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::The Plagued::
[Lit-Advanced Lit]

User Image» Controlled by:: [. homicidal toe socks .]
» My name is:: Kiley L. Morgan
» I was born/am currently:: May 1st/16
» My gender is:: Female
» My crush would be on a:: boy
» When I fight I use:: a pistol and the occasional sharp objects I find.
» In the past:: I have been known to cause a little bit of trouble. Usually for stealing or causing a ruckus in town. It wasn't anything too bad. Until about five years ago I thought everything was going great for myself. I didn't really have some tragic past or anything. Then my father grew ill. It was strange, and no one had really seen such a thing. His body was turning a sort of grey color, and he could barely speak or move. His gaze seemed to stay stuck in one spot. Eventually he died. Most said it was starvation though. I was really heart broken. My father was someone I could really talk to. I even cried for days. My mother and older brother finally got me out of my tears though, and we moved on slowly. We thought everything would be ok, until the sickness showed itself again. It started to become even worse within our town, and soon enough nearly everyone had it. My mother got it, and is now in her deathbed as I speak. My brother and I seem fine, but I'm not sure for how long.

A few months ago I heard a rumor about this death, now known as 'The Silence'. People were rumoring that it originated from Death him/herself. I didn't believe it at first, but my brother insisted it was true. My friend, Cadyn, and I had talked about it amongst ourselves, but we didn't know what to believe either. In the end I let my brother be right. After all, why couldn't it be true? This 'Silence' was weird enough. No medicines could help it. It was worse than cancer. Not to mention you didn't know what to expect. Some people had covulsions at times, while others never moved. Some suffered from severe fevers, while others had icy cold bodies. It really was a random plague.

My brother had grown ill not too long ago, leaving me alone in the family. He was still able to talk at times, but usually no words would escape his lips and he always looked very pained. I was in tears again. He told me to find the cause of this disease before I die, and I plan on it. After all, why sit around and wait for death when I can go find him/her myself. So, that's what I have decided to do. Cadyn, or Cade, is coming along with me, and together we will find the cause! Who knows, maybe others are also doing so? It's not like we are starting off to nowhere. I have a small idea of where to go. They were rumors, but better than nothing.
» People would say:: I am a cheery sort of person. I like to look on the bright side, even in the darkest of times. I can at times seem like a cry baby, but I think I am toughening up. I don't constantly need protection after all. I may be happy and sweet to certain people, but if you cross me I may have a sort of attitude for you. Normally you won't have to worry yourself about that. I truly am a kind person.

I find it hard to kill things honestly. If attacked, my first instinct wouldn't be to kill. It would probably be to run. That may make me seem like some damsle in distress, but I beg to differ. I find that I may be too kind. I wouldn't hesitate to shoot something already dead though. Zombies and those other creatures had better just avoid me and my gun, because I don't take kindly to being pushed around!
» I fight for:: humans! I will end this plague once and for all.
» Other things about me are:: Not much to tell about me. My closest friend is Cade, since we were kids. He has helped me through a lot when my family wasn't there.


User Image» Controlled by:: [. homicidal toe socks .]
My name is:: Rori A. Makinley
» I was born/and am currently:: October 31st, 1318||23
» My gender is:: Female
» My crush would be on a:: Boy, if it mattered.
» When I fight I use:: knives and daggers. I'm not a gun person, seeing as they are too advanced anyway.
» In the past:: I was no one you would know. My name was unimportant and people passed me on the streets without a second glance. Some even scoffed in my direction. No matter how kind I was, no luck ever came my way. People found me weak, and my poor status added to that. I was no boy, so work was hard to come by. I never held a job more than a week. Then I decided to become a maid. That was easy enough. I began to work for royalty. Perhaps this was a bad choice, because before long I was wrapped up in more than I could chew. At first I had just been walking around, doing my normal cleaning, when I oveheard Sir Richard Folville talking about some sort of kidnaping. I was shocked to hear such conversation at first, then I came to understand how likely it was. Shrugging it off, I went to leave, but knocked something over in my way. That is when my life took a sharp turn.

