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i dont know
“Move in, but be quiet.” ordered the leader of this squad. He was about 6 foot and 7 inches tall with blond hair that looked white. It was short and was a bit past his eyes, but spiked up a bit on top of his head. He wore a black church looking shirt with black pants and shoes. His eyes were blue and had a cold look to them.
“Yes, commander!” Both men answered in a quiet voice. They both had body armor on but one had brown hair and the other had black hair. They both looked a bit alike but weren’t related in any way.
The walked into the school building and the two men looked down the halls, pointing there guns up at any suspecting things, in opposite directions and then signaled for the other man to come in. He walked in and then headed to the north of the building holding his pistol up. He heard something further through the school and hurried down the hall, but in a silent matter, he turned a corner and came to two paths. He walked down the one leading south this time and heard the sound grow louder.
His men followed behind him and soon they approached the wooden doors to a class room where crying was heard. One of his men opened the door as he stormed in with incredible speed, the same with the two other men. The guns pointed at different directions as they soon spotted there targets.
There were three men wearing suits and also had fangs coming out of their mouth. They all looked alike and two of them had blood on their mouths. The third only stood there pointing his gun as the leader, but before he could shot, the leader got him first. The three vampires were killed fast. The leader walked around the room seeing if more were here, but only found children and a teacher instead.
He then heard the door open and before the leader could turn to look he got shot in the arm but not badly. The man in the brown hair shot the suited vampire and then walked over to the door to look at the hall. The leader hurried out of the room with his two men, but before he knew it, six bullets hit him. His men also got shot as all three feel to their knees.
“So, these were the three infiltrators. Let’s dispose of them.” This was a woman with a suit on. Two other women followed behind her and pointed their guns down at the three men.
“Wait!” The leader held his stomach where must of the bullets hit and blood was now coming from. “Can’t you see I’m the one your boss is looking for?” He began to stall them.
“Blond white hair and cold blue eyes. I guess we are lucky today girls.” This woman had blond hair while the other two had black and brown.
The leader was growing very weak and started to sweat.

“Hurry, he needs reinforcements fast! Get moving!” yelled a girl with a red shirt that hugged her and black pants. She also wore a black over coat that also hugged her and was unbuttoned. Her hair was black with red streaks and her eyes were a cold ice blue as well.
“Yes, captain!” yelled twenty other people all wearing uniforms as did the men from before. All twenty soldiers surrounded the side of the school, waiting for the front suited guards to look away.
She then spoke into a headset communicator. “Shoot down all that you can see with your snipers now.” She ordered them and within a few seconds she saw her out come. All the guards holding the entrances had been shot down and dead. Then she signaled her soldiers in the building as she headed inside.
They covered her as she hurried through the halls. Her two pistols were in her hands and she shot down any enemy she saw. She hurried up the north hall and smelled a familiar scent in the air. She rushed to see three vampires in suits heading for the three fallen men. Within three seconds they spun around sensing her, but they were too late as the three bullets hit them in the head.
She walked over fast. “I found them. They’re badly injured. We will need blood over her stat. I can help Drake but not Calhoun and Cynric. I will need a squad over here fast.” Soon enough a squad showed up to help the brown haired Calhoun and the black haired Cynric. She then grabbed Drake and pulled his arm around her neck. “I’ll have to take you up this ramp, so prepare yourself.” Drake nodded his head a bit as sweat still dripped from his face. He was beginning to grow weak.
She got him up the first ramp and set him down on a chair up there. She then pulled out a bag of blood from a bag on her side. “Here drink this.” She said putting it to his mouth.
“That’s yours in case of an emergency.” He said in a painful voice.
“This is an emergency. Just drink it.” She said leaving it in his hand. “You need it more than I. Those nanomachines need it to repair everything in you. You got shot six times. It will need much more blood to repair you, but that will have to do for now.” She looked down the ramp to see if anyone had been coming.
He didn’t argue this time and his teeth pierced the bag and within a few minutes was empty. “Those damn rouges. I will kill that man for this.”
The women looked again down the ramp when she sensed something wrong in the air. Her senses were right as a bullet struck her left shoulder. With out any warning the man in the suit ran up the ramp. She pointed her right gun and shot him in the head as he fell and blood poured a bit out of his hole.
“Are you all right Ember?”
She moved her shoulder and then faced Drake. “I’m not the one you need to worry about. Worry about yourself right now.” Then she talked through the communicator again. “Is everything clear?! Drake still isn’t doing to good and I don’t have any more blood on me.”
A buzz came through and then a voice rang through. “We got this area clean and we’re erasing the minds right now. It seems only one was killed and nobody else is hurt or even bitten, we believe it was only to lure Drake and you out of headquarters. We’ll be up there soon to scan the area in a matter of seconds.”
“All right but be fast.” Ember then looked over at Drake who was still having a hard time staying conscious. She then bit into her left wrist with her own fangs and held it next to his mouth. “Drink. I need you to stay conscious until this place is cleared for sure.”
Drake looked down at her wrist and put his mouth over it and he let the blood flow into his mouth. When he had enough he moved his face away. Right when he did, the soldiers came and were moving up the building. One stopped in front of Ember. “Captain! The area below is secure and there’s a helicopter coming to get Drake and you.”
“Good job. When this is over and you’re at base, come see me.”
“Yes, Captain!” The women left hurrying to the group ahead.
“All right. Let’s head outside.” Ember grabbed his arm again and wrapped it around her neck again and hurried out of the building. In enough time soldiers welcomed her in front and pointed towards a hill.
“Two of the rouges got away.”
Without much effort, Ember grabbed her sniper gun from her back and held it with one arm as she looked though the scope. There, she saw two suited people running with great speed away from the school, but she shut once and then a bullet fell and then she shut again and another bullet fell. “There.”
“Sorry Captain.”
“It’s all right.”
“You are getting better I didn’t even see you change bullets.”
“Yes, I’ve practiced hard.” Then she turned her head to see as the helicopter come down in the street. “You got blood up there.” She spoke through her communicator and waited for the pilot to respond.
“Yeah. We got it before we took off. Sorry it took so long.”
Ember walked over to the helicopter and opened the door getting in and placing Drake on a chair. She then closed the door and spoke again through her communicator to the soldiers down below. “I hope you guys can handle it by yourselves.”
“Of course we can Captain!”
“Be safe!”
“Yes, Captain.”
Ember then relaxed back in her chair for a second and then saw the cooler in front of her. She opened it and took out five bags of blood. She set them by Drake and then placed one in his hand. “Here.”

