"Is she in front of us?" Himeko look counfuse"Yeah but she is guess standing there like she wants us to come. Terry i dont like the way this is looking if anything happens get out of here both of you. I mean if she use those eye's ......both of you will die." Himeko realy was consrend about there saftey because she was crying " I dont want you two to die." Terry said somthing befor himeko could finsh "we wont die." Sandre just shook her head up and down.They came to a open in the frost"Nice to see you agein himeko oh did you get the message that i sent trow anuka?" "what message?" "oh nothing i just said hi thats all now should you come with me and i will let does to live even the one that got you free last time." "No we are here to end this." "like it ends when im dead there are a lot of people coming after you and anuka." "we will stop them all." Terry and sandre grab there kunai and got raedy "no more talking mother time for you to die." Himeko charge at chikane with full force. himeko trow a puch chikane quikly duck and grab her arm and trow her in to the air. then she dispperd and apperd right behind terry. Terry truned around and got puch in the face she flew in to the air and hit a tree side ways. sandre got right behind chikane "self destrution jutsu!" She was about to hit chikane in the stomech but befor she could chikane grab her and trow her back wardes. This all happen lest then a second. himeko manged to land on her feet. "this is not like her she got so strong so fast." than himeko looked in to her eyes and saw what she fear "no way when did she." himeko thought this when chikane apperd right in front of her "why dont you use them and then maybe you stand a chane." then she hit her she flew about 5 feet back. All three stragel to get up. himeko moved up her head band and started to make heand signs. When she finsh a glow from her left eye spred across her face. when the glow dispered himeko eye's were closter and she had the look the one for blood. she had sharper nails and a strang symbole appered over her head. "Terry time for use to get out of here this is no longer a fight we can win only himeko can." "Yeah lets get to a safter spot." Chikane and himeko ran towrs each other the ground that they steped on was ripped up words."im going to kill ." Himeko and chikane both trew puches and both blocked each other punch. Himeko got radey to use her nails to stap chikane. chikane got hit by it but not to sever himeko pulled out her heand and lick her nails "What more must have more." "Hey sandre what the hell happen to himeko?" "this is her from a demon called white demon." The fight countied but a couple of mintes the symbole was strating to move. once agine chikane got hert. "haha time to end this" himeko streted to make heand signs "elemantal blade" Himeko ran towrds chikane but she got clost enought she fell to the ground. "himeko !!" both terry and sandre said an tracker ninja apperd right behind chikane she removed her masked it was Ami "so she did a good job on you chikane." Ami help up chikane "next time i get you all." and both of them disperd . Terry fell to her knees she was shock that ami one of her best frinds would do somthing like that. "terry get it to getter we need to get himeko back to the village." "yeah i ...guess but what the hell is going on her . sandre do you have any clue?" "uh....no i dont come on lets get out of her." A day pass and himeko finely weakes up but she does say anything she just lookes at the roof of a nare by building "come on himeko you need to eat." no answer from himeko. A couple of hours pass "Sandre can you take me to anuka house i need to talke to her."