I became part of their organized crime group. I was young and being a girl I could use some sort of 'special' charm. They used me to their liking, and if I disobeyed it was the jail and torture for me. It wasn't anything too bad I guess. All I had to do was keep people occupied while they got what they wanted. The big catch was soon to come.

Offered on the table was the kidnap of Sir Richard Willoughby. I was in no position to deny, and I really couldn't care less what we did, so long as no one was caught. Still, this seemed to be a little risky in my opinion. I did not voice my opinions. I was just a lowly maid after all.

It was a cold January of the year 1332. I was pushed ahead to talk with Sir Willoughby. At first I didn't have a problem approaching. I was dressed quite like a lady after all. I made my approach and began a conversation. The distraction was working as I began to flirt like I was told. Then before I knew it the attack was started. I didn't have time to dodge as the Sir struck my eye. Blood dripped down my face and I covered it with my hand as I stumbled back onto the snow covered ground. I heard yells and battle charges, but I was too stunned to pay attention. A hand rested on my shoulder to help me rise and I was sure it was Robert. We had been dating for a little while now, if that is what you would call it now days. Luckily he had noticed the blood now dripping onto my dress.

After having my now blinded eye bandaged, we began our final march of victory. If we knew it or not I don't really remember, but it was our last. It was such a long walk I could barely make it, but Sir Willoughby finally gave in and paid us, then swore his loyalty, which is exactly what we wanted. His word would be good, for if it wasn't he would die one way or another.

We thought everything would be fine after that. We had gotten what we wanted, and for a few years everything was okay. I even got married, but our happiness was soon shattered. Why Robert and I decided to stay with Sir Folville is beyond me, because now I would do anything to take it back. There were five of us left, and we had been outrunning the law as much as possible. Eventually, in the year 1341, they cornered us at the church of Teigh. We had nowhere to run. Sir Folville fired some arrows, killing a priest which made me cringe in shock. I remember wrapping my arms around Robert, hoping nothing bad would come of this, but it did. We were all taken captive. Our leader was beheaded right before our eyes, in his own churchyard. It truly was horrific. We were all whipped without mercy for our crimes.

I can remember not ever wanting to move again. The whips left such deep marks I thought my soul would be scarred forever. It wasn't just one time we were whipped repeatidedly either. Every church in town got its own turn. It was supposed to be for penance. I thought after such brutal beatings all would be fine, and the group would disperse, but I was wrong once again. The group did disperse; that much was true. This was my end though. I caught the Black Plague after settling down in peace for the first time in a very long time later that month. My death settled in around me quickly.

--A lot of this is based on real history, but it is my character that is made up in all of it.
» People would say:: I am a very loyal and can be a caring person. I never actually liked causing trouble and lying, it just sort happened over time and became a custom for me. Eventually I was actually very good at it. Now it is something that happens naturally. I wouldn't ever trust my words, no matter how convincing I am. I can be a very loyal servant, since my will has pretty much been beaten out of me. I am not completely broken, seeing as how I do like to think on my own plenty of the time.

I can seem like a b***h at times, and at other times I am very sly. It depends on what exactly I want. No one would call me stupid, or even ditzy. I am very down to earth and hate to day dream. I don't like animals, and love isn't in my vocabulary anymore. We were seperated after death, and I don't plan on abandoning Robert just like that.

I may seem very picky, but I like to think I have an open mind. I think that is pretty much it. You can get to know me better, if you think you can.
» I fight for:: Death. I have helped spread this plague to many people. Just one breath from my lips to your mouth or nose can make you deadly ill. I prefer to pass on fevers and internal bleeding. Maybe even greying skin, if I think it suits you.
» Other things about me are::You could probably catch me at a club of some sort, fashioning my human body. I prefer to look that way, but to get a good scare or pass a good sickness I won't hesitate to become my dead self completely again.

[x] S T E R E O T Y P I C A L [x]
[Semi-Lit - Lit]

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Sooo, I'm Kaylie Jackson
But I'd rather be called Kay
I'm almost 17 years young.
I go to the little ladies room.
I'm classed as skater
And this is my story . . .