Drake sat in the helicopter and put a blood package to his mouth and pierced the bag with his fangs. His mouth started to feel cool again the pain in his stomach started to leave. The bag soon was gone and a new one placed it. After he had finished five bags he sat and relaxed and closed his eyes. “Ember. Why did you do that back there?”
“If you mean saving your life because I owed you. If you didn’t help me back then, I would most likely be a rouge.”
He then opened his eyes to look at her. He only thought she was the only other person in the organization who was like him. He knew she was cold and heartless, but certain times you could see her nice and kind side, which he had seen today. He remembered the day when she had seen his nice side, but ever since then neither of them showed their kindness. He knew that he liked people thinking he was a cruel jerk and he believed Ember liked people thinking the same thing.
“Why don’t you sleep. It will be awhile before we reach headquarters.”
“I’ll be fine.” He closed his eyes again and thought to himself as Ember also did.
He started to think about when he had saved her that day but then he just pushed the thought away since it was one of his worse days as the same with Ember. Even though he pushed it away the thought kept coming in his mind. He finally gave up as the thought consumed him. He only let the memory of when he helped Ember though since the rest of the memory was more tragic to him.
Ember had been bitten by his brother that day, his bother did succeed on biting her, but he didn’t have enough time to take her that day. Drake had his men stop his brother for a second and he was able to rescue her. That was a long time ago, about 123 years ago. He kept thinking and not realizing it, he soon fell asleep in his thoughts.
A nudge to his arm woke him up. It only seemed like a few minutes that he had slept. Ember looked at him and grabbed his arm, sensing and knowing he was still weak from the fight earlier.
When the helicopter shut off, Ember had reached the cement on the landing area meeting with two soldiers. The two only wore uniforms, since there was no need for the armor. There uniforms consisted of green colored jacket with a white shirt underneath and black army pants not camouflage looking though. The soldiers both saluted, one a man the other a woman. There was a hospital looking bed with them and he figured it was for him.
Like he thought Ember sat him on it and forced him to lay down on it. “You have no need to argue with me. You will have to go to the medical wing and get checked up. Plus even if you think your fine, your not. One more thing is if they say you are fine then you can check up on Cynric and Calhoun.”
Drake knew she was right so he listened to her not moving to get up and argue like he normally would.

“All right soldiers, you can take him to the medical wing. Make sure that Julie sees him right away.”
“Yes Captain!” said the two of them with a salute before they started to push the cart into the building in front of them.
Ember walked into the building, after she knew the soldiers were far ahead of her. She walked behind them but then turned a corner down the dark hall. She closed her eyes and kept her hands in her pockets thinking to herself. She was a bit shocked at how Drake had listened to her with know argument, he must have been badly injured she thought.
Her thoughts ended when she noticed two male soldiers in front of her wooded door to her room. “What are you soldiers doing here?”
Both hurried and stood straight with a salute. Then one started to explain himself. “Well, Commander Julie wanted us to make sure you’re guarded.” The man who spoke looked like all the other soldiers except with black brownish and the other wore the same uniform but with a dirty blond hair color.
“I will be fine. I’m not your captain, but you should guard Drake for now. I don’t ask you, I order you to do so.”
Both wanted to open their mouths, but Ember gave them a glare not to argue with her. Soon enough, both saluted and left to go do as she had told them.
When she opened the wooden door, by twisting the brass knob and pulling on it, cool air hit her. Ember liked her room cool like this since it wasn’t to hot or to cold. She closed the door to her dark blue covered room.
Ember took off her over coat and threw it on top of her chair by her desk and then took her headset off and set it on the desk. Then she walked to her bathroom, turning two knobs, one for the cold water the other for hot, and then turned the middle knob for a stream of water from the shower head. She waited till it was hot and then began her shower.
* * *
Ember had the same looking clothes on but different colored. Her shirt was now white with green army pants. She also had a towel draped over her head.
She walked over to her chair by her desk, grabbed her black over jacket and put her arm through the sleeves. She then grabbed a pair of black fingerless gloves from her desk drawer and pulled them on.
Ember walked over to her bed now and laid down, closing her eyes with many thoughts circling her head. Within a minute or so, she fell asleep.
“Please be all right.” her voice was quiet as she ran, it was Ember. She ran as fast as she could and stopped when she reached a cabin house. When she went around the house, three dead bodies laid on the ground with blood covering them. “No, it can’t.”
“Oh, but it is.” a man said whispering the words by her ear. His arms made it around her waist and held her there.
“Let me go.” Ember grimaced his arms around her and she was furious with angry. These bodies were once her family, but now are only bloody corpses.
“Do you hate me?” He only frowned at the words hoping she would say no.
“What do you think?” She grinded her teeth trying not to yell and cause an uproar.
“What mean words. It makes me feel so sad.” He then grabbed her right wrist and before she knew it, he had sunk his fangs through the vine hidden there. She was stunned and couldn’t move, making her feel paralyzed. He kept her wrist near his mouth, drinking the crimson blood and sending her a message through her mind. “You will be with me for eternity now.”
Ember gained control of her body, breaking the feeling of being paralyzed. She jerked back, ripping her wrist from his mouth. The pierced holes were now looking as if she had cut her self with a knife. She held onto her wrist while moving away from him and turning to face him. She wondered why the man didn’t stop her. She knew he could have with much ease.
“It is too late now my dear. You are half way now of becoming a vampire, if you stop now you will die. Not only from blood loss, since nobody will know you are here, but I put a curse on your wrist, which won’t kill a vampire, but will kill a human in the must painful way possible and I don’t want to see my dear love get killed.“ He still stood there, but vanished quickly only to appear behind her again.
Her eyes spotted him, but her body didn’t react fast enough to evade him. Suddenly, a wrist was placed in her mouth. She could feel the blood trickle on her tongue and then a pair of fangs protrude out of hiding.
Ember awoke with a sudden gasp or air. Her head was beaded with sweat and her wrist was throbbing with pain. She moved her sleeve up and the removed her glove. There on her wrist, was a bud of a rose and it then started to bloom. This rose wasn’t real but was a tattoo basically. When it then started to stop blooming, she put her glove back on and rolled her sleeve back down.
‘This isn’t a good sign.’ Ember rubbed the sweat from her face while getting up and grabbing a pair of socks and putting them on, following with her shoes. She then grabbed her headset off her desk and opened the door, flinging it so hard it hit the wall with a loud ‘thud’. “Co-Captain of all the sections. Is everything looking all right for right now?”
“Yes, Captain. Everything is perfectly fine for right now.”
“All right then, but make security tighter and make sure Drake is well protected.”
“Yes, Captain.”
Ember froze in her steps as a voice passed through her mind. “How interesting. You made your wall to your mind tighter and stronger. It’s taken me some time to get through.”
‘What are you doing here Roline?’
“I would have thought you had missed me. Do you still hate me?”
‘Like before, what do you think?’
A sigh echoed through her mind and then ended like it began. Movement on a watch tower roof caught her attention, as she looked out the window. Before she could turn, the figure had made his way in the hall stepping towards her. “It’s been long time Ember.”
“I liked it that way.”
“You’re diffidently are much stronger than before. Is it because you want to kill me so bad?”
Ember didn’t say anything as she held her wrist, which was feeling as if on fire.
“Ah, so I see it worked.” He disappeared and reappeared behind her, but Ember turned in enough time to face him, not stopping him though as grabbed her arm and moved her sleeve up and removed her glove. He saw the rose in full bloom and then walked behind her. “How do you like my gift? It was only meant for you and nobody else. I see that you figured out that it blooms when I’m near, but not only that, it does much more than just that.”
“Why are you here?” Ember was becoming frustrated, but kept herself together.
“It’s just to see how things are working and also to come see you. This meeting will have to end now, I will see you again.” Before Ember could react, he moved her hair and sunk his teeth into her neck. He stood there for a few moments taking in her blood and then before Ember knew, she heard a knife unsheathe and stabbing her in the back, but not piercing all the way through. Blood streamed down her back dripping to the floor and also down her neck. He finally moved his head away from her neck and lightly placed her to the ground since she had no strength. He had stolen all of it. He grabbed her headset and placed it on his head. “I believe that someone should come help Ember. She’s badly injured.” He said with a bit of sadness in his voice, but when he said this he heard an alarm go off around the base. “I will come back, don’t forget.” He then tossed the headset on the ground and walked off vanishing as he did so.
She heard soldiers running her way and closed her eyes as she became unconsoius.

