Payton Felicity Sheehan payton SEVENteen :my stall says i'm a: girly-girl :please don't scare me: Xsnakes Xthe dark Xheights :my own poison:
my friends
books :my latest f's:
fakes :put on the mask and act: I can be a little stuck up, but I tend to be friendly with everyone. Until I know you. When I get mad, I get real mad and scary. I'm a loud-mouth and always say whats on my mind. :i just might make the tabloids cause of it: A big "hello" to anyone that is actually taking the time to read about me. It isn't going to be that interesting. My life is just... blah. My parents are divorced and have been for a good thirteen years of my life. I have an older brother who's eighteen named James. He's there for me most of the time. I would consider him my best friend, but he's a sexist pig who believes that girls and guys, especially family members, can't be friends. He's at keggers or parties a lot and has even taken me to a few of them. I can't say that they're that great. It just looks like fun, but when you get there its pretty boring. To me. We live with my dad in his loft. That's the one good thing about him. He's a criminal defense lawyer and makes a lot of money, so I can have just about anything I want. I'm not spoiled, I'm just... okay, I'm spoiled. But that's how I got my cello, so I'm cool with it. Dad is gone most of the time, so James throws parties. I think Dad knows, but he doesn't do anything about it. He's too busy brining home a stripper or off at work, which means that he's at a strip club or "adult" store. He took me to one once. I don't remember much because I was three, but Mom was po'd. That may have been one of the reasons they divorced. My mom lives on the east coast and takes it upon herself to basically disown us. I don't care. We never got along well anyway. And I didn't know her well either. I still don't know her. The last time we saw her was when I was ten for her wedding. I wasn't even the flower girl. That can break a ten-year-old girl's heart in two. I'll never forgive her. Kidding. Like I said, we don't get along. Too many similarities. School is normal, just like the rest of my life. I make good grades and the teachers like me. My friends kid around about it a lot. I have one really close girlfriend and two guys. They're all like brothers to me. Good brothers who actually care about their sister. We're not popular, but we're not exactly outcasts. I like to refer to us as the "norms" for normal. They just look at me weird. But I am weird. I'm a generally nice person, but when those dumb-a** jocks or cheerleaders decide to make some snide comment, I loose it. Thats one reason I can never be popular. Other than the fact that I haven't had a boyfriend since kindergarten and don't take it upon myself to please anyone I see or do drugs. Crack is wack, man. I am chronically single, and James finds that a disgrace to the family because him and dad are always bringing home new girls. What can I say? Like father, like son. He says its cause I think too much. Sorry for getting good grades. I guess it scares guys off. But I don't really want a boyfriend. The whole teenage romance thing is so over exaggerated. I think its stupid, but thats what got me into this situation. I'm just "too judgmental", or so says the always correct older brother. But I don't listen. I'm rather good at tuning people out. :they play me in the movies: bunniluver
bunniluver · Wed Jul 18, 2007 @ 06:18pm · 0 Comments |