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The not so empty roads of my mind...
This is my place to waste time, talk about myself, and just to be me in my writing.
My ZexionXKairi Fanfic!
What I've got so far:


“Kairi! Time to come in!”
“Mother! I’m seventeen! I should be allowed to stay out!” The teenager stood up from the grass and helped her friend up.
“Now, Kairi!”
“Fine!” Shouting at her mother, Kairi turned towards the boy standing beside her. “Sheesh! I’m sorry about this, Sora.”
“It’s fine. We all know how parents are. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Kay. Bye.” Kairi grabbed her shoes and ran off towards her impatient mother. Sora waved at the retreating girl.
Upon reaching her house, Kairi threw her shoes into a shoe rack and walked into the kitchen. There she found her mother, almost finished with setting the table. Looking up, she scolded her daughter.
“How many times have I told you to not talk back to me, especially around your friends?”
“Gee, I don’t know. I lost track. I’m practically an adult now. Why can’t you just let me be?” Her mother slammed the casserole dish she was carrying down onto the table.
“Young lady! I will not tolerate your attitude a minute longer! Go to your room!”
Rolling her blue eyes, the girl turned around, walked down the hall, up the stairs, and into her room. She walked over to her desk and sat down. She started mumbling to herself. “As if it’s only my attitude. I’m not the one with a stick shoved up-” She didn’t finish her sentence. Something outside her window caught her attention. Walking over, she folded her arms over the windowsill. “That’s strange…”
Four of the brightest stars Kairi had ever seen were aligned in the darkening sky. Never before had anything like it happened.
Looking around towards the ground, Kairi wandered out loud.
“I wonder if anyone else has seen this…”


Castle Oblivion’s quietest room, the library, was suddenly intruded upon by a tall man with red hair, triangle tattoos under his eyes, and wearing a long black robe. He walked through the bookshelves, calling the name of the one person he was sure was in the room.
“Zexion! Hey! Zex! C’mon! You’ve gotta see this!”
A book flew past his head as he rounded a corner. Sitting on the couch in front of him was a man with blue-ish hair covering the right side of his face, also wearing a black robe. He looked disgusted at the sight of the intruder.
“How many times have I told you to not call me by that name?!”
“What? Zex?” The red-haired man was trying to look innocent.
“What did you think I meant?!” He picked up another book, this one MUCH larger than the first one he threw, and aimed at the man’s head. “If you don’t leave in about 5 seconds, Axel, this book is going to replace your face!”
“No! Not the face! You know the girls love the face!” Axel put up his hands in mock defeat, as Zexion started counting.
“Okay! I’m leaving! I just thought you might want to see something interesting…” Zexion’s curiosity took a hold of him.
“What is it, exactly, that you want me to see?”
“Oh, nothing important…” Anyone could clearly see Axel liked taunting Zexion. Zexion, however, moved his arm back, meaning to throw the book.
“Alright! Some of the stars are acting funny. That’s all.” Axel practically skipped out of the library. Zexion scowled and followed after him.
He made his way up to the observatory deck. Walking to the ledge of the platform, he saw what Axel meant by the stars acting funny.
Four bright, new stars were lined up in the sky. He stood observing them for a while before he decided it was time to give up. He didn’t understand what their purpose was. At least, not yet…


