 (1:34:50 PM): i will see you when i see you
LadyElric88 (1:34:57 PM): bye bye! awww lol
Akmhamim (1:34:56 PM): well see ya then! i'll be on away. so if u like, u can still message me ^-^
LadyElric88 (1:35:08 PM): of course ^_^
LadyElric88 signed off at 2:03:06 PM.
Hide Recent Messages (F3)
Natalie ...: MIMI!
Natalie ...: are u there?!
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: mimi?
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: ok well... talk to u when ur on.....
Hamim Sultana: SIS!
Hamim Sultana: SORRY!
Hamim Sultana: I WAS OUT!
Natalie ...: MIMI!!!!
Natalie ...: ~huggles~
Hamim Sultana: i put my computer on standby
Hamim Sultana: and forgot that i was on yahoo
Hamim Sultana: *huggles back*
Hamim Sultana: im so glad ur back!
Natalie ...: ME TOO!!!!
Hamim Sultana: on the meantime did u check out all the links? it was alot eh? xD
Hamim Sultana: lol
Natalie ...: i've been checking something else actually
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: but i bookmarked all the vids
Natalie ...: i was gonna leave in a bit
Hamim Sultana: u sure?
Hamim Sultana: what about the pics?
Natalie ...: cause we're sharing pics and stuff with the fam.
Natalie ...: pictures?
Natalie ...: i only got video links
Hamim Sultana: i send u links for pictures
Hamim Sultana: sent*
Natalie ...: i didn't get any
Natalie ...: only video links
Hamim Sultana: hmm...maybe u mistook some for videos? xD
Natalie ...: maybe lol let me check real quick
Hamim Sultana: it's ok, i saved allt he offline messages i sent u. lol
Hamim Sultana: u can just check my journal
Natalie ...: lol okies
Hamim Sultana: i told one of my firends today that i saved all of our PMs (today was the first time to IM each other) and she was like. "Lol! Ii don;t know what to say."
Hamim Sultana: ahhaha
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: hehee. so what's up?
Hamim Sultana: how was it?
Hamim Sultana: OMG!
Hamim Sultana: i love DBSK AND SUPER JUNIOR!
Hamim Sultana: AHHH!
Natalie ...: i will tomorrow
Hamim Sultana: i was gonna send u some more videos today too, btu i was lazy. xD
Natalie ...: today it's kinda busy though cause i have my family here asking questions about the trip and looking at pics and yeah lol
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: i watched a video today and i had to pause it every no and then to get ahold of myself
Natalie ...: well the trip was great!....up to a point
Hamim Sultana: so why do u have to go? <_<
Hamim Sultana: any drama?
Natalie ...: yup
Natalie ...: i should have know any better
Natalie ...: my mom wanted to go there for one thing
Natalie ...: and one thing only
Natalie ...: to talk to my uncle and solve the issue with my bro and cousin
Natalie ...: u have nooooo idea how sick i was while there
Natalie ...: i had high blood pressure, supper stressed out, had trouble breathing, constant headaches and stomaches, and my mom wouldn't stop talking about the issue!
Natalie ...: my grandma at least understood that talking about made me uneasy
Hamim Sultana:
Hamim Sultana: im so sorry to hear that
Natalie ...: so everytime my mom would start talking about it, my grandma would be like "hush, don't talk about that around the girls"
Natalie ...: and my mom wouldn't listen but right after my grandma said that, i would walk out of there and into my room instead
Hamim Sultana: ur granny should have beat ur mommy to a pulp xD
Natalie ...: haha she should
Natalie ...: hehe
Hamim Sultana: and make her shut up
Natalie ...: but she's older now so she can barely even lift her can to hit her head XD
Hamim Sultana: hehehe, so how are htings now?
Natalie ...: my mom is still talking about >_>
Natalie ...: im feeling better now though
Natalie ...: we wet to a doctor there about my headaches and stuff
Natalie ...: and he said that i'm "stressed out because im depressed"
Natalie ...: -_-
Hamim Sultana: that's it?
Natalie ...: yeah
Natalie ...: he gave me 3 different pills for it
Natalie ...: and u know what?
Natalie ...: NONE OF THEM WORK!
Natalie ...: and when my aunt asked what i had i said "the doctor thinks im depressed"
Natalie ...: and even my cousin laughed!
Natalie ...: but my mom was like "noooo he said ur stressed out!"
Hamim Sultana: faiza got some too, for anger management, and she threw it away
Natalie ...: and i said "because im depressed!"
Natalie ...: and my cousin said "she's not depressed! the doctor is crazy!"