Drake looked up, from the bed that he came in with, as Julie came beside him to check up on him. “You seem to be doing well. You will be able to leave within a half hour or less, but you will still need the IV in you for the blood right now.”
“I understand.” Drake was feeling much better than he did when he arrived, thanks to Julie the best vampire doctor in the unit. “Are Calhoun and Cynric doing well?’
“They’re conditions are like yours. They will be able to leave in half an hour or less.”
Julie’s headset buzzed and a voice came through. Drake could hear the voice and what they said. “Prepare a bed Julie. Ember was attacked by him. She’s in bad condition and will need much blood. She’s basically drained of all of hers.”
“All right. I will have it ready before you get here. How is she now?” Julie headed to a bed, pulled out the IV behind the post and then went to the refrigerator pulling out a bag of blood and hooking it up to the IV.
“She’s unconscious and her breathing is slower than normal, but I think she’ll make it through.”
“You better hope, or you will all pay for it.”
In a matter of seconds soldiers rolled a bed in and there lay Ember. Drake could see that she had been bitten on the neck. He knew it must have been Roline.
They picked her up and sat her on the other bed and then Julie put the IV in her arm, making sure it got in her vein. Julie gave the soldiers a sign to leave and then they exited. “Well, a stab in the back and a bite mark on her neck. He did a number on you didn’t he.” Julie pulled the curtain around as she bandaged Ember’s wounds. In a few minutes Julie came back out and walked over to Drake. “She will be fine, just in case you’re worrying about her.”
Drake sighed. “I don’t worry or care about her. To me she is the only the person I saved from my brother. I only did that to tick him off and nothing more than that.”
“Say what you want. You can leave now. You are well enough. A meeting is about to begin for Ember and since she isn’t going to be able to attend it you will have to go in her place. I must stay behind. Take Calhoun and Cynric with you as well.”
Drake got up and didn’t argue with Julie. Both men got off their beds and stood up following behind their leader. All three of them left without any fuss.