Brushing out her auburn hair, Kairi was trying to ignore her growling stomach. It was time for bed, yet she still hadn’t had any dinner. She didn’t feel like dealing with her parents today; they just didn’t understand how hard it was to be a teenage girl. She set her brush down on the top of her vanity. The girl sat looking at herself in the mirror. She was not a very vain girl, but she had to admit that she was beautiful tonight. Her blue eyes were shining and her skin was smooth. Her hair, now that it had been brushed out, was free of tangles. She sighed. Her stomach was rumbling again. She lectured it.
“Hush! You’ll survive one night without food! I promise we’ll get some yummy food into you in the morning.”
Trying to take her mind off of food, Kairi got up and walked to her bed. Flopping down into the middle of her queen-sized mattress, she picked up one of her many stuffed animals. Her friends didn’t understand why she still collected them, but to Kairi, they were some of her best friends. The one she selected was a stuffed squirrel. She smiled at its always cheerful face and started conversing with it.
“Hey, Mr. Chubs! How are you? Good as always, I’ll wager! Well, I’m not so good… this is the third times this week I’ve gotten into a fight with my mother. I don’t know… maybe something’s wrong with me… I just don’t agree with anything she does lately… I’m growing up and yet she still treats me like a little kid! I don’t know what I’m going to do… What do you think, Mr. Chubs? What’s that?” Kairi put her ear up to the squirrel’s mouth, imagining the stuffed animal was really giving her advice. She even giggled as she pulled it away. “I can’t do that! Hehe… what would everyone say? And besides, the circus doesn’t need a 17 year-old member. Thanks for the idea, though.” She set the squirrel down beside her and stood up.
She went to her dresser, mumbling and giggling to herself as she went.
“Hehehe… Imagine it. A 17 year-old that still gets her advice form her toys. Oh boy. If only mom could see me… Now where did I put those pajamas?” Kairi shuffled through several drawers before she found her favorite set of pajamas, a pink tank-top and matching shorts. She changed into them, and then walked back to her window. She stood looking at the new stars for a few minutes. Finally, her mouth erupted into a huge yawn, informing her it was time for bed.
Crawling under her blankets, she didn’t even realize how quickly she lost consciousness…
Where am I? Kairi stood on the shore of a tiny island, confused and dazed. She had already walked all the way around the island twice, trying to figure out where she was. I must still be sleeping… All I remember is falling asleep…So this place must be a figment of my imagination… Determined she was still sleeping, she sat down on the shore, placing her feet into the sea, waiting to wake up…


Zexion had a hard time falling asleep. The mystery of the stars was gnawing at his curiosity. He sat up in his bed, turned on a bedside lamp, then picked up an ever present book. Fifteen minutes passed and he was drowsing…
His feet were covered with sand, and he could feel spray from a nearby sea… Zexion opened his eyes. He looked around him.
“How the heck did I get here,” he asked out loud. He remembered how he read a book then fell asleep, but that was all he remembered. And to add to the mystery, he was in the middle of nowhere, on a tiny island.
Looking around once more, he noticed footprints in the sand. Footprints meant people. And people meant an end to the mystery. If there was anything Zexion hated, it was a mystery he couldn’t solve by himself.
Annoyed, the man walked along the shore, following the tracks.
Only a few minutes passed when Zexion saw the outline of a human sitting by the sea. He started walking angrily towards the person, and then stopped short.
It wasn’t just a person. It was a teenage girl. She was sitting there in a pink outfit, just staring out at the sea. She didn’t seem to notice Zexion’s presence, and he wasn’t too excited about revealing himself. But he had to know what was going on.
He strode over to her, stopped a few feet away, crossed his arms, and then cleared his throat.
The girl jumped up, giving a little squeak of surprise. She saw Zexion and started backing away from him.
“I-I’m so sorry… I didn’t know anyone else was on the island… In fact, I was sure…” She stopped when she saw Zexion raise his eyebrow. He encouraged her to continue.
“You were sure what?”
“You’ll probably think it’s silly…”
An image of Axel passed through Zexion’s mind and he almost let himself smile. “Try me.”
“Um… ok… I could’ve sworn this place was just a part of my dream or something…”
Zexion unfolded his arms, staring at the girl. “You mean you don’t live here?” She shook her head.
“I was kinda hoping… if you did… I mean, I’m really confused…”
Zexion nodded. “That makes two of us…”
The girl started walking towards him, talking as she came closer to Zexion. “Well, it seems we’re in the same boat… All we can do is hangout until we wake up I guess. And I feel much better now that I’m not alone.” Zexion didn’t feel the same way. He was used to being a loner. Yet here was the girl extending her hand, still talking to him. “My name’s Kairi. And you are?”
He didn’t know why he did it. Maybe it was the light reflecting in her bright blue eyes, or the way she gave him a trusting smile. But he did do it. He took her hand and gave her his name.
“I’m Zexion.”