It's filled with drugs and lies. What can I say? When I was five I swore off smoking, pot, and alcohol, but what does a kid know, am I right? I do all three, and usually on a daily basis depending on my mood. So, I live with my father, and my brother moved out a few years ago. My father is actually a pretty cool guy, ya know? He let's me go out when I want, and let's me do whatever I want. No fights with him. Believes in freedom of choice. Now, his only threat was that I should never get caught. Oops. Guess I got a little careless. Party busts are a b***h.

So, let me rewind here a bit for you. I used to be a really nice person, actually. I had a lot of friends at school, and had never even thought about doing bad stuff. Dealing is what got my mother killed after all. Once i entered junior high I started drinking gradually. It wasn't peer pressure that got me, alright? I chose to. My brother did it, so I decided I might as well give it a try. I tried pot while I was drunk one time and enjoyed it so much I started doing it often. By the time I hit high school I was surrounded by some new friends I guess. I was labled skater because of my enjoyment of riding the board. It is fun. I've been skateboarding since I was seven. My first skateboard was actually given to me by my mother.

Fast forward now. My dad decides I need to be taught a lesson for getting busted. Does that sound fair, really? He LEt me. Anyway, I had two choices, rehab or summer camp that was talked about at school. Of course I chose the camp! Sad though. I doubt my pot addiction will be eased here. At least I can still skate. Wait, no alcohol either, if I am correct. s**t. I have to raid the camp counselor cabins. My stash won't last forever.

As far as friends go now, you could call me a bit of a loner. I avoid the preps at all costs. Most of my friends are twenty-one and older, but I do like to chill with kids my own age every now and then. I think the 'punk' kids and the 'emo' kids are pretty pimp, but don't get me started on the jocks and preps. That Jessica Moore just about makes me want to smoke a blunt to be put on a permanent high. That way I won't be stuck listening to her mouth forever. And those jocks? Look, I'm far from being perfect, but what jerks. If I had time to bully as much as them I wouldn't have a life. I wonder how they have one. Is it just me, or do they have self-esteem issues? Gag. I don't really care. Drama makes me want to light up and take a load off. Let me avoid it please. Hah. Like that is possible around here. Maybe Summer Camp will give me some time to relax though. Maybe?

But really, I'm [. homicidal toe socks .] Shh! It's a secret!

| :.:Under this Mask:.: |
[Semi-Lit - Lit]

KilEY MaY JohnSOn

But I didn't say 'cheese'...
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Just Call Me....
Kiley is what I normally go by, but sometimes I get called Kye/Ki for short.
My Melting Candles....
I'm around 18.
My Secret....
Let me write you a story. I'll put the words to paper and form you a reality you never dreamed of. Pretty much, that's what I do. I write, and what I write becomes reality to the reader, and they can't stop unless I let them or they finish the story. It's sort of a curse, in my personal opinion, due to the fact that I love writing. I had thought about making a career out of it, but I can't see that happening now.
They say I'm....
I've been told I am kind and sweet. I can have a bit of an attitude, even be sarcastic at times, but it is nothing too major. I don't go out of my way to make tons of friends, but I am a talkative person once you get to know me. I am far from shy, but don't find a need to make myself the center of attention constantly either. My closest friends can tell you I am daring and like to be different, but others might not realize that right off hand.

I can have a bit of a short temper depending on what is being said or done. Some things really get me angry while other things I can completely ignore. I can be impatient as well, but try my best to hold off and stay calm.

My Own Personal Hell....
I was raised with a father, an older brother, and younger sister. My mother died a year after my little sister was born. I was nine at the time and my elder brother was twelve. It wasn't all that bad. I turned out more on the boyish side, and realized that my adorable little sister was turning very girly by the time she was a preteen. We suddenly completely grew apart and I had already been distance from my brother since he hit his sophmore year in high school and got a girlfriend. I felt slightly alone, and being that cursed middle child didn't help. I became sort of independant in the process. My sister was babied constantly, and spoiled, while my brother was always getting worried over, especially around grade time. I came to like the lack of attention though, because I got to get away with a lot more things than them, like getting out of the house for hours at a time, and leaving all night, or most of it.

