This organization is reponsible for 99% of FCC complaints.
Jesus ******** Christ.
The PTC's primary mission is to promote and restore responsibility and decency to the entertainment industry in answer to America's demand for positive, family-oriented television programming. The PTC does this by fostering changes in TV programming to make the early hours of prime time family-friendly and suitable for viewers of all ages. We serve as the conscience of the entertainment industry and corporate advertisers who sponsor broadcast content.

Because of the pervasive and powerful influence of television, the PTC seeks to discourage the increasingly graphic sexual themes and dialogue, depictions of gratuitous violence, and profane/obscene language that have crowded out family viewing options. The PTC concentrates on broadcast television, which uses the public airwaves to enter every home with a television set, and expanded basic cable, which millions of households rely on for their TV programming.

Wow, I bet that makes them feel like wonderful people doing wonderful things, doesn't it?
Well, they're not wonderful. I think they should all commit seppuku. And videotape it, so I can watch.

Look, if you feel that a channel is broadcasting content that isn't suitable for your impressionable young kids, then don't ******** let them watch it. There are ******** tons of channels exclusively for kids. And ********, I know that when I was a kid, I didn't want to watch much else besides Nick and Cartoon Network.

And besides all that: how can they be affected by sexual content on TV? They don't allow sex to be shown on TV, only hinted at. And if your kids know whatever they're hinting at, then I think you need to worry about more than what they're watching on TV.

I'd also like to know what gratuitous violence they're talking about. The only violence I get to see on TV is on at 9 or later. What the ******** are their kids doing up watching TV that late?

Why don't they just watch their ******** kids? If they're letting the TV babysit their kids, then they're already failures. Maybe if they took some time away from pissing and moaning about what's on TV, they could make sure their kids aren't watching bad s**t on TV. Plus, they get another win, because I won't kill them. I can't go for a week without watching violence. It just releases all my pent up rage, watching a guy get his face blown off.

The same thing goes for video games. If you think your kids might be influenced to shoot someone by Grand Theft Auto, then:
1. Don't let them play GTA.
2. Kill yourself, because your genes are flawed.
3. I hate you. Another reason to kill yourself.
4. How did your kid get a ******** gun? Watch your ******** kids.

If you think the internet is horrible, hostile place where kids can download porn, then:
1. Why the ******** are your kids on the internet in the first place? What do they need to do on there? I'll tell you what they're doing: They're masturbating, you dickfaces.
2. Watch your ******** kids.
3. Get an internet blocker.