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VICE-CNC's Journal
PSO/PSU stuff. Or my Stories
Ep4 Live Or Let Die.
Ep4 Live Or Let Die.

Ryoka: Where here. I hope everyone's ok.

RYU: Me two. Hmm. Every thing's so quite around here.

Ryoka: Yeah. Mom! Mist! where are you?

RYU: Ryoka I hear voice's listen.

Eve: Yeah... Ok we must get project Ibuki back at once.

Mist: Indeed. We cant sit here and do nothing.

Ryoka: Hey that's mom and Mist. Mom!

Eve: Ryoka! your ok. So dark riot didnt capture you too? Im glad.

Ryoka: What happen here?

Mist: Dark Riot found and came to destroy us but they where no match for us untill they held Mass at gun ponit.
And ran shack the place and took are research. Then afterwards took Mass away with them.

Eve: Ibuki...

Mist: I know... we need a plan.

Ryoka: Ibuki? What's that?

Eve: Hmm.

Mist: It's ok Eve i think we can tell her.

Eve: Ok... Ryoka. Project Ibuki is a proto type hucaseal. But instead of a normal android hucaseal she's diffrent.

Ryoka: How is she diffrent from a normal android? All androids can think and have there own mind and thought's.

Mist: Yes that's true. But Ibuki is diffrent. She can do human thing's. Eat.Sleep.Feel.Touch.Feel Pain.Love. Mate. meaning she's able to create another Life in to this world. Bascliy She can understand both life as a Human and Android.

Ryoka: What? you mean to tell me that this super android is able to have children with humans?

Eve: Yes.. And the abllity's of an android. no sickness. Quick recovery. she's perfect.

Mist: Too perfect. And in Dark Riot hands no telling what they might use her for. My guess as a killer android.

Eve: Heh. If she learn's how to use soul enegry we're in trouble.

Mist: Indeed. We need to find Marino. With her help we might be able to stop Dark Riot.

Eve: Yes. but where do we look for her? she left no trace of where she can be found.

RYU: I know where she is.

Mist: You do?

Ryoka: Yeah Ryu is Marino's son.

Eve: I see. My you do look like her a little bit. But you have the same look as Duo does.

Mist: Yes. It's in your eye's. The look of a fighter like your mom Marino has but also the kindness and braveness
of your father Duo.

Eve: So Ryu where is your mother?

RYU: She's hurt pretty badly we need to hurry and get to her fast.

Mist: Ok let's go you can tell us what happen on the way.

(Later on mass's side)

Mass: Hey Dammit let me go.

D.Mithos: Why would i wanna do that?

Mass: Grrr. I'm not playing around i said let me go now!

D.Mithos: Quite! I'm only keeping you alive because i sense a great souce of soul enegry in you.
And i can give you what you want.

Mass: How can you give me what i want? I know what i want. I want to get out of here now!

D.Mithos: Ok let her go.

???: Yes Sir.

Mass: About time. Now where's the exit? Or do i have to start breaking some neck around here?

D.Mithos: I could have made you stronger but if wanna leave then go. But you would be dead before you find the exit.

Mass: Wait! You say you can make me stronger? why should i trust you? You problly killed Mist and the other.
And remind you i will come after you. when i leave this place and get str..

D.Mithos: Get stronger? And how were you gonna do that? Seek training from Ryu? or His Mother who's already dead.

Mass: What? His mom is dead?

D.Mithos: Ryu's mother is dead. She was killed in battle.
So how are you going to get stronger from Ryu if he couldnt save his own mother?

Mass: No it cant be! I was gonna learn from him and get stronger to use soul enegry. This cant be happening.

D.Mithos: Ryoka is even Stronger then you. Everyone is. You know those guy's you fought were my weakest men. I would have killed them my self if they wasnt so use full.

Mass: No! Your lieing.

D.Mithos: I'm i? Look at this.

Mass: Huh? what is it?

D.Mithos: It's an android. A super android call project Ibuki. Made by Mist and Eve.

Mass: What? why in the world would they make something like this?

D.Mithos: Who know's. But the power in this android is great. Even greater then yours.

If i activate this android she would be able to use soul enegry and stop anything in her way maybe even me. But must likely she would kill you just for being in the way.

Mass: (*Cries*) (*Think's to self*) Why? why would mom make something more powerful then me and her combined?

Why?... Everyone is stronger then me. RYU.Ryoka.Mist.Eve.This Droid. Everyone. (*Image of D.Mithos*)

D.Mithos: I can help you. I can unlock your true power and when that happen's you my even be stronger then me. And able to get your freedom from this place.

Mass: Hmm Ok. I'm tired of being the weakest. But when i do i will kill you.

D.Mithos: Fair enough im looking for a good fight one day from you.

(*Later On RYU And Ryoka's Side*)

Mist: Ok i got her. Let's Put her in this capslue.

Eve: Ryu im sorry about your mother we will stop D.R no matter what.

RYU: Thank You.

Ryoka: Ryu your gonna be ok?

RYU: Yeah...

