and yes i know.... each chapter is .3 more but that is because there is so much stuff not recorded that makes up for the missing .2 chapters
THE BEGGININGthe RISE & FALL of dystryr chapter -1
the adventure started off on 1/11/06. i had heard alot about gaia from some of my freinds at school, and really just wanted to be in on the fun, my freinds were talking about it for a few days before i hit gaia, and to this day i remember that they were talking about gaian BF/GF's...and my lovable freind [risuki] (being the natrual a**-hole he is) told me i could get a BF!! so after i joined and made this account, dystryr. (i got the name from a half-life mod called team fortress classic i wanted to be known as the destroyer but that took to long to type, so i made up dystryr a much faster way to type it) my regular activites on gaia were..collecting gold and buying cheap store items. i member the day my nieghbor came over and was watching me on gaia...whenhe wnet home he made one....we added each-other and shortly after we got into an argument because we had the same avvi.....the brown paesent shorts, the white vacation top and...the white baseball cap....we almot lost our freindship over such a stupid argument....after a while i even forgot what we fought about, the arguement happened on my profile between comments...i for got what happened because i ended up deleteing the comments...not all tho (you can still go back and look at the comments, i still find it funny that i was all happy about 700g OMG i was such a noob!!, 700g i have a 700k item now lol) i think it was the next month were i became introduced to montly collectables... (i dident start buying them untill next month) and it was around the same time...i fell in love with th jack uniforn outfit...i quested for like a week get the WHOLE set and, for some niegbor (account name psion-dragon) the one that i had fought with because we had the same avvi was also tryng to get the items... i also find that funny, i think the reason we dident get into an arguement is cuz we helped eachother get it.
the beggining-the c.r.a.z.y chapterchapter 1.3
im not sure when and im not sure why, but me and psion-dragon decided to make a guild, a giuld for all people, as long as those people were.... RETARDED!!! we saved up for weeks to get the 20k to make the guild...we got like 12k in also not sure of this but somehow we came up with the name CRAZY...but we wanted it to be original so, we made it: Crazy-Retared-And-Zany-Y?? because we are so just deal with it.... eventually the guild got so dead that we were forced to sell it...i was sooooo dead....we couldent...we sold it for 9.5k and even that was pushing it....and C.R.A.Z.Y no longer exists .
the beggining-the crabpeople invasion!!!!chapter-1.6
my freind michael had joined 4 monthes to the day after i did 5/11/06. the thing is i dont know the whole story but within a week he had obtained a 150k avvi and *scoffs* withn a month he had a 3milion gold avvi and had givin out about that much....he gave me 20k and a sword of the aegis. he kept on giving he gave out a total of 7 ninja head bands (figures i dident get one...) but he donaed sooooooo much in a month that ty ended up banning him AND leeching all the items that he gave away so my aegis was taken and my musketeer top was also taken (dont ask me why i used the 20k he gave me to buy a OMFG... yes OMFG's were once 20k) but i dident know that the items were taen by admins i thought i got hacked...i first found out that the items were gone when i donated for a dark halo when i went to go put it on, my aegis and sword werent there and me beingthe idiot i am saved my avvi so unlike my other freind stanley whos almost entire invantory was taken (granted he was given the most out of all of us...) he dident save his avvi until october so it looked like he still had his items. so i went on, trying to get donations cuz i got 'hacked'. 4 months later...i did...
the beggining-the fall of dystryrchapter-1.9
i would have put the PM and the conversation of how i got dystryr back here but this is in chronological you'll read it later. but any way lets continue. so i finnaly had achieved my dream avvi, so because of that i of course made a new one! and i entered the arena i think i scored like a 7.1 not sure... but any way it was on the 8th that i got hacked i think the one year anniversery is coming i got hacked in between loging onto another account i forget why exactly i was... but when i tried to get back into dystryr i couldent so i panicked then logged back into the other account and checked my avvi it was bare, so i did the password retrevial (back when there was a password retrieval >.> wink and got into dystryr...the last time for almost a year, i checked my trade logs and saw the trades...2 of them...thats how much stuff was taken. i hated the person who did it... never foret it for the rest of my gaian career...i hated her for hacking me...i wanted her to die...
CHAPTER 2: the Redemtion chapter -2
well at this point i almost quit gaia... i mean! come on i donated enough to gaia to buy the pitchfork and i get hacked?? it dident seem fair to me...why did i get then i turned a new leaf...i started the account PAY_IT_FORWARD this account i used to donate to the less fortuneate, not really noobs per-say but just poor people in general...i forget exactly how much i donated but it wasent a small number...and sure wasent a huge number either...
