Once upon a time in a child’s a book a young girl named Alice had wondered into a land of mysterious creatures, adventure and life lessons. She meets many friends along the way. Twiddle Dee and his Twin Twiddle Dumb showed her the stories of those who are bad and those who had lied. The Hatter and the Marsh Hare had shown her an unhappy birthday and more tea for all. The Cheshire Cat led her to the Queen as did the White Rabbit...and the Queen of Hearts banished her 'home.' A dream it was to Alice no Rabbit hole was there just a sister and her kitten life was real unlike this world...
But Alice was wrong as all children’s fairy tales are. When a portal to this world is opened by a child is never close...never fades always there...one friend was left out of this equation the Caterpillar. Though he was always on his shrom he knows more then most think...he lead a butterfly from the human world to wonderland...yes a simply and elegant butterfly who came to his call...when the butterfly entered wonderland it changed...oh it changed and became a servant of the Caterpillar as Wonderland was pushed through to the human World now colliding the two worlds into one...
How did this happen you ask? It happened simple as known. Children may enter a wonderland for their minds wish to see it but...something else entered Wonderland causing the barrier to break between the worlds now trouble was set a foot.
The Queen was troubled by Alice's leaving and now that the Worlds combined more troubles brewed. All humans would see those from Wonderland and the magic of Wonderland would soon be at troubles against the non children minds. Though more has come to this tale, the other Card types have raised their kingdoms. The Queen of Spades, Clubs, and Diamonds are now plotting to take power over the Queen of Hearts and this new world. How will this be stopped? Will Alice show up after so many years of not being here now that they are in the real world?
The StoryLine Idea:
I’ll break this down simply since my story writing can be a bit confusing. It’s about seven years after Alice left Wonderland. So a lot has changed the People have changed. Some of the characters are different people then they were maybe kids of those who were once their you get to fill in that part of the story. As for the Queen of Hearts it’s really the princess who is now Queen after her mother passed away.
The Caterpillar isn’t a bad guy but he is doing as he pleases and has tricked a real world butterfly into coming through the Rabbit’s hole. That hole is a link between both worlds and once something not of a child’s mind enters it clashes the two worlds together as it is now. Wonderland now covers the whole area it’s in, Japan, (lets face it everything happens there.) Humans are still humans but everything else…is changing. Weapons, trees, houses, animals ect.
Lastly the other Princess/Queens of the other cards are now showing up to try and over throw the Queen of Hearts and the new world they are now in.
Once upon a time in a child’s a book a young girl named Alice had wondered into a land of mysterious creatures, adventure and life lessons. She meets many friends along the way. Twiddle Dee and his Twin Twiddle Dumb showed her the stories of those who are bad and those who had lied. The Hatter and the Marsh Hare had shown her an unhappy birthday and more tea for all. The Cheshire Cat led her to the Queen as did the White Rabbit...and the Queen of Hearts banished her 'home.' A dream it was to Alice no Rabbit hole was there just a sister and her kitten life was real unlike this world...
But Alice was wrong as all children’s fairy tales are. When a portal to this world is opened by a child is never close...never fades always there...one friend was left out of this equation the Caterpillar. Though he was always on his shrom he knows more then most think...he lead a butterfly from the human world to wonderland...yes a simply and elegant butterfly who came to his call...when the butterfly entered wonderland it changed...oh it changed and became a servant of the Caterpillar as Wonderland was pushed through to the human World now colliding the two worlds into one...
How did this happen you ask? It happened simple as known. Children may enter a wonderland for their minds wish to see it but...something else entered Wonderland causing the barrier to break between the worlds now trouble was set a foot.
The Queen was troubled by Alice's leaving and now that the Worlds combined more troubles brewed. All humans would see those from Wonderland and the magic of Wonderland would soon be at troubles against the non children minds. Though more has come to this tale, the other Card types have raised their kingdoms. The Queen of Spades, Clubs, and Diamonds are now plotting to take power over the Queen of Hearts and this new world. How will this be stopped? Will Alice show up after so many years of not being here now that they are in the real world?
The StoryLine Idea:
I’ll break this down simply since my story writing can be a bit confusing. It’s about seven years after Alice left Wonderland. So a lot has changed the People have changed. Some of the characters are different people then they were maybe kids of those who were once their you get to fill in that part of the story. As for the Queen of Hearts it’s really the princess who is now Queen after her mother passed away.
The Caterpillar isn’t a bad guy but he is doing as he pleases and has tricked a real world butterfly into coming through the Rabbit’s hole. That hole is a link between both worlds and once something not of a child’s mind enters it clashes the two worlds together as it is now. Wonderland now covers the whole area it’s in, Japan, (lets face it everything happens there.) Humans are still humans but everything else…is changing. Weapons, trees, houses, animals ect.
Lastly the other Princess/Queens of the other cards are now showing up to try and over throw the Queen of Hearts and the new world they are now in.
Character Skeleton
Character Skeleton
Kingdom of Hearts -
Kingdom of Dimonds -
Kingdom of Clubs -
Kingdom of Spades -
Kingdom of Wonderland -
Kingdom of Dimonds -
Kingdom of Clubs -
Kingdom of Spades -
Kingdom of Wonderland -
[imgright] [/imgright]
{If any}
{Male or Female}
{Be descriptive and write Sentance form}
{Anything Other}
[Sort of Have to be descriptive. At least two paragraph}
[size=14]Played By[/size]
{Name Here}
Wonderland Creatures
[size=15]Known as In Wonderland[/size]
~Some sort of code name/name~
~Male, Female~
~Sentance format~
~Max is four~
~Anything else~
~At Least two Paragraphs~
[size=14]Played By[/size]
~Your Name~
{Pictures can be changed on Premades, along with color, and of course all the info ^^}

