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Nameless thingy of DOOOM....
xp Day one in this strange and kewl world: xp

Merry meet, my name here is Neko Yukai, which mans Happy Kitty in Japanese...
Ofcourse that's not my real name(like doh)...
I live in The Netherlands(that small country next to Germany) and I thought: Let's see if there are other kewl people on this planet.

And so, day one started...I collected some coins, some items and some other junk and then I met some really kewl dudes. Like JUSTXFORXFUN, ALOHA_ANGEL and many, MANY more. I made my first trade today with GREAT_KILLER and I got myself a really kewl new kilt ^^(THNX). Me and JUSTXFORXFUN started a kewl club, the BAP-club (The Bite and Poke Club). We ate trees domokun and poked a lot.
Then other people joined and it was a lot of fun ^^.
Tomorrow I'm going on vacation, so I hope I'll see these dudes next week again...

Hugs for all of you guys and keep smiling!!!

Pokes and Bites Neko Yukai cool

xp Second day in this world that keeps getting better and better: xp

Today I got back from vacation. It was a lot of fun, but I'm glad to be back 3nodding . When I turned on the computer again, I saw everybody was offline cry . So I decided to earn a little bit gold and collecting bugs. After a while I began on a few jigsaws, but then after a while my computer said: This is enough jigsaw for today, I won't open the screen again. Then I couldn't finish my jigsaw, so I decided to play another game. FISHING!! So I sat there with my rod and then a guy named ENNEN sat next to me. He's Irish! We had lots of fun and we caught a lot of old boots and tires. Then I ran out of bait...and I couldn't sell my fish, because thos stupid shops didn't work. So I returned to the jigsaw and THANK GOD my computer stood on my side. I met some other guys there(well actually girls) and that's about it for today... rolleyes

Hugs for all the cute guys and sweet girls

Pokes and bites Neko Yukai domokun

xp Day Three in this alternative way of living thing...: xp

Today I bought myself a complete new outfit whee . I earned a lot of money with Jigsaw and fishing, so I thought let's spend it. Later on I was pleased with my gear and I put them on right away. Then I saw I got a message from my Best Friend: she has sent me two presents biggrin . Then I wanted some more money, so I went to the Angelic Jigsaw room again and entered a hug room. I met a really kewl dude called Ren ^^. We chatted for a long time and we met some other guys. Then, a few hours later Ren asked me if he could invite some friends. I said: sure!!
After that I met even more guys (and girls). We were throwing pillows at eachother, hugged a lot and jumped into eachother. 4laugh GREAT FUN!! 4laugh After a while everybody went offline and I decided to work on my profile. It's completly changed now. It's in TLOZ-style. cool
There, this was it for today folks ^^

Ps: Today I've learned how to change color in the chat: /setcolor green ^^

Have a nice day (or evening)...
Hugs and kisses Neko heart

xp Day Four again...: xp

So, today started not so very well. 2000 G has been stolen from me cry
Luckily I could earn it all back again, so it's OK now. 3nodding
After a few hours I and Ren entered a chat again and later some other guys from yesterday joined. It was great fun. Then suddenly Ren was stalked by a gay perv...Not very nice. After a while he left *thank Gawd* and we continued the talk. Ren is now my little pet dog and we grew a little close relationship. We even have a little sneaky secret rolleyes . Then another shock came. Ren discovered something, which I'm not gonna write down, as promised. Anywayz, late at night I made two new friends. We sat under a tree and poked eachother and pretended to be a flesh-eating house xd . Later one of them had to go crying . The other guy, the emo, stayed ^^. We poked eachother and hugged a lot. Then I had to go...We hugged and kissed eachother goodbye... rolleyes
I've got 5166 G now and I'm planning to buy a pixie cool
I also made a dudes-picture with all my friends on it ^^

That's it for today, I'm outta ^^

Hugs and kisses Neko blaugh

xp Yay, day five: xp

This morning started a little bit boring. I was jigsawing and a lot of boring people joined. None of them were talking... sweatdrop I asked some friends to come online, but everything went wrong stressed I-net wasn't very nice and the server went down -_-. Then I went fishing again. I met some really kewl dudes there. Like Ran ^^ He's very nice and very friendly ^^. And that's about it for today... My best friend returned from Zweden. I got a little present from him: a little witch statue ^^ Ofcourse I gave him a big hug blaugh . Then I went to another friend, but the stupid jigsaw-chat wasn't working...so I still couldn't talk to my dudes there -_-*. Tomorrow I'll spend the day with my 2 best friends again, so I don't think I'll be online much...Anywayz...the pixie I wanna buy became more expensive...so I still have to earn a lot of money eek
I've got now 6500 gold, so it's a beginning...
I'll stop for now...I'm outta here!!