“Roline, stop! Your surrounded give that girl up.” Drake yelled as he held his guns up aiming at Roline.
“Giving your older brother orders. Isn’t it the other way around?” Roline laughed as Ember was within his arms. Drake could see that one of Roline’s arms was in Ember’s mouth.
With the distraction Ember broke free from his grasp. Drake took the opportunity and since he was a vampire, his speed was great, making it easy to grab the girl, named Ember, and move away from Roline before Roline could even react.
“Everyone target and destroy him!”
Roline then began to disappear before he was able to finish him off but words filled his head. “I am stronger than you brother, today you can claim victory but I will be back.”
Ember opened her eyes with a gasp escaping her mouth. Her head stayed on her pillow as she looked around the room. ‘The medical room.’ She grasped her hand again. ‘He’s still here.’
“How are you feeling Ember?” Julie had noticed she was awake and was walking out of her office.
Ember looked over at Julie, from her pillow, with a twinge of pain going through her body as she moved. “I’m living unfortunately. How are Calhoun, Cynric and Drake?”
‘They’re living also. I sent them to your meeting in your place since you couldn’t attend.”
“He’s planning something.”
“What, is the main thing though.” Julie said understanding who Ember was speaking of.
“I’m not sure, I just know he is. Attacking all the captains is for a reason, not because he can. Like what happened with Drake at the school. They were looking for him. I’m thinking he’s going to get all the captains and imprison them.”
“To through off the balance and to put this organization into turmoil.” Saying Ember’s next sentence for her.
“Exactly my point. Attacking me here was also to achieve it. Now you must go to the meeting and tell them of what we spoke of. No arguments. I will be fine. If something happens to me at least we could save the other captains.”
Julie stood there thinking to herself until her mind was made up and she agreed. “You’re right. I’ll tell them of this.” Before Julie left, Ember’s blood package was changed and then Julie finally left the room. Leaving out into the white hallway.
Ember laid there, staring up at the white blank ceiling, clenching her fist with every little ounce of pain.
“You told your friend to leave so she wouldn’t get hurt. How sweet of you.”
Ember looked over at the door where Roline now stood at. Then she turned her head again to look back at the ceiling. “What are you still doing here?”
Roline walked over next to her bed and looked down at her ice blue eyes. “I was seeing how my plan was going. It seems things are moving faster than I had thought.”
“I was right.” Ember now looked over at him looking into his eyes now.
“Of course you were. I knew you would be the one to figure out that much.” Roline kept his eyes locked on hers and brushed her cheek. “Because you are more intelligent then most here. I figured you would be the first to figure out my plans, well that I have a plan. After awhile you would have eventually figured my plan out. It’s time.”
Ember kept her eyes still on him, finally figuring that he has changed since back then. His black hair replaced his brown hair and his eyes use to be a kind blue but were now only a pale cold blue. He wore a black shirt with black jeans and he also wore a charcoal over coat that was also not buttoned. “Time for what?”
“You’ll see.” Roline then ripped the IV out of her arm, causing some blood to splatter on the white bed and causing her arm to bleed a bit, and then he touched the rose on her wrist. “Like I said, this curse mark does much more than bloom when I’m near.”
As he touched the mark, every spot of pain disappeared from her body, but with that she found she couldn’t move her body. ‘What’s happening?’
Roline then picked Ember up and helped her stand. He wrapped his left arm around her body to hold her up. Then his lips hovered next to her ear. “Today is the day I will take you.”
Ember tried to move. She struggled to move but nothing would happen. One thing she wasn’t willing to do though is give up. ‘I won’t go. Like I said. I hate you for killing my family.’
His lips still hovered next to her ear as he listened to her thoughts. He smiled as she said she hated him and then smirked at her words as she continued. When her words ended he spoke. “Your family would have survived.” Ember listened carefully, intrigued by his words. “I was going to save them until Drake interfered. Even though I had left, Drake could have saved them. They weren’t dead yet. You saw them. They were still breathing. Drake could have saved them. He could have taken them here. Julie would have been able to save them, but he didn’t. He chose for them to die. He wanted you to hate me, to kill me. He’s only using you. He just wants someone else to help destroy me.”
‘You’re lying.’
“Say that if you’d like. I know my brother just like he knows me.” Roline then bite into his right wrist.
Before Ember knew of it, his wrist was already in her mouth. Still unable to move, she stood there. ‘Why do this? Why are you giving me your blood?’
“Like I told you long ago. I care about you. You need my blood because you need more nanomachines in your body. Yours were basically destroyed because of my test.” Roline stopped to sense around him. “It seems he’s sensed me.”
Roline looked over his shoulder to look at his brother Drake. “How have you been brother?”
“Shut the hell up! I’m not your brother!”
Roline laughed a bit. “No matter how much you wish, I will always be your older brother. You should just give up on believing that I’m not.”
“Let her go Roline!”
‘This her, has a name.’ Ember thought but knew that only Roline was reading her mind.
“You spend 123 years with Ember and you call her by such things. You piece of scum.”
“You love to talk just to hear yourself, don’t you?”
Roline turned finally facing his brother, but he still kept Ember up. His arm was away from her mouth now and wrapped around her to keep her up. “Time is up. I must be leaving now.” Roline started to walk over to his brother “You’re still to weak to fight. Is that why you lay not a hand on me?”
Drake waited until his brother was standing before him. Without warning Drake attacked with a punch only to be dodged by Roline. Roline made sure to move without hurting Ember or making her fall out of his grasp. Drake kept attacking but every attack was easily dodged. Roline caught his hand in mid air and then looked at him in anger. “You say to let go of her like you care, when you don’t care at all.” He then threw him at a wall and walked out of the door into the hall and somehow Ember was able to walk now. “I hope you’re all right.”
‘Why do you stand up for me? Why do you hope I’m all right when all you have done is caused me pain?’ Ember was angry but also sad.
“I’m sorry, but it was the only thing to do to take you from here. I stand up for you because I do care about you. That feeling has never changed since I last saw you 123 years ago, except that it’s stronger than before.”
Ember didn’t care for his words. They were words that had no meaning to them. She still didn’t trust him as they soon vanished from the hall and she now noticed that they were walking through pure darkness.

Drake sat against the wall with his hand placed on his face. ‘How long has he been planning this?’ He never moved from his spot thinking to himself. ‘What has he done to her? What has he said to her?’ Drake finally was furious and punched the wall, forming a hole as his fist went through the first piece of drywall.
Julie ran in and looked around, her doctor’s coat flying in behind her and her black high heel shoes clapping against the tiled floor. “It’s happened. She knew he was coming here, that’s why she told me to leave.”
“Then why did she let him take her?! Is she such an ignorant child, that she plans to turn on this organization?!” Drake yelled at Julie with such an amount of anger as he stood up finally.
Julie walked over to him and grabbed his shirt, making him look at her as she looked at him with an angered face. “You’re an idiot if you believe such an idiotic thing! You know she would rather sacrifice herself then see another person important to her die! The one person who’s always been there for you was her, and this is how you thank her! I knew you were a cold b*****d, but I didn’t know you were worse than your brother. At least he cares about someone.” Julie let him go and walked over to her office, but before she was in Drake said something.
“If he cares about her than why hurt her?”
“You heard him yourself. I know you did because he could be heard throughout headquarters.” She finally opened the glass door and let it shut behind her.
Drake stood there. Nobody had ever dared laid a hand on him ever, nor spoke like that to him in such a tune. He was stunned by what Julie did. He knew Ember would protect her friends or people she was close to, so not to get hurt again. He started to walk out of the room trying to forget everything, but no matter how hard he tried the words his brother let everyone hear, flowed through his mind. “I stand up for you because I care for you. That felling had never changed since I last saw you 123 years ago, except that it’s stronger than before.”
Drake wanted his words to stop circling his head. The sound of Roline’s voice was beginning to frustrate him. Finally his words left only to be replaced by new ones. “You say to let go of her like you care, but you don’t care at all.”
Drake put his hand on his face, seeing if that would stop the words. When the words finally died he realized he was in his dull colored room. He walked over to his bed and laid down to think about everything. ’What are you planning brother? Is Ember part of your plans or am I or is everyone part of it? I should know you brother, but I haven’t been able to since you met Ember. Why Ember?’
He wanted to figure his brother’s plan out and defeat his brother. He then realized that he wasn’t even thinking about Ember. ‘Has my hatred for him consumed me?’ He then started to think about when he saved her. He never did tell her that he knew they were still alive when he saved her. He could hear them still breathing in life. ’One day I will have to tell her. I hope that day will never have to come.”
He then started to fall asleep in thought about this day.

