Aki settled into her desk, slouching down against the chair and propping her head up on one hand. She sighed as the straps on her trip pants caught on her chair. Sometimes it took more grace than she could manage to sit in these pants. But then again, Aki had klutziness down to the art. She pulled her book out of her pocket, and started to read. Being able to store any book she wanted there amused her more than she was willing to admit. Aki imersed herself in the book, letting her surroundings dissapear. She started as she heard a throught clear before her. Mr. Barlow stood disaprovingly in front of her desk, and handed her a flier. She ignored the dissaproving look, dissmising it as what it was; routine. Mr. Barlow couldn't respect himself if he didn't at least try to make his students miserable. Aki looked down at the flier, pretended to read it, and moved to through it away. Mr. Barlow waddled slowly up to her, and adopted a ghetto pose that he couldn't hope to pull off. A malicious grin spred a cross his face. "I wouldn't throw that out, Aki." "it's your only hope of passing." Up until the point that barlow adopted the ghetto pose, Aki had been wondering how someone who was wider than he was tall could balance on his feet. Usually Mr. Barlow just propelled himself around on a swivel chair. The wonders of nature would never cease to amaze her. He lurched into something barely recognizable as a pose, and she thought of an offended ball of putty. She added masquerading as a rabid bear when the malicious smile spred across his face. She had just decided that this would probably be taken as an insult when he mentioned the word pass. Aki smiled internally, considering possible responses that sounded respectful, but definitely were not. Then Mr. Barlow said International, and if Aki had been a dog, her ears would have stood straight up. Mr. Barlow waddled back to his swivel chair, and sat glaring at everything in the room. He didn't pull the same routine on anyone else who walked into the room, but Aki was too busy to notice.
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