(*At Ryoka's Place*)

Ryoka: Let's go for a walk.

RYU: I dont really feel like walking now Ryoka.

Eve: You should go get some rest Ryu. You can stay with us as long as you like.

RYU: Thank You Ma'ma.

Ryoka: Ryu.... umm Good night and im sorry for what has happen. We will stop D.R together and save my cousin Mass too.

RYU: Right...

Ryoka: See You in the morning.

(*The Next Day*)

Ryoka: Ryu? Ryu are you in here?. Huh? a letter.

Letter for RYU: Dear Ryoka im leaving to go on my own to stop Dark Riot And Save Mass.
I dont wanna put you and your familly in any harm and this is something i must do on my own.
I hope we meet again some day you and Mass were Really good Friends
To me and i wont stop till Dark Riot is Defeated. Good Bye Every One.

Ryoka: Mom. Mist. Ryu just left and he left this letter.

Eve: We know.

Ryoka: And you guy's just let him go like that?

Mist: There's nothing we can do. He his the son of Marion and Duo. I hope Ryu dosnt mind that i took his mom's body
and restoring it back to normal.

Ryoka: But how? she passed away.

Mist: Yes. But last night i sensed a little soul left in her. but not enough to give her life.

Eve: So you playing god now?

Mist: Hahahaha. You can call it that if you want. I'm bring her back to this world it's not fair that she was tooking out.

Eve: Indeed. And Ryoka You need to start training too. Cause the battle we're gonna go through is gonna be a harsrh one.

Ryoka: ok mom i'll do my best. And for Ryu too.

RYU: I Know it's gonna be tough but i know i can over anything. Dont worry Mass i'm coming for you just hold on.

(*Dark Riot Base*)

???: Sir we put the newmen in the Riot Pod. and the test was complete.

D.Mithos: So is she ready yet?

???: Yes she is.

D.Mithos: And her memory?

???: Been waped out sir like you wanted.

D.Mithos: Good. And now Vice Come foward.

Vice: Yes Master Mithos

D.Mithos: This is The one who killed your Familly. RYU.

Vice: He's the one who killed my famailly. And i will make sure that he pay's dearly. He must be killed off at once. *Punch's the ground*

(*RYU's Side*)

RYU: I'm Finally here in the city area.

???: Hello!

RYU: Umm hello?

???: You look like your strong. how about helping me out with this problem would ya?

RYU: Sure why not.

???: Great your the best! Ok come follow me!


(*Few Minutes Later*)

???: Ok where here. I need your help. There's this guy in there that wont give me back my pocket book he stole from me.

RYU: Umm Ms should you ask the police in pionner to help you?

???: Like they would do anything.

RYU: Hmm. Ok Wait here. (*Crackes Kunckles*)

(*Few minutes later*)

RYU: Ms here you go.

???: Wow Thank you. By the way where are you heading? I would like to take you out to eat. as pay mate.

RYU Hmm i dont know.

???: Relax it's the least i can do. Plus you do look hungry. By the way my name is Aila. And your?

RYU: Ryu.

Aila: I see. Nice to meet you Ryu. So what do ya say?

RYU: Ok sure i'am getting a little hungry.

Aila: Great! I got this restaurant im the owner of. Not many people eat there cause well... never mind your gonna love it!

RYU: Ok....


Aila: We're here! come have a set and i'll cook something up for you. Wait here.

RYU: Hmm something smell's good!

Aila: Here you go hope you like it.

(*Some one walk's in*)

???: Sorry but i need to use your rest room

Aila: It's in the back.

???: Thank you kindly. And i must say this place look's lovely.

Aila: Aww Thanks.

???: But not as lovely as you

Aila: Aww stop it *Blush*

RYU: (!) YOU!

???: ?

RYU: You Basterd! I'll Kill You!

??? Huh?

RYU: RED SWORD! How dear you? You. You. D.MITHOS!!!!!!!!!!!!

???: Wooo! Wait a sec.

RYU: Shut Up! I'll Make You Pay! For killing My Mother! Haaaaa!!

Aila: Ryu! Stop! I dont want you too mess this place up. And beside's let's hear him out.
He look's like he got something to say.

???: Yes. Listen to the beautiful young lady and put the Sword down.

RYU: Fine. You Got 10 mintues.

(*Few Mintues*)

RYU: So your the normal good side?

???: Yes. I'm Mithos. The real Mithos the one you fought and killed your familly was Dark Mithos and only i can stop him.

RYU: I see. Well your not gonna do it a lone im gonna help and destroy D.Mithos. I'm Sorry about before.

Mithos: It's no problem. Come let's eat. You can buy me something to make up for before. HAhahahaha.

RYU: Hahaha Ok i guess i own you that much but dont over do it on the bill.

Aila: Ryu what are you talking? Your not paying remeber?

RYU: Oh yeah. Now let me try that great smelling dish you made.

Mithos: Yeah i Smelled it before i walked in. I'll have some too lovely.

RYU: Well i see you dont hold back on the ladies.

Mithos: What can i say? I love the ladies. Hahaha

Aila: Ok it's Ready! and i just warm'd your back up Ryu.