Sandre help himeko up to her feet "okay lets go" it took us about 4 mintues to get to anuka house. when we got there all the lights were on. Sandre went and nocked at the door. A young man answer it "hello is this anuka house" "yeah its are you looking for anuka?" "yeah but who are you im anuka older bother burade and come in." we walked in side and sated down in the living room. "oh im the mother of Jisushika ,anuka ,and burade. Who are you tow " "im sandre." "and i am himeko were is aunka." "shes in the back " Himeko got up and went to the back of the house "hey long time see anuka " "oh himeko i found out that my mom and older bother and youngest sister were alive." Himeko looked down than looked up "im glad but why didnt you tell me you ran in to chikane." "i didnt wont you to worry." "well me and you are tragets for them and manny more people. thats all i came to say bye." "okay bye be carue full on the way home." sandre help himeko back home "see you towmore " "okay bye be carful " Himeko strade to cry " Anuka you are luckly to have family members. me on the other side i have no one exspet for sandre. this is not fare this is not........fare." Himeko cry her self to sleep that night."hey himeko have you seen anuka? we saw her yesterday but then she didnt come this morning to training." it was naruto. "no i havent i'll try to find her." Himeko thought that was weird she love to tranin. himeko started to feel a great power greater than anything she had ever felt "anuka her demons being released. " Kakashi truned and looked at me "what did you say anuka demons is comeing out." Himeko took of to the fith "huh fith i need to leave the village now somthing not right anuka demons is comeing out." "okay but take..." befor she could finsh her sentence himeko had ran out . befor himeko could leave she saw chikaine and ami she went towards them "well looks like i dont have to go looking for you what have you done with anuka?" "why dont you see for yourself shes right behind us" himeko looked it was anuka but not really it was her demon and it looked bad from the look of things. she had blood on her shirt, her hand and her mouth looks like the demon had a thirst for blood. himeko went right past them to anuka "well if it isnt himeko now why arent you fighting chikaine i mean shes right there." "cuz i need to stop you before you do any damage to anything." "me i just want to get something to drink maybe some....." she came up behind himeko "blood" whispered anuka. "himeko turrned around and hit anuka right in the face "im sorry but im not gonna let you kill anyone" anuka came at her fast then himeko used one of anuka's moves "black dragon's fury" she got anuka but anuka wasnt going down that easily.
"anuka stop this you finaly got your life to getter and now you want to trow it away." "I just want something to drink" "then you leave me no choice" himeko streted to make heand signs "contaimate bairrer jutsu!" "what the?" a oval like thing appered right on top of them. "Now no one can leave . the only way this jutus ends if i die or i diced to let it go." "you b***h now i have to kill you." "I highly dought that." himeko streted to make heand signs when she finsh she moved up here dival eye. Himeko strted to chang and look just like anuka "this ends now."
anuka came at himeko full force and tried to hit her with one of her blades but she blocked it with a kunai then she tried with the other hand blocked again. "this is pointless why dont we just stop and kill a few people i mean were kinda the same." "as fun as that sounds no im not like you i have more control than you." just for a second anuka went back to normal "himeko i cant get back control its too strong" then she went back "anuka dont let it get control fight it your stronger" "anuka isnt here anymore and she'll never be back im gonna destroy this world and no one can stop me." "your wrong im here to stop you" they seperated and anuka made some hand signs "fire ball jutsu" himeko dodged them but then anuka came up behind her and punched her hard. himeko hit the ground hard "now time to die" anuka stabbed her with one of her blades but it was just a clone. "where the hell are you himeko" himeko came up behind her and hit her hard she hit the wall of the barrier "right behind you." "himeko" anuka yelled out "kill me kill me right now" himeko looked at anuka "i cant just fight it anuka your stronger" "no im not just do it KILL ME!!" himeko started to make hand signs she was gonna use anuka's own jutsu against her. anuka/dark wolf demon started to get up "dark wolf demon flames" as himeko did this jutsu she started to cry "good bye anuka" it hit anuka and pinned her against the wall of the barrier.
himeko let down the barrier and went towards anuka she wasnt breathing "come on anuka dont die please come on breath" she tried to feel for a pulse nothing. kakahsi sensi came with anuka's mom and the fifth "come on anuka breath dammit anuka!" "oh how sad your friend is dead oh well to bad" it was chikaine "you b***h look at what you did to my friend i swear if its the last thing i do your going to die the same way anuka died. "well its not going to be today though" then she left. "*gasp* what the huh im alive i should be dead?" "oh god anuka you scared me" himeko hugged anuka "you know i hate hugging ow especially if im burned nice way using my own move against me thanks for helping me." "how did she come back to life?" "she is still conectted with her demon so she still has it but she might have a little bit more control hopefully." they took anuka to the hospital it looked like she was gonna stay there for a while.
"hey himeko what happen to anuka." "my mother got to her and did the same thing she was trying to do when you saved me. Lets go to the fith and see if she got any news on the were abouts of chikane and yuusou. Its time for them to pay back for all the things they done." "okay."
ninja Part seven is finsh i hope u enjoy it ninja
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