Hugs and kisses Neko wink

xp Like... day six man...: xp

Yay...today I had a wonderful day with my two closest friends ^^ blaugh We went shopping and watched a horror movie, which wasn't so creepy after all... xp I didn't spend much time behind Gaia though...I've updated my profile a little bit, earned a little bit gold and that's about it. Ow yeah, a couple of minutes ago I decided to post a drawing of mine in the Gaia art arena ^^ 3nodding
I've got a busy scedule this week:
sunday: friend's coming over
tuesday: buying b'day present for another friend+getting a new hairstyle.
wednesday: going to b'day of my friend
And ofcourse all the daily stuff I've gotto do, like cleaning, walking the dog etc...
Now, after six days in Gaia I have to draw some conclusions:
1) earning gold is tricky
2) male Gaians are more likely to talk to you than female Gaians
3) pixies are expensive
4) a lot of people like to hug
5) everyone is crazy as hell whee (I love it)
6) my mom is evil...
7) making friends here is easy

But now I've gotto go, angry mom attack domokun
Hugs and kisses Neko

xp Day seven...it was fun, I guess...: xp

Today I started pretty early...I entered some jigsaw-chats again and I talked to some guys. A couple of hours later Ren came online...he was acting a bit weird...He was acting kinda evil evil and he wouldn't tell me what was going on...
Then again I had a great chat with other guys and Ren and Ran have met eachother. In the evening Ren was still pissed and stuff...then I found out that his GF kinda broke up with him...Very sad crying . My Best Friend Flame was online too, so he joined the chat too, just like Oreo and Antkun...we talked a lot and later on we could cheer up Ren...He hugged me again and even kissed me on the virtual-mouth. It was so kawaaiii 4laugh Anywayz, later everyone had to leave, except Antkun. We chatted for almost another hour and we had lots of fun too. We were riding Nessie whee
So...this was a weird day and seeing Ren pissed isn't very funny...
I've earned 9480 G today ^^
And the pixies are getting more and more expensive...
So here it ends...I'm gunna sleep, I guess...

Hugs and kisses Neko
*kiss on Ren's mouth* CHUU

xp Rawr, it's day eight:b] xp

Today I started with a jigsaw(how original)...
I've earned some gold and then I saw my Best Friend was online...
He was coming over at my house today, it was really fun!!
We were both in a jigsaw-chat and I asked Ren and Ashlee to come too.
Ren's doing OK now, I guess...He laughs again smile
Then a annoying girl came in and killed like everybody!!! domokun
Anywayz...after a while Flame was bored so we left the chat and were doing some other things. In the evening everyone was offline stressed , but luckily a friend came over, so we had some fun. We watched a movie called Rattatuelli or something....
Anywayz, I've earned a lot of gold today: 10427 G... whee
Tomorrow I'll go buy a present for a friend of mine, together with 3 other guys, so I dunno if I'll be online much...
It's almost sleepy sleepy time, so I'll end this weird journal for today....
Have a nice day(or night)

Hugs and kisses Neko

xp Day Nine, you'll get a cookie:b] xp

This day I wasn't online much again sweatdrop . I've slept till 11 o'clock. In the afternoon I chatted wit Ren and Ashlee again whee ^^. After that I added a drawing of Ren on my profile, it looks really cute. Then I went shopping for a b'day present with 3 other dudes. I also saw a really kewl dagger, which I'm gonna buy tomorrow ^^. After a long day shopping I went home, grabbed me something to eat and then I went online again. Everyone was offline again -_- scream . Anywayz, later on the emo guy came online again, he went to a concert. Very kewl. We chatted a few minutes, But now I've gotta go, angry mom attack again... domokun
Ps: Today I've bought a vending licence and I've won 3 Magic-items.
I've got 11173 gold right now and tomorrow Flame is coming over ^^ 3nodding

Hugs for all of you and have a nice day/evening.

