Well, we're finally in the month of Insanity. The very month that includes: Me seeing Les Miserables with my friend Loki, Mother's day, My brother's ( Dr. Cantalope) birthday,( on the same day aint that freaky? ninja ) school's end, whee
and finally my birthday. xp
So you see, May is known as the insane month. The most insane month out of the entire month if you ask me, well, other than election time, THAT is the most insane thing at any time of the year. stare Bush scares me.. 3nodding
I cried when I was watching FMA ( full Metal Alchemist) this morning ( i tape it, I am not allowed to stay up past 11:30 on saturday nights )
It was so sad. *sniff* It reminded me of that episode in Yu-Yu Hakusho when the little boy is talking to his mom.
Lb: Mom, * tugs at her sleeve* can I play with that boy tomorrow, if I'm real good? * looks at her innocently awaiting an answer*
Mom: * get down on her knees and places her hands on his shoulders* No honey. * her eyes tearing up* ( just in case you don't know Yusuke died and the boy doesn't understand what death is)
Lb: But why, I know people seemed like they were upset with him * images of poeple at his wake crying miserably appear*
but, he's really very nice, he gave me back my ball. ( yusuke palyed with him before he ran into the road to save him from getting run over) And he made funny faces *laughs*.
M: Oh ..* hugs him and cries*
Last night's FMA was just like that. Only much more sad. I don't think I've cried that much over a show before. Well, I cried real hard when Nina died on FMA, she was so little, her stupid dad turned her into a freaking experiment...*sniffles* .......
Anyways, just in case anyone who hasn't seen the episode is gonna watch it later, I wont say who dies...but he was one of my favorite characters and then he frickin was killed by that f***in' shape-shiftin kumunculi..(sp?)
killed him. >.>..<.<...-_- Dude, I have to say it! scream WHY MR. HUGHES!??? gonk ........HE WAS SO COOL! *sniffs and rests head on the desk* why...it wasn't fair...
Ok, thats enough emotional outburts for one day. stare
H: * stares at his wife as he cries about a dead tv guy* stare
S: * cries* T-THATS NOT FAAAAAAAAAAAAAIR!!! *throws hands up into the air and sobs*
H: sweatdrop ooo....kkk...<.<..>.>....whats so sad..*nervous*
S: * turns her head slowly around to face him, her eyes a bit red from crying* Why, it aint fair Hiei. *sniff* Mr. Hughes's daighter is asking why they're burying him....*sniff* and saying he can't do the work he said he had to do if he was buried when he woke up...* sobs again* this is just as sad if not more than nina's death.
h: eek ...ok..* feels bad watching her sob* ...* walks over to her and hugs her gently* it's ok...
S; *sniff* .thank you Hiei. heart
H: That wont happen to us when we have a kid....* blushies*
S: eek ...* blushes and goes silent for a while amazed and shocked at the same time*
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The Book of Chaos: ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!
I love to write about ANYTHING! RP 's I may have made, things going on that I want to talk about...just a bunch of wonderful randomness! ^^- Oh, and a whole lot of Hiei stuff too! :heart:
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Sakura lady of death
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