Now, my power is a whole different section of my life. I realized around the time I was twelve strange things were happening to my teachers. I had always been a fan of horror and action movies, so my stories I had to write for school often dealt with the same genre. My teachers often zoned out when they read my stories, and I finally understood why when I asked one of my friends to read over a story I wrote for english class. It was a horror, about some girl who was going to be stalked and moving dolls. Childish stuff like that. While we were sitting there she became unusually quiet and then I started to notice her arm was bleeding, and before I knew it she was crying. I got freaked out and ran from the room, unable to think clearly. When I came back she was gone and the story was ripped up and scattered on my floor, along with some blood spots. Needless to say we never spoke again, and she attempted to spread nasty rumors about me. I felt guilty about what happened, but was nowhere near feeling so guilty I wanted to apologize. It wasn't just her though. Even my english teachers had me change english classes because after they read my stories, they claimed they had been scratched up, or hurt so badly they felt emotionally or mentally scarred. After all of that became more frequent I began to stop writing for class, and became accustomed to cheating and letting others write my papers for me. Over the years I have gotten in trouble for cheating multiple times, and have gotten over caring about it.

Thinking About....
I don't really have a crush at the moment. Back home, everyone seemed to somewhat believe the stupid, but true, rumors.
My Life....
I love music. I was never a big poetry fan, but they can write so freely. I also love reading, maybe more out of envy than anything, but I am not booksmart when it comes to school. Also, I love chinese and mexican food. I want to try every type of food. I love traveling, parties, being with friends, some video games, football, soccer, volleyball, the mall [I can be girly sometimes], matching outfits, writing [even if it is 'illegal' for me], wearing boxers. Boxers are comfortable night clothes bottoms! I laso love perfume and cologne. Cologne is even better sometimes. Oh, and I also love hiking and swimming!
I really don't like when people think they are better than everyone else, and when people spread rumors. Cold hearted and distant people tend to annoy me as well, especially if they whine. I also don't like when people do something because it is 'cool'. Talk about anoying mindless weaklings. I despise bugs, and fish and birds don't take my fancy. This 'gift' I have also ticks me off. I would like to write a story that people can be so abosrbed in it almost seems real, but I don't actually want it to be real.
Save Me From....
Look, I'm terrified of ticks. What can I say? They suck your blood and carry diseases, and they are so small. They hide on you! I'm also afraid of hurting people with my stories. I love writing, but I don't like hurting people because of it.
Behind the Curtain....
[. homicidal toe socks .]

~::.::At The End::.::~

    Who was

~Behind {the} scenes:: [. homicidal toe socks .]
~My fave :: Black

    Who am

~Those thr33 [words] of MINE::__Kiira Maie Franden
~[Names] THAT stuck::__I got Kii because people were too lazy to say my whole name I guess, and then Kia came from removing some letters. Those are about the only two I know of.
~T3h {good} yrs::__18
~My DOWNSTAIRS {reveals}::__I'm a girl! Maybe not a lady, but a girl none the less.
~I <3 to say::__"And I would care why...?"

    Who became

~On th3 OUTSIDE::__User Image
~Get a [final] look::
    I've got some curly brown hair because of my mom, who was a mute. I can safely say I am no mute like her, but that is besides the point. My eyes are a bright blue, that give off a warming feeling at times. At other times they can turn stone cold and send chills. I don't find it in my fancy to keep a tan, but I do get one on occasion. I am outside plenty enough to get one, which explains my athletic and thin build. I have to keep a good figure if I hope to win on the battlefield at all. My nails are bitten back because of my nervous and angry habbits. Even the skin around my nails is being torn. My bust is rather flat, but I'm just glad they don't look like a boy's pecks.