Hugs and kisses Neko

xp Day ten pokes you in the eye:b] xp

Today I was online early. I sent a message to Ren, without even knowing he was online sweatdrop . Anywayz, after quiete a while we were both online and an other girl came too. Flame couldn't come today (angry mom attack domokun ^^), but we still had some fun. At half past 2, I had to go to a b'day party of my nephew. It was very fun!!! We all took a little braintraining-age-test-thingy and it turned out my brain is 40 years old xd . When I went back I wanted to chat with some guys, but the server broke down, AGAIN!!! But that didn't matter...I made a drawing with the jigsaw-dudes on it. I only forgot Ranzeru and Antkun, but I'm gonna draw them on another drawing another time ^^. Btw: I didn't buy the dagger crying But some day I'm gonna do it whee
Anywayz, tomorrow a friend of mine throws a b'day party and I don't know if I'm gonna talk to a few of you before or after that...
But now I'm gonna sleep, -__- zZzZZzZZ
hehehe biggrin
Hugs and kisses Neko

Ps: I'm gonna color the drawing on the computer ^^

xp Bleep Bleep, alien tells it's day eleven:b] xp

This morning I was up early to look for a cycling route, because a friend was throwing a Party!!! 4laugh That's why I wasn't online ^^. I only talked to Ren, he finished his manga, It's really cute whee After that I went to the party. It was awesome and very fun. 3 minutes ago I went to the slots again, and I won 2100 tickets. I already sold them ^^ Now I'm gonna sleep

Hugs and kisses Neko

xp Today it's day twelve, I guess:b] xp

Today I went over to Flame's house blaugh . It was very fun!! I got a lil' baby chick now: a present from Flame 3nodding . We chatted again with Ren and the rest, untill Ren had an angry mom attack domokun . Anywayz, I'm very busy with the drawing. I finished myself and Ren almost. It's a lot of hard work!!! stressed I also changed my avi a bit and made a fake one on my profile rolleyes . It looks kewl ^^
I've got 13791 Gold now ^^
But now it's time for this Neko to go to bed
Nighty Night!! rofl

Hugs and kisses Neko

xp Day Thirteen, YAY!!:b] xp

Today I finally bought myself Mythic Hair ^^ 3nodding
And I made some new friends in the jigsaw-chat again. 4laugh
I have an angry mom attack domokun , so I'll keep it short.
Ren and the others weren't online crying , only Ashlee ^^
I met some Zelda-lovers too
Anywayz, I'm going to bed now
I've got 8243 Gold now

Hugs and kisses

xp *looks at calander* It's day Fourteen ^^:b] xp

Today I chatted with my dudes again and Ren kisses me on the mouth again 4laugh
After a while I went offline to help a friend in need ^^
When I got back everyone was offline crying
Then later some went online again, but the server broke down.
Anywayz, tomorrow I'm having a BBQ party ^^
But I'm gonna sleep now ^^
I have 9640 gold ^^
Hugs and kisses sweatdrop

xp Day Fiveteen, YAY:b] xp

Today I had a BBQ-party and it was a lot of fun ^^
We did all kinds of crazy things biggrin
Me and a friend had a staring-contest and I won ^^
Well can't tell you anything more, I guess...
Flame's also sleeping over XD
Well, I'm gonna sleep now

Hugs and kisses

xp Psst, it's day Sixteen: xp

Today me and Flame woke up early. We had lots of fun yesterday ^^
After a while we went to Gaia. I was fishing and Flame was just looking for gold. Then we decided to do something else ^^.
In the evening I chatted with Ren a lot smile
And before I was planning to go to sleep, I decided to read some horror-stories.
Anywayz, I'm gonna sleep now.

Hugs and kisses Neko

Ps: I've got 11763 Gold now

xp Day Seventeen is flying to your head: xp

Last night I earned money while sleeping. Someone bought my tickets for 10500 gold. I was so happy ^^ Later in the chat I told Ren. He was like 0_o. Anywayz we had a great time, till my server broke down. And I don't mean the jigsaw-server, no, the entire internet server !!! So that was it for today. Ow yeah, Ren and Kraft invited me for their wedding. I hope I can make it ^^
I'm gonna sleep now

Hugs and kisses Neko

xp Insert day Eighteen here: xp

Yay, last night I earned gold again while sleeping. 11000 gold ^^
I can buy a pixie now, but now I don't want it anymore -_-''
Anywayz, this morning me and Flame's BF decided to hike. It was very funny ^^ We communicated with cows, goats and sheeps. After 2 hours we decided to go home. Then I chatted with Ren again. We had a domo fight domokun .
Then Flame arrived at my house ^^ That was also fun ^^
Anywayz, I'm having an AMA(angry mom attack) domokun , so I'm gonna sleep now

Hugs and kisses Neko
ps: I've got 31753 gold now ^^

Got bored, so yeah...no journal writings anymore..

Started Gaia: 14 Juli

Dark Neko Yukai
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Dark Neko Yukai
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