Ember watched as the darkness ended and now finding herself in a dull hallway. A red carpet was laid through the halls and torches were on the walls. She spotted a window finding that she was in a castle. ’Where am I?’
Roline let go of her put still had one arm around her waist while she was by his side, as they continued to walk. “This is my place right now. Eventually I will have to leave and find a new home, but until I must, this is home for now.”
Ember was still disgusted by his touch but she couldn’t do anything, even if she could her body was too weak to fight, for long at least.
“I know you wish to fight that’s why I do this. I don’t want you to get hurt anymore. I know what you’re going to say next and, no I will never hurt you again. The reason why I hurt you earlier is so I could bring you here with me. It was the only way since I knew you would never come here if I asked.” Roline said smiling a bit as he kept her close. Ember knew what he said was true. She wouldn’t have come if he asked. When she noticed his smile, she found that kindness laid within it. With a matter of seconds, Ember could feel strength growing inside her again.
Roline continued to walk but letting her go a bit, with each step he took. Ember found that she could now walk and move freely with no pain. She could feel the walls to her mind rebuild. “You should be fine now. I assume you’re going to leave.” He turned as she stopped in the hall.
Ember looked at him with sharp eyes and the walked to him. “I will hear what you have to say, since you took the time to get me.” Ember kept walking, passing Roline, thinking to only herself. ‘He’s only changed a bit. I should leave, but something tells me to stay, so I will.’
Roline walked fast to catch up with Ember. “You will listen to what I have to say?”
Ember closed her eyes just to rethink everything over. “Yes, that is what I am doing.”
Roline continued to walk as Ember followed by his side. Ember noticed that these halls never seemed to end, until they stopped in front of a wooden oak door. When Roline flung his hand in the air, the door opened fast but gently. The room was big but a small table resided in it. On the table laid two arm blades and two swords. Roline walked over to the table and grabbed the two swords, throwing the other two arm blades at Ember.
Ember looked down at the blades wondering what he was thinking. “What are you thinking?”
Roline smirked a bit as he held his blades in an attacking position. “Let’s fight while I explain. It’s less boring then sitting and chatting.”
Ember gave him a strange look before she placed the arm blades on her arm, holding them with her hand and support from her wrist. She also got into an attacking position. When she was ready, Roline attacked, but Ember guarded his attack easily, since he wasn’t trying his hardest. “Begin explaining.”
Roline jumped back, to prepare another attack. “You shouldn’t hate me so much. Like I said, I could have saved them, but any way, Drake was there, watching as I attacked them, because they were attacking me. Drake watched, not even trying to stop. He only came in after I bit you. After that happened, he refused to save your family when he could have.” Roline had attacked as he spoke and Ember guarded herself.
“No matter how many times you say that to me, I will never believe you.” Ember now pushed on his blades knocking them away from her. “I’m not the person I was long ago. I have changed. Do you still believe that we are meant for one another? The love I had for you then has desecrated.” Ember stood there looking at him as he stood straight to look back at her.
“I believe that it is still there. I believe what you saw that day made you close your heart to me. You know me more than any other. You should know better to think I would let your family die.” He turned away from her and started to walk to the opposite end of the building where another door was. “Ask my brother what really happened that day. Make him tell you the truth. You can tell when he lies. His mind opens up slightly.” Roline then disappeared in the darkness that laid behind the door.
Before Ember knew it, Roline had sent fourth shadows from the floor. When she could see again, she was in her room at headquarters.
Her thoughts still held to what Roline said about Drake. “Ask my brother what really happened that day. Make him tell you the truth. You can tell when he lies. His mind opens slightly.” ‘I will ask him. The problem now is finding Drake.’
Ember stood there now noticing that she was feeling better than she ever felt. Her strength was back and greater than before. Her hearing also seemed to be turned up a notch. She even thought her sight was better and that her speed was above her regular status.
Ember heard a ‘click’ of her door and turned with a great reaction to meet the cold blue eyes of Drake.

“I thought I sensed you.” He sought for blood or wounds on her only to be unsatisfied by none. “I assume you escaped from him.” His eyes now stared into hers chilling her a bit. Drake continued, giving Ember an unemotional face as he continued to stare her down for answers.
“I didn’t need to. He sent me here.” Ember looked at him with her cold ice blue eyes, only staring him back.
“Now why would he do that? I know he wouldn’t let you leave so easily.” Drake couldn’t understand, he believed his brother was planning something and now Ember was helping Roline. “So you are turning on this organization.” Drake said running over to her and placing a hand gun to her head and another to her heart, placing his face in front of hers. He wondered why she didn’t react and move away.
“Do you really believe I would do that?” Her eyes seemed to chill him for first time. Drake kept listening to her. “You have no right of calling me a backstabber when you let my parents die.” Drake didn’t move or react as Ember knocked his hands away to only walk out the door into the hall. “I now know the truth. I guess Roline was right.”
Before Drake was aware of himself, he dropped his hand guns and his body moved with his hand grasping Ember’s hand, stopping her in her tracks. “It was my orders not to interfere. Back then, I wasn’t one of the seven. I was under one who was betraying us.” Drake had never said this to anyone before, not even his closet friends. “I never knew he was an enemy or I would have saved them.” Drake kept his eyes on her. Then he noticed something deep inside him was beginning to finally break free.

Ember could see Drake’s features change, he was becoming a bit kinder. For some strange reason, she could sense his heart finally melt.
Ember watched as he put his hand on his chest. Then he looked up at her. “I’m sorry about then.” Drake then turned, walking away from Ember, Who was now shocked and a bit touched, but not much.
Ember walked down the hall towards the medical room. When she entered, Julie rushed over to give her a sisterly hug. “I’m glad you’re all right. I was worried, but I think Drake was worried more.” Julie let go and smiled at Ember.
Before Ember could stop herself, she smiled back. “Drake worried about me? Yeah, I doubt that.”
“Believe me, he was. He may act all cold hearted, but he does care about everyone here.”
“Maybe. Well I just stopped by to tell you I’m fine. I should be on my way.”
Julie nodded her head. “Same here. I have to finish my paper work for new materials. I’ll see you later then.” Julie again vanished behind her office door.
Ember walked into the hall. ‘Roline never did betray me. Neither did Drake. How very confusing my past sounds.’ Ember continued to walk, thinking if weather or not to find Roline and tell him sorry or go see if Drake is fine. ‘This is difficult.’ Ember really didn’t want to go to either of them. She knew her own heart was still locked up and wasn’t going to open just because of certain things that happened. ‘Which to pick. I may not like doing this, but it must be done.’ She gave a long sigh and continued down the hall.