RYU: Ok Thanks! (!) *Gulp* (*Think's to Self*) This taste like something in that been in the trash for years.

Aila: So how is it?

RYU: Umm Dont quit your day job miss. hehehe.

Mithos: Ryu! Dont ever said that to a lovely sweet heart like that. I'm sure this taste great!
Gulp* This is the best i over had. Yep best i ever had. uhuh the best i've ever had.

RYU: You can stop chwoing now She ran way up stair's cring.
And it's been like ten mintues and your still chwoing on the first bite.

Mithos: (*Spit's*) Oh my god. That was Bad. It tasted horrble. I'm never gonna get the taste out of my mouth.

RYU: Ms Aila im sorry but i was just being honest.

Aila: I know. It's ok my cooking is bad.

RYU: I Know! Mithos stay here and cheer her up im gonna put my 2nd best skill to the test!

Mithos: What was your first?

RYU: ...........

Mithos: Sorry i could'nt pass that joke line up. Oldy but a goody.

RYU: Right... oldy but a goody. Yeah... Right...

Mithos: ...... Anyway go do what you gotta do.

Ailla: What's Ryu doing in the kittchen?

Mithos: That what i like to find out.

RYU: Ok it's Ready

Aila: What were you doing in the kittchen?

RYU: Cooking

Mithos: No way that fast?

RYU: Just try it.

Aila: Ok *sniff*

Mithos: I dont know if i wanna eat something that took you about 3 mintues to make.

Aila: Oh My God!!

Mithos: See What you did? Aila please talk to me. Dont tell me that evil no good to the bone Ryu poison you?
With that horrble dish he call's food.

RYU: Hey! I have feelings to you know!?

Mithos: Quite You BAD FOOD MAKER!!!!

Aila: This is Really good! Better then good it's Golden!

Mithos: What? It is?

RYU: (*Smilles*)

Mithos: Let me try it. Wow it is good. It taste so good. make you wanna slap your mommy dont it Otaru?

Otaru: Yeeaaaahhh! Boy!

RYU: (*Think's To Self*) It's seem like i seen this joke before but i cant think what?
Wait a mintue who are you?

Otaru: I'm Friends with Mithos and was waiting outside for him till i smelled this wonderful food you mind?

RYU: Help your self.


RYU: While I better get going.

Aila: Wait!

RYU: ?

Aila: Need a job?

RYU: A job? No thanks.

Aila: Wait hold up. You have no place to go and you dont have a job so how are you gonna get far?

RYU: Hmm

Aila: Come on please work here. With your cooking this place will be the best Restaurant in no time!

RYU: I guess i could use the money.

Aila: Great! And Mithos and Otaru can work here too!

Mithos and Otaru: Say whaa?

Aila: Please? It would really help me out (* Teary Eye's*)

Mithos: Well i guess we could.

Aila: Great! Aila's joint well be back in bussiness!

(Five Years Later)

Aila: Wow who would have thought that we would we be a hit?

RYU: Yeah it's Going great bussiness has'nt been bad yet.

Mithos: Of course with chif RYU!

RYU: Heh. Well The Hunters Guild is starting tomorrow. I'm going there to become a Hunter.
How about you mithos you coming?

Mithos: I'm Already a Fomar i dont need it. Beside me and Otaru are gonna be off. Aila has all the help she need's here.

Aila: Yeah i do. I'm gonna really miss you guy's (*Kiss*)

Mithos: Well if you really need us i think we can stay another 5 years.

Otaru: No we dont. Pay no mind to him Aila.

Aila: Heheh well good luck you guy's. and Ryu i'll come watch your hunters try out's.

RYU: Ok Thank. When i become a hunter im gonna see you guy's soon Mithos ok?

Mithos: You bet. ok let's go Otaru.

(Next Day)

RYU: Finally Here at the Hunters Guild.

Aila: Ryu do your best ok? What i'm i saying i know you will.

RYU: Heheh. Thanks.

Guild Memebers Staff: All Hunters Please come to the hunters guild

RYU: I better go.

Guild Memebers Staff: Now we're put up team's to work together and clear the V.R Test.
(Team 1 Cyber x and RYU) Will go first.

RYU: Hiya im Ryu next to meet you.

Cyber X: Howdy I'm Cyber X. But can call me cybey

RYU: Hahaha Ok i think i'll just call you X for short if you dont mind?

Cyber X: Hahaha Fine with me. Good Luck RYU.

RYU: You Too X.

Guild Memebers Staff: GET Ready Hunters. START!!

RYU: Let's Roll!

Cyber X: Let's Do It!

Will RYU over come the test of being a hunter? And who is this new Partner RYU is Teaming with?

Episode 5 RYU. CYber X. Mithos. Otaru. Vs Dark Riot's VICE!

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GM LeonMagnus
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Apr 27, 2005 @ 07:19pm
wow! good job this ep 4 was great and i hope ep 5 will be even better keep up the good work Pure. P.S. from ur good friend Otaru_Mamiya-san ^_^

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