Questions i want answered
1. if one christian is true to god and follows all the commandments they why must he or she still be god fearing?
2.why do christians care that other people dont know jesus? why should thye care if other people go to hell when they die?
3.why does god speak to it/himself in the plural (we) in genesis
4.why is the song of solomon in the bible?
5. how do you reconcile "thou shalt not kill" with "thou shalt not suffer a poisoner to live?
6.where do you get your information on wiccan and paganisim?
7.wiccans worship life and the gods that created that life , then do christians worship death?
8.if the bible is THE word of god why didnt the all powerful god write it himself
9.if women are inferior beings why was jesus born of a women and if men are surperior why cant they get pregnant?
10.what kind of god sens joshua of jericho to destroy an entire race of his children
11.if god is all knowing why did he have to flood the earth to start over , isnt that a mistake?
12.why did god punish billions of women ver 6,000 years for eve's mistake
13.if god didnt create the dinosaurs then who or what did?
14.if god meant for there to be one man and one woman than how did homosexuality come about?
15.if god is so powerful why did he let things be evil? and why not just turn them good again?
16.if jesus was born in the middle east where everyone has tanned skin, why is jesus portrayed as a white man?
17.if jesus was born in the middle east and all his teachings were spread around the middle east does that mean people like the native americans went to hel? because they had no way of knowing jesus of the word of god?
18.why did got let the murderer go to heaven but the innocent harmless victim go to hell
19.why must fundamentalists and other christians make themselves feel special if they are going to heaven anyways isnt that a sin
20.if women are not supposed to speak up in church or minister to congregations then why was jesuses favorite disciple a women
21. why does the bible make mary magdalene out to be a whore
22.if the bible believeing christians are tthe only good people then why was mahatma gandi suan a good man?
23.what is the reason women cannot be ministers god going to punish those preists who continually molested boys? if no then why
25.why do we have to be born again?
26.why cant we have sex before we get married
27.why do christians keep saying the end is near?
28.what is the tree of good and evil and what was it doing in eden in the first place?
29.where did the concept of original sin come from and why is it a good idea? how can an unborn baby be a sinner if they are still born why do they go to hell?
30.if a true christian becomes a homosexual during puberdy and lives a christian life does he/she still go to hell and does homosexualitycompromise ones getting into heaven?
31.why do we need to know jesus to know peace?
32.if global warming is harming the earth and its creatures, which are all gods creatures/creation why aret we doing more to prevent it?
33.if incest is wrong why did adam and eve's children have to have sex to make a 3rd generation? can you accuse a wiccan of being a satinist when they dont believe in satin?
35.what is the difference between lucifer satan and the devil?
36.why is it ok for christians to try to convert people to their religion but its not ok for anyone else to try and convert others to therirs regaurdless if their religion is true or not, wouldent principle say it was ok?
37.doesent racisim go against jesus' teachings when he says "love thy neighbor"?
38.why do wives have to submit to their husbands as stated in Ephesons 5:22, what is the reason
39. if masturbation is wrong and sinfull why did god give it to us? exodus 4:2-8 god turns moses' rod into a snake and back into a rod and he turned his skin sickly when he took it out of his pocket, if anyone else claimed to have done this it would have been called black magic why isnt it with god? you think jesus would weep over the things his so called folowers have doen (ie religious war)
42.why did the missionaries put the four horsemen on people they are trying to convert
43.what good dod the crusades do?
44.christians pray to god for things they want and need, wiccans do the same thing and call it magic, whats the difference?
45.why is rock music concidered evil? a good number of those musicians keep christian values the snake is the devil then why did noah let it on the ark
47.why should pagans be condemned for using herbs and cyrstals for worship and prayer when they are concidered gods creation?
48.f christianity is "loving and understanding" why arent you more loving and understanding?
49.if you pray for my salvation but i never receive it is that gods will the i not be saved?
50. why cant god destroy satan if he is just a fallen angel
51.if women are not to be ministers then they be presidents of the united states seeing as church and state are seperated?
52.why should i convert to christianity when cathlock cant get along, wiccans never have that problem
53.what gave you the impression that aids was punishment for the gays when homosexuality has been around forever and aids only 25+ years
54.what is the difference between a cathloc alter and a pagan one? if pagan alters are negative then woulde christian ones be as well(seeing that they are one and the same)
55.why do childern wear masks on halloween? did easter evolve into chocolate eggs and bunnies?
57.whats the difference in the symbolism between jesus and the green man
58.would you commit an illegal act in the name of gao?
59. why does a loving god let things like the holocaust and mass starvation happen even to people who believe in him i any less human because i am non christian?
61. do you really look for indormation on wicca and other religions in your bible?
62. god says that if a christian drinks poison he would remain unharmed, would you be willing to drink poison to test gods word and your faith?
63.if a women is to be put to death if she gets married as a non virgin then what punishment should the men receive that she had sex wit? you really think trees are "spiritless"
65.Deuteronomy 13:6-10 states that you should "slay him with your own hand' a person who tries to lead you to aother religion, whould you kill then seeing as the bible says so?
66.numbers 31:7-19 states that the isralites were to kill all the men and women of midian but keep the virgins for themselves. isnt that rape? do you think they eserved to be raped?
67.what is the point of making nudity shamefull?
68.why does god say "happy is he that shall seize your children and dash them against" why would you follow a god who says things that sick?
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