Drake sat in his room with his hand still placed on his chest. ‘Why is it hurting so much? I never knew that it would cause this sort of pain.’ He clenched at his chest as a sharp pain went through his body. He soon laid down to see if the pain would ease, when it didn’t, he got back up and sat there, leaning on the wall.
The only thought that continued to pop up in his head was how Ember told him he had no reason calling her a backstabber. When she said that, the pain in his chest had appeared. ‘Why is this happening now?’ Then an image of a girl popped into his head and it wasn’t of Ember, but he only moved it away. ‘I know Ember will never like me anyway.’
He sat there holding his head now. He soon realized that the pain in his chest had finally subsided. Even though it had, he was still confused about himself. This feeling growing inside him only happened one other time long ago with another girl. He wished for the feeling to stay locked away and never to show itself, but now of all times it has broke threw because of what Ember had said and of what he did.
‘She’s only a person that I know and nothing else.’ He tried to tell himself this, but no matter what he said he knew that he was beginning to have feelings for Ember. . After all these years of treating her like scum it was really just a way of showing he cared for her. ’Of all times the feeling had to break through now.’
He was all ready sick of this feeling when he knew that she would never like him the same way. He knew now that she knew the truth, she would only go back to Roline. He knew he wished for her to stay and didn’t want her to leave, but it is her own choice.
With all the thinking he was doing, he never noticed the door open and Ember walk in. “Are you feeling all right?”
He looked up when he heard her voice. It shocked him to her hear not sounding cold but nice for a change. He imagined it was because she now could be with Roline again. “Yes, I’m fine. Why are you still here? I would’ve thought you’d have gone to be with Roline.” He knew he was still being cruel and cold to her, but he was frustrated and sad for a change.
She gave him a cruel look and turned around. “I was coming to see you first.” He knew he had made her angry at him, but he believed she deserved it if she was leaving this organization for Roline. “I’ll be back in awhile.”
Drake got to his feet and walked over to her grabbing her hand again, before she even took a step. “I’m coming with you. I’ll make sure you stay in this organization.” His eyes were full of angry and sadness. He knew he couldn’t force her to stay, but tell her why she should.
He watched as she blinked at his words, surprised he ever said something like that. “Fine if you want to come you can and I’m not going to leave this organization. I’ve been here to long to leave without caring about it.”
Drake was shocked by her words. He knew now that he didn’t have to go with her since she was going to stay. “I’ll stay. It’s none of my business to know about Roline and you.”
“That’s got to be hard for you to say. All right. I’ll be back in a few hours. I’ll come see you then.” Drake felt as her hand left his, slipping away as she walked away. He hated how he was becoming soft and always wanting to hold Ember’s hand. He still wished for the feeling to leave but he knew that the feeling would stay there.

‘He’s changed since I left for that moment of time.’ Ember stayed in her thoughts trying to figure out why he has changed. Even though, she liked him being nice, it was a little weird. ‘Is he trying to be nice so I will stay here with him? No.’ She shook her head with a light smile on her face.
Ember stopped. ‘How am I even suppose to find Roline?’ Ember sighed and closed her eyes, to think, as she continued to walk. Ember was shocked when a hand was placed on her shoulder, finding to her surprise that it was Cynric.
“Ember, how are you?” His smile was kind like always.
“I’m fine. You should worry about Drake though. Hasn’t quite been himself. I’m sorry, but I have something I must do.” Ember continued on her way as Cynric said goodbye and went in the opposite direction.
Ember had thought that was Roline, when she discovered that it had been Cynric she was a bit disappointed. ‘When I need to talk to you, you’re never around.’
“Are you talking about me?” Roline stepped forth from the shadows of the hallway, with a smirk on his face.
Ember looked over at him. “Yes, I was.”
Roline walked over to Ember getting ready to embrace her, but was stopped when she shook her head. “What is on your mind?” He stood straight, looking at her with his hands in his pockets.
“How can I trust you? You already attacked that school, and hurt well actually killed two people.” Ember kept her eyes on him, she wanted to make sure she could trust him again. She hoped he wasn’t the one who killed the two people.
“Those men and women in suits weren’t my helpers. The only ones helping me were those three women you killed. An to answer another question for you, I didn’t force them. They choose what they did with their own free will.”
Ember could tell he wasn’t lying. Then she remembered her wrist. ‘Why isn’t burning or hurting?’ Roline moved and hugged her an for a second, it felt nice to be embraced by him again.
“Your wrist doesn’t burn anymore because you don’t hate me, but it still will bloom when I’m near.” He held onto her and looked into her eyes.
Ember pulled away. “What about your plan?” The smile she had was now replaced with an emotionless face.
“My plan was to get you and to get that person who attacked that school. That person was trying to frame me and is most likely still trying. To answer your next question for you again, I wanted Drake because that person seems to follow him or lead him to it. The person seems to have an interest in my brother.”
Ember thought over everything to see if every piece of evidence would fit right. When she found that the pieces aligned, she knew he wasn’t lying. She nodded her head. “I believe you. Do you have any idea who the person is?”
Roline kept his eyes on her. “Not yet. Every time I capture one of it’s me, they die and turn to ash. This person is smart and doesn’t seem ordinary. It must have been one of the five. There have been many cases where someone will leave the five to go out and kill or hide and wait. This could be the case.”
Ember was shocked to her this. “If this person was once of the five, it will be hard to defeat.”
“Yes, I know. Since all that is said and done, I’m leaving. I sense my brother and I really don’t think I should piss him off today. Goodbye.” Roline moved Ember’s chin up and kissed her on the lips. The kiss lasted only a few seconds until Roline walked back into the shadows.
“Roline, I’m sorry I didn’t trust you.” Ember stood there watching him leave with his hand in the air signaling bye.
‘It’s fine, Ember.’ Roline’s voice trailed through her head and for once she smiled a bit.

Drake turned the corner. His mind was filled with so much, he just wanted to find Ember to get her and go to the meeting that was going to occur. ‘Where the hell is she?’
When he spotted her, with her eyes closed and her hands in her pockets. He stopped and waited for her to catch up to him. With his surprise, she had sensed him with ease and opened her eyes. “What is it?”
“The Seven are suppose to meet now.” Drake waited to walk until Ember was next to him.
“All right. We better hurry.” Ember started to walk faster.
“Right.” Drake agreed as he hurried along with her.
In enough time, they both reached the meeting room. Ember opened the door, revealing the blackness of the inside. Lights hung over the circular table before them as five people were seated around that table, looking over at Drake and Ember.
“I apologize for being late. I was just recently told.” Ember said as she walked in and sat down in one of the two empty chairs.
Drake shut the door behind him and sat down in the empty chair by Ember.

