I was looking around Dumblaws.com and saved a few. These are them. Enjoy the stupidity of our politicians... xp 3nodding
Washington Laws: No person may walk about in public if he or she has the common cold. X-rays may not be used to fit shoes. A law to reduce crime states: "It is mandatory for a motorist with criminal intentions to stop at the city limits and telephone the chief of police as he is entering the town. People may not buy a mattress on Sunday. Women who sit on men's laps on buses or trains without placing a pillow between them face an automatic six-month jail term. No one may set fire to another person's property without prior permission. Persons may not wear a life jacket near the Spokane River. You may not ride an ugly horse.
Texas Laws: It is illegal to sell one's eye. When two trains meet each other at a railroad crossing, each shall come to a full stop, and neither shall proceed until the other has gone. Wire cutters can not be carried in your pocket. It is illegal to dust any public building with a feather duster. It's illegal to possess realistic dildos. Bicycles must be operated at a "reasonable speed". No person shall throw trash from an airplane. Any person who sits on a sidewalk may be fined up to $500. Beer may not be purchased after midnight on a Sunday, but it may be purchased on Monday. Dogs must be on a leash at ALL times. Owners of horses may not ride them at night without tail lights.
Iowa Laws: A man with a moustache may never kiss a woman in public. One-armed piano players must perform for free. Tanning bed facilities must warn of the risk of getting a sunburn. Doctors who treat a person with gonorrhea must report this to the local board of health and include the disease's "probable origin". All boxes used to pick hops must be exactly 36 inches long. The fire department is required to practice fire fighting for fifteen minutes before attending a fire. The "Ice Cream Man" and his truck are banned. One must obtain written permission from the City Council before throwing bricks into a highway. Within the city limits, a man may not wink at any woman he does not know. Horses are forbidden to eat fire hydrants.
Massachussets Laws: It is illegal to give beer to hospital patients. Candy may not contain more than 1% of alcohol. At a wake, mourners may eat no more than three sandwiches. Snoring is prohibited unless all bedroom windows are closed and securely locked. An old ordinance declares goatees illegal unless you first pay a special license fee for the privilege of wearing one in public. All men must carry a rifle to church on Sunday. It is illegal to go to bed without first having a full bath. A woman can not be on top in sexual activities. No gorilla is allowed in the back seat of any car. Children may smoke, but they may not purchase cigarettes. Tomatoes may not be used in the production of clam chowder. Two people may not kiss in front of a church. No more than two baths may be taken within the confines of the city. No one may cross the Boston Common without carrying a shotgun in case of bears. It is illegal to eat peanuts in church. No one may take a bath without a prescription. Though horses and cows are allowed on the common, dogs are prohibited. It is illegal for two men to carry a bathtub across the town green. One may not detonate a nuclear device in the city. Peeping in the windows of automobiles is forbidden. All families must be given a hog from the town's mayor.
Ohio Laws: It is illegal to fish for whales on Sunday. It is illegal to get a fish drunk. It is illegal to display colored chickens for sale. If one loses their pet tiger, they must notify the authorities within one hour. a**l intercourse is banned. Women are forbidden from wearing patent leather shoes, lest men see reflections of their underwear. It's illegal to catch mice without a hunting license! Any map that does not have Lima clearly stated on the map cannot be sold. Your duck may not paraded down Ohio Avenue. It is against the law to roller skate without notifying the police. It's illegal for a woman to strip off her clothing while standing in front of a man's picture. A policeman may bite a dog to quiet him. You may not run out of gas.
California Laws: No vehicle without a driver may exceed 60 miles per hour. It is illegal to own a green or smelly animal hide. Bowling on the sidewalk is illegal. Driving a herd of cattle down a street is against the law. Detonating a nuclear device within the city limits results in a $500 fine. One may not use one's own restroom if the window is open. Men who wear moustaches are forbidden from kissing women. No one may annoy a lizard in a city park It is against the law to hold a private bingo game. Permanent markers may not be sold in the city limits. It is illegal to sell gasoline to a drunken person. Elementary schools may not host poker tournaments. Getting drunk on a playground is against the law. One may not take his dog on an elevator with him. A person must be 18 years old to buy a wax container Cars may not be driven in reverse. It is illegal to drive more than two thousand sheep down Hollywood Boulevard at one time. It is illegal for a trumpet player to play his instrument with the intention of luring someone to a store. Drinking intoxicating cement is prohibited. It is illegal to posses, own or raise roosters. It is illegal for a man to beat his wife with a strap wider than 2 inches without her consent. You cannot bathe two babies in the same tub at the same time. You may not hunt moths under a street light. It is illegal to cry on the witness stand. Toads may not be licked.
Arizona Laws: Any misdemeanor committed while wearing a red mask is considered a felony. There is a possible 25 years in prison for cutting down a cactus. Hunting camels is prohibited. Donkeys cannot sleep in bathtubs. It is illegal to manufacture imitation cocaine. When being attacked by a criminal or burglar, you may only protect yourself with the same weapon that the other person posseses. You may not have more than two dildos in a house. No more than six girls may live in any house. It is illegal to smoke cigarettes within 15 feet of a public place unless you have a Class 12 liqueur license. A decree declares that anyone caught stealing soap must wash himself with it until it is all used up.
Florida Laws: Having sexual relations with a porcupine is illegal. Men may not be seen publicly in any kind of strapless gown. It is illegal to skateboard without a license. When having sex, only the missionary position is You may not fart in a public place after 6 P. It is considered an offense to shower naked. Oral sex is illegal. You may not kiss your wife's breasts. Penalty for horse theft is death by hanging. The molestation of trash cans is banned. If you notice an ice-cream man attempting to sell his cold concoctions in a cemetery, call the police immediately, for that is illegal. A women can be fined (only after death), for being electrocuted in a bath-tub because of using self-beautification utensils. You may not catch crabs. Women may not expose their breasts while performing "topless dancing". Lap dances must be given at least six feet away from a patron.
New York Laws: The penalty for jumping off a building is death. ( I would hope so...)
Georgia Laws: The term "sadomasochistic abuse" is defined so broadly, that it could possibly be applied to a person handcuffing another in a clown suit. All sex toys are banned. Against the law to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole or street lamp. One man may not be on another man's back. xp
Era Bosatsu · Mon Jul 02, 2007 @ 05:56pm · 0 Comments |