the redemption-the EXILE!!chapter-2.3
well at this point i had donated alot...i wasent going on as much so funds were quickly drying out, i had numerous donations from xyrion that was the only thing keping me going, so i was looking for a way to get gold, this led me to botting, which eventually got the account banned,i only got like 3k off of it in like 2 weeks so it wasent much, i think i bought alot of monthly colectables to get the avvi, i thought: "hey why dont i deserve a good avvi, i was hackde and ive been giving away so much stuff!" so the avvi idea was from sicafoose (im not sure but i think thats it) but the night i bought my bone dragon helm, was the night i got banned
the redemption-the reincarnatechapter-2.6
after pay_it_forward was banned i started dystryr_1. this account was preety much largly inactive for some time, i had numerous groundations...thats self explanitory. during the life span of this account, i started to feel unneeded around my freinds, being the only white person in my ring of freinds, i get numerous cracks about it... . also during the life of this account waas when gaia started the "invite a freind feature" where for every freind you invite...ya-da-ya-da-ya-da so i abused that and made....close to 20 account with that, that dosent include 4-5 other accounts i made for freinds before-hand (not including the original dystryr). i only used on of the many i made for anything, i used the account Wam!!lol as a vending account i think thats it, i ended up forgetting most of the accounts i only rember a few to date. another account i used was called crazy-wierdness i used this account during the halloween event, aand to get closeto Just_gimme_a_PM
the redemption-rencarate-abadonmentchapter-2.9
around this period of time i felt useless around my freinds, my GF at the time was in a completly different crowd of people, her being 2 years older. it was during this time i started to hate my freinds, i pulled a prank on one of my freinds and EVERYONE got pissed at me, shortly after i found out that they were going to do the EXACT same thing to me and i knew in my heart that none of them would have reacted they way they did when i was the pranker, rather than the prankee (does that make sence?). so i made a new account ad just told every one that i quit gaia, this account is (-please_forget-). and this, is where chapter 2 ends my freinds... (i rhymed!!! yay for me)
CHAPTER 3: the revivalchapter -3
here i spent my time in (-please_forget-), i kinda just dissapeared from gaia exept within a few choice freinds, but then at that it had to be their mules, i dident want any one tracking me down, but eventually, i came to my senses and added my freinds.
the revival-the calm before the stormchapter-3.3
i dident do alot in this time period, exept get into trouble, and hang with freinds so this is prolly the shortest chapter of this chronicle but thats ok the next one is long...>.> i guess one notable thing, or two rather, is my one year anniversery of me and my GF (at the time) and my birthday, and about a week after my birthday is were this next chapter winds up...
the revival-the fury of the stormchapter-3.6
this chapter... (as i said before) probably be the longest, so watch your hat, dont wanna lose it in the chaos! in this era of my gaian career, alot of stuff happened in my life and all at one time! im not really up to explaining it all but i will any way! ive been at this journal for 4 days ill go 4 more if i have to! well i guess the first is, the decline of my relationship, i told her i wanted a break, and got a break was rough on me, i couldent stand hurting her. i was so confused i dident know what i want and the whole thing put me thru so much trouble i regreted it for a while. the next is where me and my mom start at eachother's throats, i was edgy enough because of the break up and i hadent told my parents yet. mostly because i couldent find the right way to do so. my mom kept bringing her up so it hurt me alot, expecially when she was talking to me about talking to her about going to a gynacologist....yes every, one we took each others virginity around.... chapter 2.9. and now for more any way, me and my mom had an argument so afterwards i told her (or had slaveofdrklightning do it for me rather) and she blamed me for not telling her and about how it hurt her so yea and all that BS, so because of the stuff that went on the next day and combined with the break up, i went insane i almost started believing what my mom was telling me i even hit my own leg with a wooden stick to make sure i was still sane, i even contemplated scuicde(laharol knows what im talking about....) and in the chaos my mom destroyed my cell and told me i had to pay ofr it (just because of a $60 texting charge.... because of the break up...i would text people late at night to get my mind off of it all) so i lost my GF, my parents trust,my science credit for school,my sanity for a day,sleep and almost my 14 days. but through it all, one very special person was there for me the whole time...she listened and cared when no one else did...i might'ave just ended the pain (via scuicide for those who dont get it) if it werent for her, i can never repay her for ll that she did...without even trying. thank you 666she-devil666
the revival-the end is in sight! chapter-3.9
after all this had calmed down, me and she-devil, started dating, yes i know, i consider myself alittel shallow for the short time period...but, what can you do, ya' go with the flow! so i got back onto gaia...still with no cellphone...>.> and started to expand my wealth but i had no idea that what happened next WOULD EVER happen. what you people are about to read is the real thing this, is the real conversation with an admin to get dystryr:
Report Submitted By: DystryR (3129539)
Date Reported: Sat Sep 09, 2006 6:17 pm
Username that was scammed:
Person who scammed them:
When did this occur:
8:30am 9-8-06
How were they scammed:
she hacked me and stole my rare items, and changed my password
Missing Items:
demonic pitchfork
ice tiara-(x3)
phoenix circlet-(x2)
antient katana
sword of aegis
jacked up cape
chain of command
black goth boots
radicool blackout trim top
black musketeer top
whip of fire
whip of ice
Additional Notes:
Your report, yes?
....yes honestly i never thought you guys would reply....thank you so much for at least repling but, yes it is mine
You should have filled out a hacking report form if you didn't have the password to the account. In any case if you wish for us to restore your account once we conclude our investigation then you need to provide us with a functional email address that is not associated with any other account on Gaia.
i replied asking if i deleted an acount if that email would be fine i dident get a reply form that PM so i sent another with my email included. i logged off for the night and came back on the next day with a PM in my inbox telling me dystryr's password was in my email. so i did the natural thing and went and got it. when i finnaly logged in, i saw i had a trade request so i checked it out, this actually makes me mad...i got rehacked, they took my few remaining items and my last 4k, i saw this and said: hey....wait...i stilll have 4k, why would they take only half? so just for kicks i went to my invantory, and here, i almost creid, i have another journal about it so im not writing to much about it here kay? so here i am, writing this journal about my adventure, and here you are reading it, and if you want proof, all these are can find and look up the accounts look at thier journals youll find alot about me
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