Ember got to the point fast, since she hated sitting and waiting for someone to start. “Roline is not the one we need to worry about.”
“Why would that be?” A man in front of her asked.
“Because he wasn’t the one who attacked the school and most likely didn’t cause the other attacks as well.”
“Why do you believe that?” The same man continued.
“The only ones that were helping him were those three girls that I had killed. The men and other women are the ones we need to concern ourselves with.”
“How do you believe so?” The man seemed to be growing interested now.
“Did you capture any even after they died? What about the women who helped Roline?”
“The three women were fine, dead, but easily taken here to be examined, then we turned her them to ash and then were buried. The men on the other hand turned to ash and then disappeared before we could find anything out about them.” This time the one who spoke was a women, who was seated to chairs away from Ember.
“That’s exactly my point. I believe that we should be worried about this other person not Roline.”
“I agree.” The man, from the earlier conversation, finally agreed. Ember was a bit shocked by his words but didn’t show it. “Someone will have to tell the Five of this information. Why not you Ember?”
Ember had already gotten up and was out the door as her answer floated around the room. “No, someone else should. I am not worthy enough to go before them.” Ember walked the hallway closing her eyes and thinking about everything.
Ember headed towards her must favorite place in headquarters, the shooting range. She stood there, in the shooting cell, getting her guns loaded while a soldier prepared dummies for her. When her guns were fully loaded the solider went up to the buttons and pressed one. A target popped up before Ember and she shot the target right on the bull’s-eye about five times. The solider would press another button to have Ember shot and destroy the next target.
Ember did this for about another few minutes and stopped, placing her guns in their holders, on her belt that was around her waist. Ember started for the door back to the hallway when she almost ran into Drake. “What are you doing here?” Ember asked looking at him with ice cold eyes.
“I was trying to find you.” He said in a smart a** kind of tone. “Michelle went in front of the Five and gave them our information. They agreed that Roline is not the one causing the problems. The also told her to assign two people to go meet with a person who said they knew some information about this person causing everything.”
Ember interrupted. “Is the helicopter ready or are we taking a jet this time?”
“The jet.” Drake said starting to walk with Ember to the landing area.
* * *
Ember and Drake walked on the streets of London, trying to find the right alleyway where their source was. Ember walked with her hands in her pockets as she looked in the alleyways for the person.
Drake was walking along side of her and was looking on the other side of the street looking for the person. Drake was beginning to become a bit impatient. Then he started to hear something. He heard the melody of a piano in his mind. “Ember do you hear anything?”
Ember kept looking through the allies. “No. Why do you ask?”
“Nothing. I’ll be right back. I have something I have to do.” Drake started walking in the opposite direction of Ember, noticing the music was beginning to become stronger. Drake knew that someone was trying to get his attention. He wondered who this person might be.

Ember walked the street with a sigh. She was beginning to become annoyed looking for the person who was suppose to help them. She stopped and leaned against a building trying to remember if she might have past the person. When she knew she hadn’t she made another sigh. “How very annoying this is.” She then straightened up and started to walk again. Then she noticed a familiar presence around her, but before she could turned the person had already had embraced her. “What are you doing here Roline?” She said in a more annoyed tone then a happy one.
“This is where I live for right now. I should be asking you that same question.” He said speaking in her ear as he held her.
“I’m on an errand is all.” She said, moving herself away form his embrace. She still wasn’t use to having someone there with her again.
“Maybe I could help you?” He said understanding her feelings as he walked beside her.
“A matter of fact you can’t. It’s private business only four the Seven and Five to know. Talk to me when I‘m finished. I do have something I must talk to you about.”
“I see then. All right, I guess I’ll see you after you’re done. I guess I should go then. I will be waiting for you to finish..” He said turning around, walking away.
When Roline was out of sight, Ember started to look for the person. Finally she found what she believed she was looking for. She walked into an alley where a man was standing. He wore what seemed like homeless clothes. His shirt was white, but if you looked at it you wouldn’t believe it. He wore a brown jacket over it that had a patch on both elbows. His pants were black jeans that had a hole in the knee and were also covered in dirt. He also wore a black winter hat that had messy brown hair underneath. “Hello, are you the one I’m suppose to meet here?”
“I thought there was to be two of you?” The man was a bit nervous and jittery. He seemed to be looking around him very often as well.
“Yes there was but he went off somewhere and I really haven’t seen him since. I’m sorry for this, he shouldn’t have been so idiotic. You can trust me though, I am one of the seven.”
“I’m not sure about this.” He doubted that she was sent there to get his information. “How do I know you’re not one of her spies?”
Ember sighed. “I will show you.” She moved her coat sleeve up and showed the rose mark that Roline had cursed upon her. “I am Ember, the only one out of the seven who has this mark. Nobody would be able to copy it. What do you mean by her?”
The man examined it and believed her this time. “She is the one causing all the trouble. She was once one of the five but left long ago. She believed that she could be powerful on her own and didn’t want something like the organization to hold her back.
She wishes to one day take control of everyone in the world. She also wants to destroy the organization. She is the one wanting vampires to take control and not the mortals. Her name I’m not sure of, but that information should be enough.” The man stayed there. “Be careful.”
Ember turned around, feeling like she had all the information she need, and started to walk away from the ally. When she was out of the ally she spotted Drake coming her way. “I’m sorry about everything, I just heard something.”
“That’s fine. I got what we came here for.” Ember was shocked when a hand was placed on her shoulder. When she saw Drake’s face start to become frustrated, she knew it was Roline.
“Hello little brother. Still hating me I see.” He laughed a bit but more about his brother’s reaction. “I came, so what did you want to say to me?”
Drake turned around not even wanting to see his brother, but he listened to them.
Ember turned around and looked at Roline. “You can’t come to the organization anymore. The organization still doesn’t trust you, so you need to stay away from it all right.”
Roline looked at her in surprise, but then he smiled. “If you want me to then I will.” He then moved some of her hair out of her face and smiled down at her with such a kind smile, but she could see loneliness lying behind it.
Ember looked up at him and then felt bad for the first time in many years. “Though I do want to see you later tonight. I want to talk to you in the forest on the outskirts of the organization, if that’s all right.”
Roline looked at her still, with a small smile still on his face. “Of course it’s all right. I will love to see you then.” He then lowered his head and kissed her on her cheek. “I will see you then. I’ll be waiting.” He then walked away and walked into the shadows, disappearing.
Ember watched his leave and then started to walk with Drake again. Drake was stumped by something and asked Ember. “Why did you lie to Roline? They stopped suspecting him when you told them, that’s why we’re here.”
“I know you hate when he’s around.” Then Ember closed her eyes as she continued her way to the jet.
Drake was shocked by her remark. He would have never thought she would sacrifice something for him. He smiled for the first time in long time.
* * *
Ember walked out into the forest looking around. She kept looking around trying to find Roline. ‘I should have made a fixed location when I told him.’ Ember sighed but then she sensed something behind her. Ember turned around to find Roline walking out of shadows finally arriving.
“I apologize for being late.” He said walking over with a smile. “I had things I had to do before I came here.” He finally was in front of her as he embraced her. “I miss being able to hold you all the time.”
Ember was a bit sad and for once she embraced Roline to. “I miss it sometimes as well.”
Roline placed his head on hers. “You use to always run up and embrace me when I came to your house. Even your family liked us together, at least until they found out I’m a vampire.”
“Please stop. I don’t want to remember that day.” Ember was still sad and only stood there with her eyes half open. “Why does Drake hate you so much?”
“That’s what you wanted to talk about isn’t it?” When Ember nodded her head he smiled. “I killed the woman he loved with his life. I killed her in front of him. I only did it because she was going to destroy the organization. I told Drake, but he didn’t listen. Since I was part of the Seven when I was in the organization, I took the job myself to kill that girl. Since I acted on my own without the Five’s permission, I was a wanted man for them. They believe that I was the one who was going to destroy the organization, so I left them. I didn’t want my brother to be with someone like her.”
Ember closed her eyes. “You were only protecting him.”
“Yes. I will always protect my little brother even if I hate to, it’s natural to protect him. When I left that organization I found you, so I thank my brother very much for that.”
He kissed her lightly on her forehead. “You seem tired, let’s sit down by a tree.” He walked with Ember to a tree and then they both sat down. Ember leaned up against Roline and closed her eyes. “You are tired.” Before he knew it, she had already fallen asleep on his shoulder. He moved his arms and put them around her. Her head rested on his chest ad he smiled as he placed his head on hers. “I will always protect you as well Ember.”
Ember watched as Roline whispered in her ear. “Now I will drink every drop of blood out of your body and kill you to get rid of this pain.”
When Ember woke up in the morning, she was breathing hard and was shaken. Roline woke up after her and looked at her not realizing that she was a bit shaken. “I believe you should get back to the organization.”
“Yes, I bet everybody is wondering where I am.” Ember said getting up with Roline helping her.
“Wait, here’s something I want to give you. It’s something I’ve always treasured and if you love me still, please wear it. I trust you with all my heart.” Roline smiled at her and then walked away from her heading back into the forest, disappearing as he walked.
Ember watched him leave and then left herself. She thought about what Roline said and held the necklace in her hand. It was silver and had a single cross on it. Ember then unattached it and placed it around her neck and then attached it together again. No matter what she said to herself, she would always have feelings for Roline.
She walked into the halls of the organization. She thought about everything and never noticed Drake standing in front of her.