    Normally you can find me wearing a pair of rough pants and a tight and short upper shirt made of a silky fabric to keep me cool. The temperature around here is unbelievable. I designed my own battle mask, like most of the people do, and also design a lot of my own outfits. I normaly have my long bangs clipped back and a bracelet on each wrist that is actually made to be worn in battle as a type of protection. I have symbolic tattos on my body that are meant to protect me in battle, but I believe skill is the real thing I should depend on.

~ii {can} be::
    I'm a very caring person, and I only slay on the battlefield. It is my job after all, as the daughter of an ex commander. I can be very creative, but I'm not always that bright. I'm far from being a ditz, by any means, but I am also not your genius either. I know how to plan an attack if needed, but otherwise leave it up to those who are supposed to do it. I can have a very 'I don't care', type of personality when it comes to work or having to follow rules, but otherwise I am actually kind of nosey. I hate being that way, but some things do intrigue me. I am hard headed and rebellious, but I know when it is time to settle down and listen, most of the time. I always follow what I think is best. This, at times, can cause me to challenge the authority of those higher up, but I would never start an actual fight with an ally. I'll just keep what I believe to myself, and do whatever it is alone. In this way I can be viewed as independant, but to be alone forever would devestate me.

~{Let's} talk 'bout ME::
    My father was actually a very cruel person. his life revolved around being the best of the three Generals, and raising kids to follow in his foosteps. He married a beautifull woman who could not speak, and that was exactly what he wanted. A person who couldn't go against him. Thinking of that way makes me sick, to be honest, but I can't choose my parents. People knew just how big of a jerk he was, but he was very good at what he did. This silenced everyone. For some reason, I could always tell my mother actually loved him. Who knows? Maybe she was insane too.

    A few months after their marriage, they had a child. It was my eldest brother. My father was proud and they tried for another son. Again they had a son. My father was ecstatic, and enjoying his luck, tried again. This time I was born, and his heart, in a way, shattered. He shut me out of his life, and my two older brothers could tell it hurt me, especially my mother. My oldest brother would always come home and tell me what he had done at practice today, and at times even taught me. When my father caught that, he was hit and that was about the last time we ever spoke about warfare again. My other brother never really liked me for some reason, and I didn't much care. He was rude and obnoxious anyway. We had our share of fist fights. I even won a few, until he turned twelve and I was seven. I started to see a pattern of severe losses. I didn't give up though. He was too mean. My eldest brother ignored us, not paying much attention and calling us childish. My mother couldn't do anything, which hurt her. My father would only laugh at us, when he was around.

    When I was twelve, my father was killed in action. He was with a small army determined to take a village. There was a surprise attack and everyone in his group was massacred, some taken hostage. As for her father, she had no idea. Even though she cried, she still couldn't bring herself to truly care. Her brother was the worst off. Her oldest brother never shed a tear, but her her other brother was heartbroken. He had never even tried to communicate with their mother, but at that time he actually spoke to her. It wasn't much, just about his father, but more than he ever said. After that he practiced his fighting more and more, and eventually surpassed even my eldest brother. I was stuck just being an onlooker, but finally I was allowed to actually watch.

    At the age of fourteen my mother noticed me outside swinging a sword around, and talked my eldest brother into practicing with me. Eventually I started to get better, but I am nowhere near perfect. I do try my best, but it has only been four years since I actually started. To this day I live with my younger older brother and mother. My eldest brother has broken away from us with age. My other brother is soon to do the same, and that will be a happy day for me. All we ever seem to do is argue and give each other dirty looks.

    Still {don't} KNOW m3

~{They} RANK m3::__I am a warrior of the Rivesk people. For the time being anyway. I've been hearing some things that have been making my loyalty to the Rivesk falter a bit.
~With ME {always}::__I carry a straight bladed sword that sort of resembles an odd rectangle shape.
~ii MAY {have} miiss3d::___I don't have much else to add.