Known as In Wonderland
~The Caterpillar~
~ ~
~ ~
~ ~
~Change into his caterpillar like form,~
Played By

Known as In Wonderland
~The Butterfly - Fraya~
~Caterpillars Servant, Trouble~
~can change into a butterfly form~
~Anything else~
~Fraya is the cause of Wonderland opening into the human world (add to this)~
Played By
~Your Name~

Known as In Wonderland
~The Mad Hatter~
~Tea Parties~
~Unmarry Birthdays~
~ ~
~ ~
~ ~
~ ~
Played By

Known as In Wonderland
~March Hare~
~can change into a rabbit form~
Played By
~Your Name~

Known as In Wonderland
~Cheshire Cat~
~Can change into cat form~
Played By

Known as In Wonderland
~The White Rabbit~
~Rabbit, White, Bunny, Usagi~
~Cheshire Cat~
~Warm Places~
~Dirty Things~
~Being treated like a child~
~Rabbit is a kind and friendly creature like most of the inhabitants in Wonderland. She loves to share and cares a lot about many things. She always opens her doors to those in need though she tends to be a bit a**l about things being organized and in it‘s proper place. Like most rabbits she‘s easily scared and very panicky when things aren‘t right. She smart but can be timid especially when others are over bearing. She can become confused easily~
~Can change into rabbit form, can make a black hole appear whenever, can make foods grow to abnormal sizes. (mainly vegetables), can talk to animals and wonderland creatures. ~
~Uses a rocket lancher that shoots out carrots.~
~This young Rabbit was never around to meet Alice. She is the daughter of the original White Rabbit who served the Queen of Hearts. Unlike her father she never pledged any servitude to any of the kingdom. She is a regular resident of Wonderland who lives in her fathers old home and still tends to his gardening. Also, very unlike her father, she hates being on time and pocket watches though she is very organized about things she does. Her father recently died of a panic attack making Rabbit learn to be more calm herself.
As time past Rabbit was able to make friends with many of the residence in wonderland especially since she had an open door policy about her home for strangers to rest and relax in. She has become found of many of her new found friends especially Cat. Everything was going wonderful in Wonderland till one day Rabbit woke up in a world part her own part…part not. To make things way wore the other Cards have risen up under different card leaders to take down the Queen of Hearts fearing this new world and feeling it is all the Princess (Queen) of Hearts fault. Rabbit just wants to get back home.~
Played By

Known as In Wonderland
~Teapot Mouse~
~can change into a Mouse form~
~Anything else~
Played By
~Reserved Maybe~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

{If any}
{The original Alice from Wonderland. It has been so long since she was in Wonderland she thinks of it as nothing more then a dream. Now she is an adult who is well…doing adult things leaving those memories behind…till wonderland comes to her home (add to) }
Played By