Roline walked into the main room and noticed a women standing in front of him. “What is someone like you doing here?” He said looking at her in disgust.
“You shouldn’t look at me like that. I’m not the one lying to you.” She said stepping out of the shadows.
“I don’t believe you. Why do you show your face now, Victoria? What are you planning to do?” Roline said challenging her.
“I would have thought my plans were obvious. I show my face to you because she is lying to you.” Victoria said walking over to Roline. Her hair was long and black while her eyes were gray with brown tints in them. She wore a red long dress with a black belt like thing around her waist. Her dress had black see through shoulder sleeves while the red sleeves were underneath. Then there were black ribbons that were tied into bows, with the end of the ribbon coming down her side, on her belt as well. “I don’t like to see someone lie to you.” She said walking up and placing her hand on his face.
He slapped her hand, moving it off his face. “Don’t you touch me. I know you hate me for killing your sister.” He said glaring at her and keeping a close eye on her.
“That is all in the past now Roline. Plus I shouldn’t be the one you hate. You should hate that girl of yours. She told you not to come to the organization but she told you a lie to hide the truth.” Victoria walked around Roline as she talked.
“I believe you are the one who is lying to me.” He said watching her pace around him, still keeping an eye on her. “I know she wouldn’t lie to me if not for a good reason anyway.”
“Ah, but you see this isn’t a good reason. She just wished to be alone with your brother.” She said stopping and looking up at him with a smirk on her face. “And if you don’t believe me, why not go check on her?”
“I promised her I wouldn’t, plus I don’t even believe what you have to say.” He said glaring at her.
“Fine then don’t. Let her get away with it. It just shows you she doesn’t like you. Ever since that day you killed her parents she has hated you and that will never change. Her feelings have changed. She can’t help it that she loves your brother and not you.” Victoria started to walk away with a shrug. “Oh well, I feel sorry for you. Goodbye now.” She said walking into the shadows and disappearing.
Roline stood there and thought about everything. He knew he didn’t believe that woman but when he thought about what she said, the more he doubted his own thoughts. He knew he shouldn’t but he walked into the shadows and disappeared arriving at the organization. Before his eyes he saw Ember kissing Drake.
He aw the shock on her face when she saw him. He was built up with anger and sadness as he started to walk away. He heard Ember coming after him yelling at him. “It’s not what you think Roline!”
He started to disappear finally but spoke before he was completely gone. “I should have known you don’t love me, but my brother. I guess she was right.” He then disappeared back into his castle in the hall. He saw Victoria walk towards him and he watched her. “You were right.” He felt hate for his brother more now and even more hate towards Ember.
Victoria walked up to him and stood looking at him. “Since you now see the truth will you help me destroy that organization?”
Roline just stood there still feeling so much hatred towards Ember.
“Let your hate grow for her. Hate what she’s done to you. Kill her with that hatred so you can get rid of that feeling. If you kill her that hatred will die away.” Roline’s eyes started to turn red as he listened to her words. Victoria could tell his hatred was taking control. “You will only have to wait a bit until she come here. I bet she will try to tell you another lie. Don’t believe what she has to say. I don’t want to see you hurt anymore.” She said placing her hand on his cheek again, but this time he didn’t smack it away he only stood there.
“I understand Victoria and I will help you destroy the organization.” Roline said looking at her with blood red eyes now.
“Good. When she comes you take care of her. I will let you cease your hatred.” Victoria moved her hand and then walked past Roline with a smirk on her face.

Ember looked at

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  • User Comments: [2] [add]
    Hawk Peft
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Thu Aug 09, 2007 @ 05:50am
    Well, dang, someone has a lot of free time... I'll prolly compliment it if I get around to reading it.

    commentCommented on: Sat Aug 11, 2007 @ 03:25am
    Yeah. I had a lot of free time when I didn't have the internet.

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