Kairi was glad the strange man had shown up. She was rather surprised at his appearance. It seemed he came out of nowhere, a tall man wearing a black robe, with his hair covering half of his face. She would normally have stayed away from anyone looking like him, but since he looked as confused as she was, she felt she could trust this man. So, in an attempt to calm both of their nerves, she had extended her hand. When the man took it and gave his name, warmth spread through Kairi’s entire body.
It seemed, however, that Zexion didn’t trust her completely. He sat a few feet away from her. It’s up to me to start a conversation, she thought. Now that she had someone she could talk with, she wasn’t going to pass the time in silence.
“So… Zexion…”
He sort of looked at her like she was crazy, but answered her anyways. “What?”
“Did you get her too through sleeping…? I assumed that was why you appeared so suddenly earlier…”
“I guess that’s how I got here. All I remember was not being able to sleep, reading a book, and then finally falling asleep… That’s it.”
“Hmm… this is really a mystery… Did you eat anything weird or did anything out of the ordinary before you tried to go to sleep?”
“Well…” Zexion felt a little weird about answering Kairi’s questions, but he did it anyways. After all, he wanted to figure this out too. “I don’t think I ate anything ‘weird’, as you put it. But I did see…” He took a breathe then continued. “I saw something strange in the sky… Four bright, new stars were aligned.”
Kairi gasped, jumped up and rushed over to Zexion. “That’s it! The stars! It must be!” Zexion stood up.
“You mean you saw them too?!”
“Yeah! I got into a fight with my mom and went up to my room. I noticed them out the corner of my eye. So I went and looked at them for a while! And then, right before falling asleep, I went and looked at them again! That MUST be the reason we’re here!”
“Now that you mention it, I got in a fight of sorts with my…comrade, and then I saw them. And the whole reason I couldn’t sleep in the first place was because I was trying to figure out why they were there!” Kairi smiled at him.
“Are you one of those people who have to solve all the mysteries of life?”
Zexion silently cursed himself for letting a blush arise in his cheeks. Kairi giggled at his pink face. She got down by him, laying herself out with her hands behind her head. “Isn’t it nice here?”
“You don’t like talking very much, do you?”
“I prefer reading than conversation…”


Kairi yawned, trying to keep her eye lids up. “Ah… man. I’m so tired…” Slowly she nodded off, Zexion watching her. As she fell completely asleep, her body started disappearing. Zexion jumped up.
“What’s happening?!” He watched her entire body vanish, a little scared to find out what exactly happened to her. Then it hit him.
“She must be waking up in her real world!” He shouted his discovery to the lonely little island. If he was right, all Zexion had to do was fall asleep and he’d be back in his bed. “It’s worth a shot…” Lying down, just as Kairi did, he closed his eyes, letting sleep take over, unaware that he was disappearing like the girl had…

Zexion opened his eyes, letting them roam all over the familiar sights of his room. He sat up, feeling completely rejuvenated. Weird, he thought, wasn’t I up all night with that girl…Kairi? Unless that was all a dream… Zexion shook his head. That must be it. It was all a dream. He got out of bed, determined to put the dream out of his mind. He rubbed his head, little particles of sand falling from his head. So much for forgetting what happened…
Zexion walked out of his room, not really paying attention where he was going. He walked right into Axel.
“Great… just what I need this morning…” He grumbled under his breath. Axel’s usual chirpiness was too much for Zexion in the morning.
“Hey, Zex! Good Morning!”
“What is it, oh flower of the dawn?”
“Shut up and leave me alone.” Surprised he didn’t yell at him like Zexion normally did, Axel felt the studious member of Organization XIII’s forehead.
“What’s wrong, Zex? Feelin’ alright?” Zexion pushed the red-head’s hand away.
“I will be if you just leave me alone.”
“If it’ll make you normal again, sure. No problem.” Zexion left the slightly-confused Axel standing in the hallway.
Making his way to the kitchen, he couldn’t help thinking about Kairi and what she would do when she got up.