Hamim Sultana: the doctor is dumb
Natalie ...: i would throw mine away if i could
Hamim Sultana: the doctor needs the pills
Natalie ...: but my mom checks on them
Natalie ...: haha yeah XD
Hamim Sultana: just hide the pills under ur pillow
Natalie ...: i have to admit though, i am depressed
Hamim Sultana: my mom used to hide them under the mattress, oh wait...i think she putit under the bed
Natalie ...: but im not stressed out because of that!
Natalie ...: and im not depressed for the same reason im stressed out
Hamim Sultana: it's more of a mental thing. it has to do with the mind, which medacine cant fix
Natalie ...: and im not even THAT stressed out about it
Natalie ...: i just ignore it!@
Hamim Sultana: bla, so u still take it?
Natalie ...: yeah -_-
Natalie ...: i gotta
Natalie ...: my mom gives me the pills
Hamim Sultana: whhhhy? hide it! xD
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: k
Hamim Sultana: if she's watching
Hamim Sultana: put it between ur gfingers and drink water xD
Natalie ...: save it under my tongue
Natalie ...: like hide it there
Hamim Sultana: watever u do, dont take it
Natalie ...: then when she's gone, throw it away
Natalie ...: hehe
Hamim Sultana: does she watch u take it?
Natalie ...: some times
Hamim Sultana: when she does, hide it. hehehe
Natalie ...: u know what? i even told the doctor about losing my voice some times out of no where
Natalie ...: and u know what he did?
Natalie ...: NOTHING!
Hamim Sultana: he lost HIS voice
Natalie ...: he gave me anti-depressants and stress relief pills instead!
Hamim Sultana: he needs a doctor as well.
Natalie ...: yup yup
Natalie ...: i might be depressed but i don't let it ruin my life
Natalie ...: it's not like im depressed 24/7
Hamim Sultana: yeah! im here!
Hamim Sultana: and im getting a bike.
Natalie ...: and im actually getting over that phase slowly
Natalie ...: woooo!
Hamim Sultana: that's great!
Natalie ...: and u shall name it bikey!
Natalie ...: hehe
Hamim Sultana: we threw away my old one. im getting a bigger one this time. and it's soooooo pretty! and my mom said she'll buy me a PSP, and daddy said he'll get me an iPod video so i can give the shuffle away to my sis
Hamim Sultana: YEAH!
Hamim Sultana: and I'll talk to Bikey when im bored
Natalie ...: awesome!
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: i'll let it listen to my iPod
Hamim Sultana: iPod=Bikey=fun fun fun!
Natalie ...: hehe
Natalie ...: but ya know, i was really looking forward to a nice vacation
Natalie ...: AWAY from the issue from my bro and cousin
Hamim Sultana: i know what u mean. too much drama these days <_<
Natalie ...: instead i walked right into more drama
Hamim Sultana: DRAM IT ELL U! DRAMA!
Natalie ...: ~sigh~
Natalie ...: im just glad im home
Hamim Sultana: which btw, was great! =D
Natalie ...: at least here i can hide away in my room and avoid the issue
Hamim Sultana: and talk to me!
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: haha
Natalie ...: okies
Hamim Sultana: i watched a mini-drama...
Hamim Sultana: and and and one of them was sad
Hamim Sultana: and the main character...AHAHAHAHAHH!
Hamim Sultana: if u knew his actual personality and sa whim in the movie...xD
Hamim Sultana: ok i'll keep my mouth shut, and u'll find out for urself
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: k
Natalie ...: welll i gotta go now
Natalie ...: my sis wants the computer to upload the pics we took
Natalie ...: i might upload some of mine onto myspace later
Natalie ...: bye bye oneechan!
Hamim Sultana: NOOOOOOOOOO!
Hamim Sultana: when will u be back???
Hamim Sultana: TELL MEH!
Natalie ...: nice talking to u! talk more this summer! imma be here allllllllll day! hehe
Hamim Sultana: when will u be back i said!
Natalie ...: maybe this night if not definately tomorrow
Hamim Sultana: I ASK U SHAMA!
Hamim Sultana: u better come tonight even for at leats half an hour!
Hamim Sultana: and u better watch allt he videos tomorrow!
Hamim Sultana: at keast some of them
Hamim Sultana: like 3 a day? xD
Natalie ...: okies and if i don't find u on by then, i'll leave u offlines messages like crazy O.O
Hamim Sultana: no no no 5 a day!
Hamim Sultana: or asll a day!
Hamim Sultana: all*
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: ok by!
Hamim Sultana: good night!
Natalie ...: how many did u sent me?
Hamim Sultana: karen's on, but ino one cares!
Natalie ...: i don't think it was THAT many
Natalie ...: hehe
Natalie ...: bye bye!
Natalie ... has signed out. (7/1/2007 9:20 PM)
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Uhh...I wont really be writing about any adventures, because I never really have any XD But I just LOVE adventures! But what I will be writing about is what happened throughout my day so far, or what's been going on, ect.