    Who was

~Behind {the} scenes:: [. homicidal toe socks .]
~My fave :: Navy

    Who am

~Those thr33 [words] of MINE::__Lasyier Cade Franden
~[Names] THAT stuck::__Commander, due to the fact that I was a general before I decided to become a traitor.
~T3h {good} yrs::__22
~My DOWNSTAIRS {reveals}::__Male
~I <3 to say::__"Everything should work out, eventually."

    Who became

~On th3 OUTSIDE::__User Image
~Get a [final] look::
    I stand at a good 6'0". Maybe a little shorter or taller. I don't exactly check. I have brown hair like my mother and sister, and the eyes to match my father and sister. Is anything, people could mistake me and my sister to be twins born at the wrong time, but I tend to brush that sort of comment off with a laugh. I give off a warm presence, and tend to be the calm and collected person. My shape is muscular, but not gigantic. I try not to overdo it with muscles. I bear many tattoos to show my heritage and worship, and I even have a few scars.

    Normally I can be seen in loose clothes made of a ilky fabric that slides against my skin. The thinner it is, the cooler. Around here that is important. In battle I tend to dress heavier, even wearing armor. It can make some of the weaker people die quicker, but it is neccessary to take tougher blows.

~ii {can} be::
    My personality is the calm and collected person. I am a strategist, and fighter, though many whom have never seen me fight may find it hard to believe. I seem to be the type who loves peace, and in truth I am, which is a reason for me to trade sides. I defend those who I think need defending, and will do whatever I think is right. In that way I am a bit hard headed at times, but I will always hear others out. Just because I have my own set idead, doesn't mean everyone else is wrong.

    I have a lot of patience, and don't normally yell. People say my voice is loud enough anyway. I don't have a temper much at all, but if I do happen to get one, it is because something very, very close to me is being threatened. I won't even cry unless the occasion extremely calls for it. Like a mass slaughter has just happened involving people I was close too.

~{Let's} talk 'bout ME::
    I was the first son of three children. My mother was a mute, just how my father wanted it. I never really understood him, and couldn't completely comply with everything he desired in me. I could tell from a young age things were going to get messy. Two years after I was born he had another son, then he had a daughter two years after that. Not exactly two years inbetween, but about that long, if you know what I mean. General idea. Anyway, he wasn't pleased with the daughter. I, as his first son, was enrolled into training with the military forces at a young age. About ten. It was beginners class, but I was forced through harshly. At the age of fifteen I was one of their 'brightest' students. I joined the military at eighteen. At first, around the age of fourteen, I was just someone who tagged along if needed, but soon enough I was a permanent member.

    Through my life at home I had always been closer to my mother than my younger brother. My father had always favored him, especially after he caught me helping my sister learn to fight. After that punch to the face, I was forbidden to even converse with her again. I felt bad, but seeing as it was him, there was nothing I could do. After that I just had to ignore the fights between she and my younger brother, even when he started to really beat her good. If I ever intervened, my father would have beaten me just as bad. I turned a blind eye and went along my way.

    Once I was permanently a warrior, I moved out on my own, saying I had found someone or some nonesense like that. They believed me, and I shut myself away from them. About a year ago I made general, but only a few months ago I really got to understanding what was going on. We were trying to overthrow everything and everyone. If this kept up, there was no telling when war would be over with. On a small 'walk' out on my own, I entered enemy territory. The Vesnign rebellion seemed much more to my taste. I shifted over, and at first they didn't believe me. It took some time, but at the moment I think they can believe me. I don't tread on Rivesk territory much anymore, unless I plan on attacking, but I will show up on occasion. I even still fight with my mask.

    Still {don't} KNOW m3::

~{They} RANK m3::__Ex General of the Rivesk. I am now a warrior for the Vesnign.
~With ME {always}::__I carry a sword that resembles the shape of a long rectangle, that broadens near the end, before making a point.
~ii MAY {have} miiss3d::___I don't have much else to add.