Yawning, Kairi emerged from the mountain of stuffed animals that had covered her. She scratched her head, pulled back her covers, and then stepped off the edge of her bed. She shivered as her feet touched the cold floor. She quickly reached under the bed and grabbed pink slippers. Feeling better, she strode over to her vanity. Sitting down, she brushed out the nights tangles in her hair.
It had seemed she had forgotten the weird events that happened during the night. That is, she did until sand fell from her head. It all came back to her in a flash, causing her to jump from her chair, which toppled to the floor. “Zexion,” she whispered. She ran to her window to see if it was dark enough for the stars to be showing still. However, she had overslept and the sun was high in the sky, close to its zenith. Kairi frowned. How could she possibly get back to that island? Zexion had intrigued her. She wanted to get to know him better. She wanted to explore the interior of the island. She wanted to go back to that world away from her own.
Sighing, she walked downstairs to get a bowl of cereal. The mystery would have to wait until she could think properly. For now, Kairi would feed her complaining stomach, as she had promised last night. She poured herself a bowl of Paupu Loops.
As she started eating, her mother came into the room. Kairi tried to ignore her, but it was impossible.
“Glad to see you’re up. Did you happen to glance at the clock? It seems you’re planning on having another lazy day. What about getting a job, like you promised?”
Swallowing a spoonful of the sweet, crunchy cereal, Kairi answered her mother.
“I’ll get a job… In fact, I’ll go today if it’ll get me out of this house. Is that all right with you, mother?”
Her tone made her mother mad and she left the room in a huff. Kairi groaned. It seemed she was always making her mother mad lately. Even though she had to admit it felt good to rebel, it just got her into more trouble. At the rate she was going, she was going to be grounded until her eighteenth birthday. That seemed forever away to Kairi. No. She would just have to watch what she did around her parents. At least until she could leave.
This all made her think of the island again, which in turn lead her to think of Zexion. Did he want to go back to the island too? Would he want to see Kairi as much as she wanted to see him? Was he thinking of someway to get back to their little “Mystery Island,” as Kairi called it? Unsure of any of the answers, Kairi felt depressed. If only she could find him outside of their dream world. But that was impossible; her parents kept her on a tight leash.
Kairi hit her hand down on the table. “There has got to be a way back to that island!” Her voice was full of determination.


Zexion was as determined as Kairi. This was the biggest mystery in his life. It wasn’t going to solve itself; Zexion was. After all, if this wasn’t solved, he might never get to see that strange girl again. It seemed she had infiltrated his mind and was not going to leave anytime soon. Not that he mind… Which surprised him. He normally didn’t think about anyone except himself. This was completely unlike him.
Axel noticed throughout the day that Zexion ignored his lame jokes, pet names, and all of his other things he used to make Zexion mad. Axel felt defeated. He walked over to Zexion, who was reading.
“Alright. You win. Seriously, are you feeling alright?” Zexion nodded, barely comprehending what Axel said. Axel frowned. “Then what’s wrong with you? I’ve been trying all day to get you all over my case and nothings worked. What’s going on?” Suddenly, he smiled. “I know what it is. There’s a girl, isn’t there?”
This caused Zexion to look up so fast, he almost got whiplash. “What?”
“You heard me. You have a girl in your life, don’t you?”
“What are you talking about? I can see you’re as stupid as ever.”
“Whatever. You just don’t want to answer me. I am sure there’s a girl.” He smiled smugly, and skipped off, singing through the halls of Castle Oblivion, “Zexy’s got a girly, Zexy’s got a girly!” Zexion rolled his eyes as Axel’s voice faded.
Much as he hated to admit it, Axel was right. But he mustn’t know that, or all hell would brake loose. Zexion would have to figure out a way to get Kairi off his mind, which wasn’t going to be easy.

PleasepleasepleasePLEASE comment. i LOVE feedback!

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Jul 16, 2007 @ 09:56am
GAH!!!!! I LOE IT!!!

commentCommented on: Mon Jul 16, 2007 @ 09:59am
hehe. thanks, but what is loe? hehe. i do think its coming along nicely.

Community Member
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