Perfect Illusions

User Image» Controlled by:: [. homicidal toe socks .]
» My name is:: Kiley Ann Morgan
» I was born/and am currently:: April 1/17
» I am currently in grade:: 11. Junior! Yay!
» My gender is:: lady.
» Let me spell it out for you:: I'm a girl from a family of guys. It wasn't the luxury life, but my mother died of an illness a year after my birth. Her body was already weak, and she barely survived my birth. The sickness was just too much for her. That left me alone with my older brother and father. At first we hit many rough patches. They didn't know how to raise a child alone. That's when my father hired a nanny. The woman became like my mother, and child and woman bonded. It was nice. When I turned four she realised dressing me up in dresses was becoming a harder task. I didn't like dressing up, and instead would try and steal my brother's clothes, which in turn aggravated him. I played the innocent act, which helped me get away with a whole lot.

My life was pretty much simple and calm. I never really ran into many problems. When I was ten my nanny was fired, and I objected very much, but she still came to visit on occasion. Since then I have been living alone with just two guys. My dad is good about helping me cook and clean, but my brother is a slob most of the time. I have the privelage of beating him up, but since two years ago I haven't had to worry about that at all. He joined the army and left home. Once he was gone I realized just how much I missed my big brother. I had stuck to him constantly, now that I thought about it. He was the one who made me join the swim team and soccer team after all. He was athletic, and I looked up to him. My father was always very kind to both of us, and we pretty much seemed like a sickeningly sweet perfect family.

Deep down, no one ever forgot my mother. I even missed her, and I didn't even know the woman. I often asked my father about her. My brother always avoided the subject. From what I could tell she was a sweet woman, and we both seemed to have a lot in common. They said I even looked liked her. I was happy, but my brother always laughed when I commented about it. His cruel words hurt every once in a while, but when I cired he would always apologize. I knew he didn't mean it after all.

Since my brother joined the army leaving my father and I alone, things have become very quiet. No one will argue with me and I am home alone a lot. My father travels on business trips up to a month at a time. He calls often, but it gets very boring. I have learned to cope by staying with friends or my boyfriend, but as of late even those things aren't helping me. My relationship is becoming very harsh. Maybe ending. I don't like to think of that, but it may be.

» People probably see me as:: You could say I am the happy optimist that can always find a bright side. To everyone else I am anyway. When it comes to other people I am the shoulder to cry on and the person to listen. I would never dump a friend that is in trouble, and people know that I am very loyal. I've only cheated on one test in my whole life! Well, maybe two. If I flunk, I flunk honestly!

I like to think I am the sunshine on a rainy day [even though I love rainy days] and the person to put her own feelings aside for others. I really am. Maybe that is why I can't tell anyone how my relationship with my boyfriend is beginning to get troublesome. I just tuck my feelings away. Sadly, I sometimes believe that could be the reason for some of our arguements, but he starts them too. I get confused kind of easy, and sometimes I may seem spacey, but I can be very sharp minded if you try to cross me. I may be a sweetheart to the eye, but to those who know me, when you try to play with my feelings, I become a completely different person.

That person can usually be swayed by tears, if the crime is not too bad, but normally she is cold and likes to stay silent. I don't actually show this side of myself often, but as of late my boyfriend has been seeing her frequently. She is short tempered and cries a lot. A cry baby, in short, who hates being the way she is. Tears are awful, and quite frankly she wishes they didn't exist.

» My theme song is probably:: Story of a Girl by Nine Days.
» I absoloutely love::
+ Strawberries
+ Candy
+ Puppies
+ Kittens
+ Ferrets
+ Chinese Food
+ Steak
+ Soccer
+ Swimming
+ Rock music
+ Being with people
+ Chocolate Milk
+ My cell phone
+ My friends
+ My family
+ Action/Horror/Thriller Movies
+ My boyfriend [sometimes]

» I absoloutely hate::
+ Birds
+ Bugs
+ Liars
+ Mean people
+ Staying quiet for a long period of time
+ Reading
+ Math
+ Studying
+ Rap music
+ Chick Flicks
+ My boyfriend [sometimes]

» My relationship falls under:: Sweetheart, to you people anyway.
» Other things about me are:: I have a golden retriever at home named Ginger. [Don't ask how it came to be named that. Boring story.]

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